标题: 暂时停止更新~suri的gmat之旅,加油加油~~~~ [打印本页]
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-15 09:53
标题: 暂时停止更新~suri的gmat之旅,加油加油~~~~
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-16 14:41
2.15 背了5个lists的单词
看自己先前整理的manhattan sc
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 07:51
作者: joelee1991 时间: 2012-1-18 10:07
作者: elwinchase 时间: 2012-1-18 10:54
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 16:23
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 16:24
-- by 会员 joelee1991 (2012/1/18 10:07:33)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 16:24
-- by 会员 elwinchase (2012/1/18 10:54:14)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 20:05
1.26至2.02第二周——语法提升 + 逻辑突破
时间允许我的bible看完,不过bible确实看的很头疼,那个扫描版的看的很燥,inner peace!!
2.03至2.008第三周——语法巩固 + 逻辑巩固 + 阅读开始
2.09至2.16第四周——阅读+ 数学突破+作文
要以为LZ是靠考前两天背一点好一点的模板得出的分数哦,我几乎没有用模板,而是用心~~我从考前20天开始写作文,坚持每天一篇AA,一篇AI,总共写了40篇作文,所以考试的时候写作文行云流水,AA写完还剩8分钟,AI写完还剩5分钟。。谁说作文可以不练~~~~~NO WAY。一定要多写,万一考个750+3,岂不是很郁闷,重考吗?还有一点,考前请把题库300多道题中不懂的单词全部学会,万一考到了呢?”所以作文也不能小看啊
2.17至2.23第五周周——每天一套模考练pace + 作文突破 + 数学JJ
2.24至2.28第七周——继续完整模考(带作文)+ JJ
参照了几个大牛的,虽然说计划赶不上变化,但做完这个心里还是有点踏实,未来的四十天更得努力,今天的效率还ok了,其实放假在家挺好的,在学校一听老师点名脸都绿了,还要交作业,像我这样的大懒人,又懒得出去吃饭,窝在宿舍饿死了。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……早上得早起,今天感谢老爹把我从被窝里拉出来鸟~~
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-18 21:11
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 21:51
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/18 21:11:05)
作者: icever 时间: 2012-1-18 22:16
作者: icever 时间: 2012-1-18 22:17
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 22:29
-- by 会员 icever (2012/1/18 22:16:12)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-18 22:30
-- by 会员 icever (2012/1/18 22:17:15)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-19 10:44
作者: 我是新生 时间: 2012-1-19 12:11
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-19 19:24
-- by 会员 我是新生 (2012/1/19 12:11:38)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-19 23:52
我觉得效率要提高,明天只到晚上九点半开QQ汇报完毕就下,微博少点开,专心致知是关键,rush rush!!喝了几杯浓茶,现在也睡不着,看manhattan
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-20 13:52
Chapters 5  ronoun
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun
注意 The first question you must ask yourself is this -----what is the antecedent of this pronoun?
Once you have found the antecedent,you must make sure that it makes sense,that it is the only possible antecedent and that it agrees in number with the pronoun
2.the antecedent must Exit
the first task is to find the antecedent in the sentence
watch out for nouns used as adj.They cannot be the antecedents of pronouns.The antecedents to which you want to refer must actually exist in the sentence and be functioning as a noun
Wrong:The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires,which would be devastating to it
Park is acting as an adjective in the phrase park rangers
one way to fix this sentence is to eliminate the pronoun,replacing it with the noun you want to refer
Right:The rangers discussed measures to prevent wildfires,which would be devastaing to the park
3.The antecedent and pronoun must make sense together
4.the antecedent must be unambiguous每个代词只能有一个指代对象
5.The antecedent must agree in Number
(1) 代词在主语位置上,通常被认为指代与其平行的句子主语 a pronoun in subject position in one clasuse may ofen be presumed to refer to the subject of a parallerl clause
(2)在所有格结构中的名词一般不作为指代对象 nouns in the possessive case are ofen poor antecedents
The possesssive posion rules states that possessive nouns can serve as antecedents only to possessive pronouns not to subject or object
However,you should avoid the possibility of ambiguity by taking the possesing noun out of the possessive case
7.五个常错的代词it ,its they them,their
8.指示代词this ,that ,these ,those
(1)that 和those 指的是和前文出现的某个事物一样的另一个事物,it和them 是指的就是前文出现的事物
(2)that or those indicating a new copy or copies must be modified.In other words ,you have to add a description to indicate how the new copy is different from the previous version
(3)that 和those的指代必须和指代对象单复数一致,如果不一致,必须重复指代对象而不能使用that和those
(4)don not use this or thses in place of nouns.Alse,don't use that or those in place of nouns.Use it ,they,or them instead
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-21 04:31
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-21 20:17
计划很详细啊~~大二的孩子真厉害!-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/21 4:31:17)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-21 20:19
今天白天去姐姐家,到现在才坐在电脑前,先去把og sc部分结束,manhattan一章
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-22 01:59
Chapter 6 Modifiers
1.Modifiers-----a modifier describles or modifiers someone or something in the sentence
Be on the lookout for opening modifiers,which appear at the beginning of a sentence
Many modifying phrases in GMAT sentences are seperated by commas from the noun being modified
2.Adjectives and Adverbs----one word modifiers
(2)Note that adjectives,not adverbs,follow lingking verbs .These adjectives do not modify the verb but rather identify a quality with the noun subject
adj+adj+n 两个形容词均修饰名词 James is Max's supposed Irish ancestor
adv+adj+n 副词修饰形容词,形容词修饰名词 Max's grandmother is his supposedly Itish ancestor
3.Noun Modifiers-----phrases or clauses that modify nouns or pronouns
noun modifiers act like long adjectives
(1) Type/first words
past participle
present participle
Relative pronoun
Another pronoun
(2)同位语 a noun used to modify another noun is called an appositive
a.名词性同位语 名词解释名词
n,a/an+n(可以跟修饰语) 或者 a/an+n(可以跟修饰语) ,n
抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle)+that 从句,that从句对抽象名词进行具体化解释,that从句是同位语部分
(3)position of noun modifiers
A noun and its modifiers should touch each other
If the modifier is next to a different noun, we have a Misplaced Modifier
If the noun we want to modify is not even in the sentence,we have a dangling modifier
when we begin a sentence with a modifying word ,phrase or clause,we must make sure the next thing that comes along can,in fact,be modified by that modifier. when a modifier improperly modifies something,it is called a dangling modifier. this often happens with beginning participal phrase ,making dangling participles are all too common phenomenon.
