标题: CUHK Chak Wong 关于 IELTS的评语 [打印本页] 作者: 一水土 时间: 2012-1-19 08:39 标题: CUHK Chak Wong 关于 IELTS的评语 在QQ群看见CUHK Chak Wong 关于希望学生拿到IELTS 8.0 的评语。 挺有意思 Chak Wong: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1954183/How-to-use-the-IELTS-scores-to-hire-the-right-employees
There is a lot of confusion about the IELTS test. Most people believe that it is an impossible task to get 8.0. Please find the statistics about the IELTS in the above link. In HK, the university grants committee sponsors IELTS for final year students of the eight universities in HK. See p 21 of the presentation. Therefore we have very accurate data about the English standard of HK students. As you can see from p24, about 5% of the final year students of Hong Kong get 8.0 and 1-2% get 8.5 or above. Remember that the sample is all the final year students of HK, which include students from Lingnan and HK Institute of education. Since we have fifty to sixty thousand high school graduates only, it is really not very difficult to find a place in one of the 8 universities in Hong Kong. Therefore, being in the top 5% of the HK graduates does not mean that much. The top 5% of undergraduates means roughly the top 2% of high school students. Compare like to like, this means the top 400,000 among high school students in China (assuming 20 million high school students.) For Singapore, 15% of the graduates get 8.0, and 10% get 8.5, 5% get 9.0. Singapore graduates are your strongest competitors in this region for finance jobs, since a lot of them speak and write fluent mandarin as well. Remember that there are a lot of HK students who study abroad. Considering all these factors, if you are not even in the top 5% among the graduates of all the universities in HK, you can guess what your chance of finding a reasonable job in HK is. You may think that my English is not that good, why do I emphasize so much on achieving a high English standard? Being an immigrant in Hong Kong, I grew up in an extremely poor neighborhood. Our parents speak a dialect other than Cantonese. The first time I stepped on a plane was when I was 23 years old. As a result, I did not have the chance to learn English properly. My career and academic achievement suffered as a result. I am probably one of the best in terms of analytical skills and quantitative skills, even in the highly competitive environment of investment banks. But my career development was not progressing as fast as it could have been. My boss told me once, " Do not waste time on improving your quantitative skills anymore. The marginal value of that is zero. Your lack of communication skills is limiting your career development." He was perfectly right. Now I suffer due to the lack of language skills in Mandarin. I simply do not want you to repeat the same mistakes I have made. I did not pay enough attention to the development of language skills when I was young. I used to think that software engineering, mathematical and analytical skills are all that are important. After working for a dozen years in various jobs, I realized that even as trader and a quant, these skills are important, but far from sufficient for a good career development. If there is one thing I regret, it will be not learning how to write and speak properly in English and Mandarin. You do not have to make the same mistakes I made. We all have our comfort zone. Science students like to spend their spare time thinking of puzzles. Arts students like to read novels. Break this cycle of habits. Overcome what is limiting your career progression. At my age, I am still trying, even though it is hard. You can do better. Yes, I did not have good language skills and still managed to find a reasonable job and have a reasonable career. However, trust me, developing good language skills is far easier than getting the Rhodes Scholarship, finishing twice the number of required courses in CUHK, and obtaining a PhD.
There is a lot of confusion about the IELTS test. Most people believe that it is an impossible task to get 8.0.  lease find statistics about the IELTS in the above link. In HK, the university grants committee sponsors IELTS for final year students of the eight universities in HK. See p 21 of the presentation. Therefore we have very accurate data about the English standard of HK students. As you can see from p24, about 5% of the final year students of Hong Kong get 8.0 and 1-2% get 8.5 or above. Remember that the sample is all the final year students of HK, which include students from Lingnan and HK Institute of education. Since we have fifty to sixty thousand high school graduates only, it is really not very difficult to find a place in one of the 8 universities in Hong Kong. Therefore, being in the top 5% of the HK graduates does not mean that much. The top 5% of undergraduates means roughly the top 2% of high school students. Compare like to like, this means the top 400,000 among high school students in China (assuming 20 million high school students.) For Singapore, 15% of the graduates get 8.0, and 10% get 8.5, 5% get 9.0. Singapore graduates are your strongest competitors in this region for finance jobs, since a lot of them speak and write fluent mandarin as well. Remember that there are a lot of HK students who study abroad. Considering all these factors, if you are not even in the top 5% among the graduates of all the universities in HK, you can guess what your chance of finding a reasonable job in HK is. You may think that my English is not that good, why do I emphasize so much on achieving a high English standard? Being an immigrant in Hong Kong, I grew up in an extremely poor neighborhood. Our parents speak a dialect other than Cantonese. The first time I stepped on a plane was when I was 23 years old. As a result, I did not have the chance to learn English properly. My career and academic achievement suffered as a result. I am probably one of the best in terms of analytical skills and quantitative skills, even in the highly competitive environment of investment banks. But my career development was not progressing as fast as it could have been. My boss told me once, " Do not waste time on improving your quantitative skills anymore. The marginal value of that is zero. Your lack of communication skills is limiting your career development." He was perfectly right. Now I suffer due to the lack of language skills in Mandarin. I simply do not want you to repeat the same mistakes I have made. I did not pay enough attention to the development of language skills when I was young. I used to think that software engineering, mathematical and analytical skills are all that are important. After working for a dozen years in various jobs, I realized that even as trader and a quant, these skills are important, but far from sufficient for a good career development. If there is one thing I regret, it will be not learning how to write and speak properly in English and Mandarin. You do not have to make the same mistakes I made. We all have our comfort zone. Science students like to spend their spare time thinking of puzzles. Arts students like to read novels. Break this cycle of habits. Overcome what is limiting your career progression. At my age, I am still trying, even though it is hard. You can do better. Yes, I did not have good language skills and still managed to find a reasonable job and have a reasonable career. However, trust me, developing good language skills is far easier than getting the Rhodes Scholarship, finishing twice the number of required courses in CUHK, and obtaining a PhD.作者: sjysjysjy 时间: 2012-1-19 09:45
今天chak wong 发邮件也给我看了这个,还问了问我的意见。。。我觉得确实有点高哈。。。不过说句实话,想在金融行业里面混,8.0也算是基本要求了吧作者: janetking 时间: 2012-1-19 17:38
请问 群号是多少作者: sureho198362 时间: 2012-1-20 20:10
请问 群号是多少
-- by 会员 janetking (2012/1/19 17:38:30)
应该是他们CUHK新生群啦。突然觉得chak还挺有意思的,微博、linkin、还用QQ的说,我还以为香港人是基本不用QQ的。不过也不必神话chak。作者: GMU 时间: 2012-1-28 02:28
我也一直觉得英语超重要,肚里有货却表达不出来是最恶心的事。从平均来讲中国学生的英语算是很差的了,特别是口语方面作者: CD用户492030 时间: 2013-1-6 17:21
没这么绝对吧?大把人英语说不好一样在金融界做,你去业界就发现communication skills ≠ language skills, especially for your bosses.