(4)avoid long sequnences of modifiers that modify the same noun.Putting two long modifiers in a row before or after a noun can lead to awkward or incorrect phrasings
最常见的模式 修饰语,修饰语,主谓宾 (比错)
一种常见容易弄错的情形是 修饰语,主语+定语从句,谓宾 (这种是对的)
而另一种 修饰语,定语从句,主语,修饰语,谓语宾语 这种也对但少见
(5)watch out for possessive
modifiers can't nomarlly modify a noun in the possessive case
Noun modifiers are ofen introduced by Relative pronouns such as the following
which that who whose whom where when
who和whom 修饰人,who修饰主语,whom修饰宾语,which修饰物
According to the gmat,clauses led by the pronoun that can't modify people
the pronoun whose can modify either people or things
which/whom sometimes follow prespostion
that 和whom can be dropped when the modified noun is the object of the modifying clause
the ponoun where can be used to modify a noun place,such as area ,site ,country.Where can't modify a metaphonicalplace,such as situation,case,agreement
(8)essentical/restrictive VS non-essential/unrestrictive modifiers
4.Verb modifiers-----these modifiers answer questions about hte verb such as "how","when","where","why"
5.which Vs the present participle ing
1.use which only to refer to the noun immediately preceding it----never to refer to an entire clause
(4)ing分词的完成时态不能充当名词的定语,必须转化为定语从句n.+ having doneX?n. that…
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-22 02:00
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-22 16:28
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-22 20:05
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/22 16:28:29)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-23 13:46
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-24 12:28
进度有点慢了,rush rush!!
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-24 16:08
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-24 22:12
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-24 22:12
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-25 19:11
Chapter 7
1.In addition to subject-verb agreement,we must consider three other features of verbs that are tested on the GMAT:tense,mood and voice.
verb tense indicates when the action of the verb takes place
verb mood indicates what the writer believes about ,or wants to do with the action
verb voice indicates who or what is doing the action
2. verb tense
(1) simple tense
The simple present tense is ofen used to express eternal states or frequent events
The simple past tense 的时间标志有:originally,from 1978 to 1985 ,previously 等
In general the GMAT prefers the simple tense unless the sentence clearly requires one of the more complex tense discussed below
(2)progressive tense
The progressive tense is to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action.We can use the progressive tense,which use the verb to be and the present participle
The present progressive indicates action happening right now ,whether the sentense contains words such as right now or not.
Do not use the progressive for general definations .Instead ,use the simple present
In gmat sentences,do not use the present progressive to indicate future actions.This usge is considered too colloquial.Instead ,use simple future
Verbs that express general states do not normally take progressive forms.Such state verbs include know or signify
(3)keep verb tense consistent
In any given sentences you should try to keep all verb tense consistent,unless the meaning clearly dictates otherwise
In a more subtle example you can use the past progressive to describle a background event,while you use simple past to describle a more important event in the foreground 可以用过去进行时表示事件发生的背景再用一般过去时表示一个更重要的事情
Right :She was playing with her friends when the babysister arrived
She played with her friends when the babysister arrived
In this case the action played took place after the babysister arrived .both actions are in the simple past and express equal levels of importance.
(4) present perfect:still in effect
We use the present perfect tense for actions that started in the past but continue into the present or remain true in the presnt or sometimes the present perfect tense means that the action is definitely over but its effect is relevant to the present moment.
present perfect =have/has +past participle
1)to summarise,the present perfect indicates either continued action or continued effect of a completed ation
2)likewise ,present perfect should be used with within phrase ,such as within the pasr five minutes or within the last ten days,to continued action or continued effect
3) you want to talk about a specific.completed time period,use the simple past,not the present perfect
4)finally ,the idea of completed action can be used simply to placepresent perfect action earlier than another action in Ving forms,infinitives or subordinate clause
Right:She will play you when you aks her.
the time of will play=the time of will ask,note that the future will is dropped in subordinate clauses
Right:she will play you when you have taken out the gatbge
the time of will play is later than the future time of have taken
since,within/during/over/in +the past/last/recent+时间短语
during/in/over the last year可以用现在完成时也可以用现在时,取决于当时发生的事情是否延续到现在是否还有影响
(4)past perfect:the earlier action
If two actions in a sentence occurred at different times in the past,we ofen use the past perfect tense for the earlier action and simple past for the later action
prep 08:过去完成时表达的是过去的过去,所以需要与一个过去的失态对比,也即如果句子里面没有特别明显表达过去的过去或者没有某个动词是过去时,那么必不会出现过去完成时
Don't use past perfect simply for long ago without a later past moment
past perfect=had+past participle
1)a sequence of verbs with the same subject doesn't require past perfect
2)当先后关系很清楚时,不用过去完成时,如before 和after连接的从句,主句不使用完成时态
3)and或but 连接的句子,因为并列两个动作,并没有强调哪一个
You should use past perfect only to clarify or emphasize a sequence of the past events and the earlier event should somehow have a bearing on the context of the later event.
(5) perfect tensenly when necessary
Don't use the perfect tense when the simple tense will do.
(6)Tense sequence
With a past tense reporting verb,more present to past ,past to past perfect,and future to conditional
The usual sequence are either present+future or past+conditional
3.The subjunctive Mood
Verb mood expresses what the writer believes about,or wants to do with,the action expressed by the verb
In English,most sentences express facts with the Indicative Mood or commands with the Imperative Mood.You can expect to see the subjunctive mood in two special situations
1)unlikely or unreal conditions (ususlly after if or a similar word)
2)proposals,desires,and requests formed with certain verbs and the word that
(1)the hypothetical subjunctive
we use the hypothetical subjunctive form in a few circumstances to indicate unlikely or unreal conditions.Principally,this form occurs afer if ,or as though
If ···then constructions
if then 的结构并不仅仅适用于假设性虚拟语气,也同样适合于其他的时态语态
if present ,then present=whenever
if present,then can or may
if present/present perfect,then future
if hypothetical subjunctive ,then conditional
if past perfect,then conditional perfect
the helping verbs would and should should never in the if part of the sentence
(2)the command subjunctive
bossy verb+that +subject +command subjunctive
common verbs that take only the command subjunctive: demand,dictate,mandate,propose,recommond,request,stipulate,suggest
verbs that take only the infinitive: advise,allow.forbid,persuade,want
verbs that take either the command subjunctive or the infinitive:ask,beg order,prefer,urge,require
the command subjunctive is possible with It is X,in which X is an adjective ,such as essential,that conveys urgency.It is not commonly tested on the Gmat
Avoid the use of the command subjunctive after whether
3.Active VS Passive voice
(1)Don't use other verbs besides be,such as get to form the passive
(2)Use By only for the actual doser of the action
Use through or because of when you want to describe any instrument or means
作者: carolyntse 时间: 2012-1-25 20:38
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-25 20:40
-- by 会员 carolyntse (2012/1/25 20:38:00)
作者: xeyyxzty 时间: 2012-1-25 20:41
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-25 20:42
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2012/1/25 20:41:29)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-25 22:08
Chapter 8 Comparisons
Comparisons are a form of parallelism that deserves special attention .As the name indicates,comparisons compare two parts of the sentence.
最重要的标志词语有 like,unlike,as ,then VS AS
(1)like is a preposition.This means that like must be followed by pronouns ,nouns or noun phrase.Never put a clause or a prepositional phrase after like
(2)Note that like can be followed by gerunds动名词(Ving forms useed as nouns)
As can be either a preposition (appearing with a noun) or a conjunction(appearing with a clause)
3.Keeping comparisons parallel
(1)comparisons must be logically parallel
(2)conparisons must be structurally parrallel
4.Omitted Words
As we have already seen,you can ofen omit words in the second part of a comparison.
Prossessive nouns provide one opportunity
My car is bigger than the Smith's(car)
I walk faster than Brian(walks)
I walk as fast now as( I walked)when I was younger
In general,you should put in the omittedwords or appropriate Helping Verbs(such as be ,do and have)only if you need to remove ambiguty
eg:Vishal eats more carrots than dounts
1.as或than引导比较从句中的省略原则----form 白勇语法
1)对主谓宾全的句型主语比较:A do sth than B do.(AB为对等名词,加do是为了显示这是一个可以发出动作的名词,因而确定是主语,进而确定是主语对比)。时态要据后定。There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型。
I eat faster than you.注意与下句区别 I eat apple faster than you do 如果写成 I eat apple faster than you 按GMAC的理解,从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快,成了宾语比较。逻辑上显然不通。
The economy of Florida is more diversified than it was ten years ago
主语比较: A do sth than B do.(AB为对等名词,加do是为了显示这是一个可以发出动作的名词,因而确定是主语,进而确定是主语对比)
介宾比较 A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2对等名词)
宾语比较 A do C1 than C2.(C1C2为对等名词)
状语比较A do sth than usual/everbefore/people expected(直接加状语)
I eat faster than you.注意与下句区别
I eat apple faster than you do
如果写成 I eat apple faster than you 按ETS的理解,从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快,成了宾语比较。逻辑上显然不通。
几个星期前在语法版发了几个关于比较结构的问题,up了几次都没有人回。这几天总结了一些notes, 决定贴出来,大家一起切磋。若有错误,还望指正!
第一种比较: 同一主语之间(自己与自己)比较
OG 198
198. Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia
with far more supplies than they had in their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.
(A) they had in their previous campaigns
(B) their previous campaigns had had
(C) they had for any previous campaign
(D) in their previous campaigns (E)
(E) for any previous campaign
同一army 的两件事情比较,than以后的部分可以省略主语及谓语
AC的谓语动词had补错, 应该是had had.
92. Never before had taxpayers confronted so many changes at once as they had in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
(A) so many changes at once as they had in
(B) at once as many changes as
(C) at once as many changes that there were with
(D) as many changes at once as they confronted in(D)
(E) so many changes at once that confronted them in
同样一群taxpayers前后发生的事情比较,却在than后补出了主语及谓语. D的confronted补的完全正确, A中的had就是错的。另外,D中代词用了they, 而不是that/those, 因为是自己与自己比。that/those指代同类事物,而不是同一样事物。
结论:同一主语之间(自己与自己)比较,可以省略主语(因为是自己比自己)及谓语,并且只有当主句也用助动词,且比较从句的助动词与主句一致时,才可省略动词只保留助动词. 这里特别要考虑时态问题,如过去完成时与过去时比较,若补出谓语动词,助动词或动词的选择要根据时态来定。若是不省略主语,代词一般用they/it.
以下的两个句子than后面虽然都补了had, 但意思完全不一样。
X had had....than X had... 后面一个had是过去完成时,而非过去时。
Xhad...than X had... 后面一个had是过去时, 而非过去完成时。
Innits of the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.
(A) in isolation from contact with Eurpoeans longer than
(B) isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than
(C)in isolation from contact with Eurpoeans longer than were
(D) isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than were (D)
(E) in isolation and without contact with Eurpoeans longer than
isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than from。。。补出from
isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than were。。。补出were
两种补出方式(prep. or 动词)产生的意思完全不一样,所以要补出were消除歧义。
结论:不同主语之间的比较可以省略谓语动词,但前提是没有歧义。我看到网上有些说法,认为实意动词不能省略,但系表结构就可以。这种说法很片面,所以我特地举了一个系表结构而不省略的例子。引用一位前辈的话:“。。。ETS如此的reluctant to purport 什么硬性的公理。如何将一个句子表达得准确,简洁,不产生歧义是ETS对句子改错的最高要求。有一些通常的做法,但是决不能生搬硬套。”
同样一群taxpayers前后发生的事情比较,却在than后补出了主语及谓语. D的confronted补的完全正确, A中的had就是错的。另外,D中代词用了they, 而不是that/those, 因为是自己与自己比。that/those指代同类事物,而不是同一样事物。
结论:同一主语之间(自己与自己)比较,可以省略主语(因为是自己比自己)及谓语,并且只有当主句也用助动词,且比较从句的助动词与主句一致时,才可省略动词只保留助动词. 这里特别要考虑时态问题,如过去完成时与过去时比较,若补出谓语动词,助动词或动词的选择要根据时态来定。若是不省略主语,代词一般用they/it.
以下的两个句子than后面虽然都补了had, 但意思完全不一样。
X had had....than X had... 后面一个had是过去完成时,而非过去时。
Xhad...than X had... 后面一个had是过去时, 而非过去完成时。
Innits of the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.
(A) in isolation from contact with Eurpoeans longer than
(B) isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than
(C)in isolation from contact with Eurpoeans longer than were
(D) isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than were (D)
(E) in isolation and without contact with Eurpoeans longer than
isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than from。。。补出from
isolated from contact with Eurpoeans longer than were。。。补出were
两种补出方式(prep. or 动词)产生的意思完全不一样,所以要补出were消除歧义。
结论:不同主语之间的比较可以省略谓语动词,但前提是没有歧义。我看到网上有些说法,认为实意动词不能省略,但系表结构就可以。这种说法很片面,所以我特地举了一个系表结构而不省略的例子。引用一位前辈的话:“。。。ETS如此的reluctant to purport 什么硬性的公理。如何将一个句子表达得准确,简洁,不产生歧义是ETS对句子改错的最高要求。有一些通常的做法,但是决不能生搬硬套。”
OG 118
The question of whether to divest themselves of stock in companies that do business in South Africa is particularly troublesome for the nation's 116 private Black colleges because their economic bases are often more fragile than most predominantly White colleges.
(A) than
(B) than those of
(C) than is so of
(D) compared to (B)
(E) compared to those of
B中的those指代bases. than后谓语动词are省略,因为没有歧义。
结论:在不同宾语之间比较,一般都会用到代词,且代词极少(我不敢制定公理,所以不说“绝对”)出现they/it, 因为虽然是同类,但不是同一样东西(X的a与Y的b)。谓语动词的省略根据是否产生歧义而定。
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 12:24
chapter 10
1.odds and end
on a general level,remember G M C:grammer ,meaning and concision
on a specific level,make sure to check each sentence
(1)subject-verb agreement (2)Parallelism (3)Pronouns (4)modifiers(5)Verb tense ,mood and voice(6)comparations(7)idioms
consider the following odds and ends ------additional grammer topics that may help you identify the correct sentence
(1) connecting words
(2)connecting punctuation
(3)quantity sentence一个正确的句子应该至少有一个主语(a main clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a complete sentence.It contains both a subject and a verb,and it does not begin with a suborfinating conjunction such as because or if)
逗号是不能单独去连接两个句子的,否则就会变成run-on sentence,只要加上连词就可以解决问题
(1)a list(apples,grapes and pears)
the gmac will ocassionally create a mixed-up sentence by lingking a main clause to a fragment with "and"after a comma
wrong: The term "Eureka "meaning "I have found it"in ancient Greek and famously uterred by Archimedes,and since then,scientists have exclamed the same word upon making important discoveries.
Right:The term "Eureka "meaning "I have found it"in ancient Greek ,was famously uterred by Archimedes,and since then,scientists have exclamed the same word upon making important discoveries
4.subdinators are another kinfd of connecting word.主从连词,连接主句和从句,run-on sentences也可以用主从连词解决,主从连词把一个句子变成从句来显示主句和从句的关系,保证句子和谐
5一个句子只有一个连词,在连接两个句子时需要注意句子 的逻辑意思要合理清楚
since so 不能同时连用,although,yet不能同时用
6 coordinating conjunctions 并列连词 and nor but or yet so far but不能连接三个并列成分,只能连接两个
subordinators 从属连词 although becasuse before after since when if unless that though while
wrong: Jack walked to school,and later ate his lunch.
Ringt: Jackl walked to school and later ate his lunch.
Right: Jack walked to school, and he later ate his lunch
9.分号连接两个想关的完整句子,两个叙述必须是独立的句子 prep: 两个不同层次却有联系的句子用semicolon连接是最合适的
Wrong:Jack and Lisa are inseperable;doing everything together
Right: Jack and Lisa are inseperable ;they do everything together
Wrong:The dam has created dead zones;Fish have disappeared
Right: The dam has created dead zones,where fish have disappeared
10.连接副词并不是真正的连词,这时候要用分号去连接句子(however,therefore ,in addition)
wrong:Jack and Lisa are inseperable ,therefore,we never see them apart.
Right: Jack and Lisa are inseperable:therefore,we never see them apart.
What comes before the colon musr be able to stand alone as a sentence.
What comes after the colon does not have to be alble toi stand alone
Whatever meeds explanation should be placed as close to the colon as possible
Rule 1 可数名词与不可数名词的区别
Rule 2 两件事物与三件或更多的事物之间的区别
Rule 3 the number 与a number of 或the numbers of
(1)the number of 是单数
(2) a number of 是复数
(3)the numbers of必错
(4)用numbers的时候要用greater than,不能用more than
Rule 4 increase,decrease和greater,less的区别
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 18:36
作者: abjure 时间: 2012-1-26 19:44
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/26 18:36:52)
这么快 ,就进入“退休生活”了!!加油
作者: 泾渭不凡 时间: 2012-1-26 21:17
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 22:18
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/26 18:36:52)
这么快 ,就进入“退休生活”了!!加油
-- by 会员 abjure (2012/1/26 19:44:06)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 22:19
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/1/26 21:17:19)
作者: xeyyxzty 时间: 2012-1-26 22:34
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 22:41
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2012/1/26 22:34:15)
作者: xeyyxzty 时间: 2012-1-26 22:46
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2012/1/26 22:34:15)
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/26 22:41:23)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 22:54
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2012/1/26 22:34:15)
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/26 22:41:23)
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2012/1/26 22:46:54)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 23:06
og sc 完成
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 23:10
1.26至2.02第二周——语法提升 + 逻辑突破
时间允许我的bible看完,不过bible确实看的很头疼,那个扫描版的看的很燥,inner peace!!
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-26 23:15
9点——12点 对答案分析
下午2点——og 12 cr ,50道,可能会要两个小时
4点——6点 og总结 10道估计
7点——9点 og总结 10道
9点——10点 bible
10点——11点 og 12 math
作者: 泾渭不凡 时间: 2012-1-26 23:29
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-27 05:55
suri dd太有效率了~自愧不如
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-27 08:19
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/1/26 23:29:44)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-27 08:20
suri dd太有效率了~自愧不如
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/27 5:55:49)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-27 09:22
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-27 21:51
刚才······我·····好不容易快把bible chapter 打完,结果手居然点了X,oh my god,没了没了没了
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-27 22:18
Chapter 2
10.A commonly used construction
One of the most frequently used constructions is to raise a viewpoint at the beginning of the stimulus and then disagree with it immediately thereafter
This efficiently raises two opposing views in a vey short paragraph.These stimulus are recognizable because they ofen begin with the phrase
Some people propose
Many people believe
Some argue that
Some critics claim
A number(some,many,etc)of people (critics,students,teachers,legislators,etc)believe(claim,propose,argue,etc)that
Although some people claim
It has been claimed that
Cigarette companies claim that
11.Truth VS Validity
12.Argument Analysis
Once you have detemined that an argument is present and you have identified the conclusion,you must determine if the argument is a good one or a bad one
Primary object3
If the stimulus contains an argument,determine whether the argument is strong or weak.
Note that the strength of this argument is based solely on the degree to which the premise prove the conclusion
13.Inferences and Assumptions
(1)In logic,an inferences can be defined as something that must be true
Thus,if you are asked to identify an inference of the argument,you must find an item that must be true based on the imformation presented in the argument
(2)an assumption is simply the same as an ynstated premise----what must be true inorder for the argument to be true
assumptions can ofen have a great effect on the validity of the agreement
3)the difference between inferences and assumptions is simple
An inference is what follows from an argument (in other words,a conclusion)whereas an assumption is what taken for granted while making an agrument .In one sense,an assumption occurs "before:the argument the fine print
Primary objective 4
Read closely and know precisely what the author said
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-27 22:57
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 00:24
作者: 泾渭不凡 时间: 2012-1-28 02:36
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-28 07:47
suri dd加油~
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 11:43
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/1/28 2:36:33)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 11:59
suri dd加油~
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/28 7:47:59)
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-28 12:47
因为很多英文词汇翻译成中文词汇,意思不贴切的。你看别人把OG翻译成中文的版本,必然就不是原汁原味。就像SC里面的什么"when compared to" (WRONG),什么"so that","by which",if/when的区别。
举个例子"because of"。中文可以说,例如,“因为gc党,我们有了新中国”,但你要翻译成"Because of the Rep Party, ....",这在严格的GMAT逻辑上就是错的,GMAT认为"gc党"作为一个具体的事物,不能作为reason,而是"gc党干了什么什么”才能作为reason。你发现过GMAT的SC正确句子里面,because of后面的名词都是什么样子的吧?例如"negligence",这算是所谓的action verb,用一个词概括了一个行为,而行为可以作为reason;例如"difficulty of ...",这相当于用一个词difficulty来概括了"sth is difficult"这个意思,而这就能构成reason。另外有些名词如finding, result, rule等等也可以作为reason。
suri dd加油~
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/28 7:47:59)
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/28 11:59:01)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 14:02
因为很多英文词汇翻译成中文词汇,意思不贴切的。你看别人把OG翻译成中文的版本,必然就不是原汁原味。就像SC里面的什么"when compared to" (WRONG),什么"so that","by which",if/when的区别。
举个例子"because of"。中文可以说,例如,“因为gc党,我们有了新中国”,但你要翻译成"Because of the Rep Party, ....",这在严格的GMAT逻辑上就是错的,GMAT认为"gc党"作为一个具体的事物,不能作为reason,而是"gc党干了什么什么”才能作为reason。你发现过GMAT的SC正确句子里面,because of后面的名词都是什么样子的吧?例如"negligence",这算是所谓的action verb,用一个词概括了一个行为,而行为可以作为reason;例如"difficulty of ...",这相当于用一个词difficulty来概括了"sth is difficult"这个意思,而这就能构成reason。另外有些名词如finding, result, rule等等也可以作为reason。
suri dd加油~
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/28 7:47:59)
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/28 11:59:01)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/28 12:47:20)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 21:56
作者: xeyyxzty 时间: 2012-1-28 22:06
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 22:23
Chapter 3 the question stem and answer choice
1.the question stem----gmat question stems cover a range of tasks ,and will variously ask you to
identify details of the stimulus
describe the structure of the agreement
strengthen or weaken the argument
identify inferences ,main point,and assumptions
recognize errors of reasoning
reconcile conflicts
find argument that are identical and in structure
Primary Object 5:Carefully read and identify the question stem .Do not assume that certain words are automatically associated with certain question type
2.Question Types
1.must be true 6.weaken
2.main point 7.method of reasoning
3.assumptions 8.flaw in the reasoning
4.strengthen 9.parallel reasoning
5.Resolve the paradox 10.evaluate the argument
The most popular question types are weaken ,must be true ,assumption.strengthen,and resolve
3.Three families
All question types are variations of three main point question families,and each family is comprised of question types that are similar to each other
Family #1: Prove Stimulus→ Answer Choice Type: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
Family #2: Help Answer Choice→ Stimulus Type: 3, 4, 5
Family #3: Hurt Answer Choice→ Stimulus Type: 6
the first family
1. You must accept the stimulus information- even if it contains an error of reasoning- and use it to prove that one of the answer choices must be true.
2. Any information in an answer choice that does not appear either directly in the stimulus or as a combination of items in the stimulus will be incorrect.
P.s. Often we see in question stem “The information above, if true, …”
the second family
1. The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning errors present, and depending on the question, you will help shore up the argument in some way.
2. The answer choices are accepted as given, even if they include “new” information. Your task is to determine which answer choice best meets the question posed in the stem.
P.s. Often, we see in question stem “Which of the following, if true, … ”
the third family
1. The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning error present, and you will further weaken the argument in some way.
2. The answer choices are accepted as given, even if they include “new” information. Your task is to determine which answer choice best attacks the argument in the stimulus.
In very rough terms,the part at the start of the arrow is taken for granted and the part at the end of the arrow is under suspiciou.
4.Question type notes
(1)Must be true and resolve the paradox questions的题干通常不包括结论
(2)weaken and strengthen are polar opposite question types and both are often based on flawed or weak argument that contains holes that must be closed or opended further
(3)Main point ,method of resolving ,flow in the reasoning ,parallel reasoning and evaluate the argument appear the least frequntly on gmat
5.most question
even though most will appear in many stems ,you can rest assured that only one answer choice will meet the criteria
6.“Except” & “Least” in Question Stems
“Except” here does not mean polar opposite. “Except” means “other than”, when a “weaken EXCEPT” question stem appears, you are asked to find any answer choice other than weaken. (Could strengthen the argument or simply have no effect on the argument.)
对于except, least, most这类题,一般可以认为正确选项是没有满足加强或减弱结论的要求,换句话说,也就是不需要从正确的程度上来选择。
E.g. which of the following, if true, most strengthen the conclusion, EXCEPT?
考虑答案时,我们直接选择没有strengthen conclusion的那一项即可,而不需要看选项支持的程度。GMAC选择用MOST,LEAST这些词语,只是为了避免选项引起的争议。
The word “least” has a similar effect to “except”, when it appears in a question stem
weaken/strengthen X
7.GMAT里面的logical opposite 不同于我们日常中的polar opposite,例如 wet 在GMAC里的logical opposite 不是dry,而应该是not wet.还有几个比较常用的:all---not all; some---none; always—not always; sometimes---never; everywhere—not everywhere; somewhere--nowhere;only one(exactly one)---none(more than once)
Objective6: Prephase: After reading the question stem, take a moment to mentally formulate your answer to the question stem.
Objective7: Always read each of the five answer choices.
Objective8: Separate the answer choices into Contenders and Losers. After completing this process, review the Contenders and decide which answer is the correct one.
Objective9: If all five answer choices appear to be Losers, return to the stimulus and re-evaluate the argument.
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-28 22:31
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2012/1/28 22:06:57)
我也在囫囵吞枣捏,我觉得bible是仔细的太多鸟,有些primary object一句话就能说清楚啦,还一整段话来说,我就基本跳过,看最核心,接下来几章就是,结合着daisy和bat NN 总结的那份~~加油!!
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-29 07:12
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/28 21:56:39)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 09:51
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/28 21:56:39)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/29 7:12:46)
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-29 11:14
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-29 11:16
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-29 11:17
我有点不好意思刷屏啊………… 不过SURI真心是效率姐~~
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 11:19
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/29 11:14:47)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 11:24
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/29 11:16:47)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 11:26
我有点不好意思刷屏啊………… 不过SURI真心是效率姐~~
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/29 11:17:58)
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-29 11:59
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 12:24
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/29 11:59:30)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 13:29
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 15:23
Chapter 4 .Must be true Questions
1.must be true questions
Do not bring in imformation from outside the stimulus(aside from commensense assumptions),all of the imformation necessary to the answer question resides in the stimulus.The correct answer to a Must Be True question can always be proven by referring to the facts sated in the stimulus.
2.question stem formats
“If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true?”
“If the information above is correct, which one of the following conclusions can be properly drawn on the basis of it?”
“The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?”
“Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?”
“Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the information above?”
you must lock down on the understanding required of this question category:
what did you read in the stimulus and what do you know on the basis of the reading
3.Primary Object 4:Read closely and know precisely what the author said
4.Modifier words should be revisited
Words like some and many encompass many different possibilities and are broad scope indicators
Words likemust and none indicate a narrow scope
Highly Attention: Numbers & Percentage, Probability Indicators, Modifier Words (Differences between “many, all, entirely, most, etc.”)
5.correct answers in Must be true questions reviewed
(1)Prephased Answers
Paraphrased Answers are answers that restate a portion of the stimulus in different terms. Because the language is not exactly the same as in the stimulus, Paraphrased Answers can be easy to miss. Paraphrased Answers are designed to test your ability to discern the author’s exact meaning. Sometimes the answer can appear to be almost too obvious since it is drawn directly from the stimulus.
(2) Answers that are the sum of two or more stimulus statement (Combination Answers)
Any answer choice that would result from combining two or more statements in the stimulus will be correct.
6.Incorrect answers in Must be true questions
1)Could be True or Likely to be True Answers
These answers are attractive because there is nothing demonstrably wrong within them(For example,they don't contain statement that are counter to the stimulus). Regardless, like all incorrect answers, these answers fail the Fact Test.
2) Exaggerated Answers
Exaggerated Answers take information from the stimulus and then stretch that information to make a broaden statement that is not supported by the stimulus.
3)“New” Information Answers
New Information Answers include information not explicitly mentioned in the stimulus. Be careful with these answers, because sometimes they may be correct:
First, examine the scope of the argument to make sure the “new” information does not fall within the sphere of a term or concept in the stimulus.
Second, examine the answer to make sure it is not the consequence of combining stimulus elements.
4)The Shell Game
An idea or concept is raised in the stimulus, and then a very similar idea appears in the answer choice, but the idea is changed just enough to be incorrect but still attractive.
5)The Opposite Answer
The Opposite Answer provides an answer that is completely opposite of the stated facts of the stimulus.
6)The Reverse Answer
The Reverse Answer is attractive because it contains familiar elements from the stimulus, but the reversed statement is incorrect because it rearranges those elements to create a new, unsupported statement.
Stimulus:Many people have some type of security system in their homes.
Reverse Answer: Some people have many types of security system in their homes.
7.stimulus VS assertions
Stimulus里面通篇全是引述的别人的话 "Some environmentalists said ...... Many environmentalists thought ...."(大概这样),然后有两个选项都是直接陈述观点(类似"people should protect natural resources because blabla"),说这种就必然错误,因为Stimulus里面仅仅是引述别人观点,没有说这是真理。这题正确答案提到了"environmentalists"
1. 预判
2. 必要的时候回读,不是重新读
3. 正确答案一般是1.原文意思的重复或者是2.内容的组合. Must pass the fact test.
4. 注意答案和题干中包含opinion还是fact set, 用以排除答案,相关性.
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 17:31
Chapter 5 main point
1.Main point questions
(1)main point questions appear frequently in Gmat RC,and therefore a discussion of this question type will benifit you when you face reading RC
(2)like all must be true question variants the correct answer must pass the fact test,but with additional criterion that the correct answer choice must capture the author's point
(3)the correct answer choice to those problems will be rephrasing of the main conclusion of the argument
2.question stems
? The main point of the argument above is that
? Which one of the following most accurately expresses the editor’s conclusion?
? Which of the following best summarizes the conclusion of the argument?
? The author hopes to prove which of the following?
? The argument seems to lead up to which of the following?
? Which of the following is the author’s main point?
3.two incorrect answer types
(1)answers that are true but do not encapsilate the author's point
(2)answers that repeat premises of the argument
4.paraphrased answers are always correct in must be true questions.Answers that paraphrase the conclusions are correcrt in the main point questions
5.the lesson learned from this particular problem is that you must isolate the conclusion and then look for a paraphrase of that conclusion
6.Many Main Point question stimuli avoid using traditional conclusion indicators and this lack of argument indicator “guideposts” makes your task more challenging.
Remember, if you are struggling to identify the conclusion in an argument, you can always use the methodology discussed.
Conclusion Identification Method:
Take the statements under consideration for the conclusion and place them in an arrangement that forces one to be the conclusion and the other(s) to be the premise(s). Use premise and conclusion indicators to achieve this end. Once the pieces are arranged, determine if the arrangement makes logical sense. If so, you have made the correct identification. If not, reverse the arrangement and examine the relationship again. Continue until you find an arrangement that is logical.
作者: 泾渭不凡 时间: 2012-1-29 19:03
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 19:10
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/1/29 19:03:32)
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-29 22:20
看你的总结真好......关于 Must Be True, 补充两点在例题的分析思路里面提到的:(也许对你来说too obvious to be noted?)
1.(这是原话哦) From a pure logic standpoint, "many" can include "all".
2.就是有道例题,Stimulus里面通篇全是引述的别人的话 "Some environmentalists said ...... Many environmentalists thought ...."(大概这样),然后有两个选项都是直接陈述观点(类似"people should protect natural resources because blabla"),说这种就必然错误,因为Stimulus里面仅仅是引述别人观点,没有说这是真理。这题正确答案提到了"environmentalists"
---刚发现你最后总结里说到了判断fact set 还是opinion....
作者: abjure 时间: 2012-1-29 22:20
是啊。。 二月xdjm冲
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 23:48
看你的总结真好......关于 Must Be True, 补充两点在例题的分析思路里面提到的:(也许对你来说too obvious to be noted?)
1.(这是原话哦) From a pure logic standpoint, "many" can include "all".
2.就是有道例题,Stimulus里面通篇全是引述的别人的话 "Some environmentalists said ...... Many environmentalists thought ...."(大概这样),然后有两个选项都是直接陈述观点(类似"people should protect natural resources because blabla"),说这种就必然错误,因为Stimulus里面仅仅是引述别人观点,没有说这是真理。这题正确答案提到了"environmentalists"
---刚发现你最后总结里说到了判断fact set 还是opinion....
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/29 22:20:02)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-29 23:49
是啊。。 二月xdjm冲
-- by 会员 abjure (2012/1/29 22:20:32)
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-1-30 01:06
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/29 23:48:42)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-30 12:04
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/29 23:48:42)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/30 1:06:15)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-30 12:38
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-30 18:05
Chapter 6.weaken questions
1.weaken queations
(1) The stimulus will contain an argument. Because you are asked to weaken the author’s reasoning, and reasoning requires a conclusion, an argument will always be present. In order to maximize your chances of success, you must identify, isolate, and assess the premises and the conclusion of the argument. Only by understanding the structure of the argument can you gain the perspective necessary to attack the author’s position.
(2)Focus on the conclusion. Almost all correct Weaken answer choices impact the conclusion. The more you know about the specifics of the conclusion, the better armed you will be to differentiate between correct and incorrect answers.
(3)The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning errors present, and you must read the argument very carefully.
(4)Weaken questions often yield strong prephases. Be sure to actively consider the range of possible answers before proceeding to the answer choices.
(5) The answer choices are accepted as given, even if they include “new” information. Unlike Must be True Questions, Weaken answer choices can bring into consideration information outside of or tangential to the stimulus. Just because a fact or idea is not mentioned in the stimulus is not grounds for dismissing an answer choice. Your primary task is to determine which answer choice best attacks the argument in the stimulus.
2.Weaken question stems typically contain the following two features
1)the stem uses the word"weaken "or a synonym
weaken/attack/undermine/refute/argue against/call into question/cast doubt /challenge/damage/counter
2)the stem indicates you should accept the answer choices as true
3.How to weaken an argument
The key to weakening a gmat argument is to attack the conclusion.You don't need to find an answer that destroys the author's position.Instead,simply find an answer that hurts the argument.
(1)the premise
In practice,almost all correct gmat weaken question answers leave the premise untouched.
几乎所有weaken的题,正确答案都不是weaken premises,因为这样太显而易见,而是weaken conclusions。Weaken conclusions也不是一定要否定,而是有可能结论不够严密不够完善,从已知推出 结论有漏洞, 所以weaken一般从这些漏洞着手去质疑结论的validity.
(2)The conclusion
The correct answer will undermine the conclusion by showing that the conclusion fails to account for some elements or possibility
(3)answers that weaken the argument's conclusion will attack assumptions made by the author
(4) The stimuli for weaken questions contain errors of assumption.Answers that weaken the argument’s conclusion will attack assumptions made by the author. Typically, the author will fail to consider other possibilities or leave out a key piece of information
In this case,the author assumes that these elements don't exit when he or she makes the conclusion,and if you see a gap or hole in the argument immediately consider that the correct answer might attack this hole.
(5As you consider possible answers,always look for the one that attacks the way the author arrived at the conclusion.Don't woory about the premise and instead focus on the effect the answer has on the conclusion
The second key to weakening argument is to personalize the argument
4.Common Weakening Scenarios
(1)Incomplete Information
The author fails to consider all of the possibilities, or relies upon evidence that is incomplete. This flaw can be attacked by bringing up new possibilities or information.
(2)Improper Comparison
The author attempts to compare two or more items that are essentially different.
(3)Qualified Conclusion
The author qualifies or limits the conclusion in such a way as to leave the argument open to attack.
5.Three Incorrect answer traps
(1)Opposite Answers
In this case ,they strengthen the arguments as oposed to weakening it
Opposite answers lures the test taker by presenting information that relates perfectly to the argument,but just in the wrong manner
(2)Shell Game answers
In weaken questions ,the shell game is usually used to attack a conclusion that is similar to,but slightly different from,the one presented in the stinulus
If they ask you about “School dropouts”, never choose the answer concerning “School graduates”. Likewise, if they ask you about “塑料怎么会让动物窒息”, never choose the answer concerning “动物吃了塑料会中毒” (Meet and recite words.)
(3)Out of the scope answes
Family 3: Answer Choice → Stimulus
Family 3: Answer Choice → Stimulus
Carefully read the stimulus, find the argument, and pay attention to the conclusion.
Focus on the conclusion (The specifics of the conclusion), and use the arrow to draw the line of reasoning
Prephase the stimulus by finding the GAP: Actively involved in every question
Accept the answers as the way they are given, even if they include “new” information. Choose the answer that may force the author to make response towards your answer choice.
(2)Types of questions
Premise & Conclusion (No cause& effect reasoning)
Find the answer choice that directly weakens the conclusion. (The answer choice may not be principles but counterexamples.)
Premise→Conclusion (Cause and Effect Reasoning)
Use the arrow to diagram the line of reasoning. Use the prephased answer to find the exact correct answer.
(3)Typical ways to attack a Causal Conclusion
A) Find an alternate cause for the stated effect
B) Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur (Counterexamples)
C) Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur (Counterexamples)
D) Show that the stated relationship is reversed
E) Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement
(4)Final Notes
Carefully read the stimulus and answer choices. Pay attention to the specifics of the conclusion, and classify answer choices to Contenders and Losers
Prephase answer. If the stimulus contains cause and effect reasoning, use the arrow to draw it.
Try to figure out the underline principles in every example that exists as an answer choice. Do not generalize.
Be confident to yourself and pay attention to time limit.
A) Find an alternate cause for the stated effect
B) Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur (Counterexamples)
C) Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur (Counterexamples)
D) Show that the stated relationship is reversed
E) Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement
(4)Final Notes
Carefully read the stimulus and answer choices. Pay attention to the specifics of the conclusion, and classify answer choices to Contenders and Losers
Prephase answer. If the stimulus contains cause and effect reasoning, use the arrow to draw it.
Try to figure out the underline principles in every example that exists as an answer choice. Do not generalize.
Be confident to yourself and pay attention to time limit.
B) Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur (Counterexamples)
C) Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur (Counterexamples)
D) Show that the stated relationship is reversed
E) Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement
(2)因果型结论:即原文给出两件事,然后得出结论说是一件事(因)导致另一件事(果)。WEAKEN该结论的方法包括:A是其他原因或可能导致该结果(find a alternate cause for the stated effect) B.割 断因果:或有因无果或有果无因(show that even when the cause occurs,the effect doesn't occur or show that although the effect occurs,the cause doesn't occur)C。因果颠倒了(show that the stated relationship is reversed)。D显示因果关系的资料不准确(show that a stastistical problem exits with the data used to make the causal statement)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-30 18:39
Chapter 7 Cause and Effect Reasoning
1.What is causality?
2.How to Recognize Causality
The following terms often introduce a cause and effect relationship
caused by/because of/responcible for/reason for/leads to/induced by/promoted by/determined by/produced by/product of/played a role in/was a factor in/is an effect of
3.Causality in the conclusions VS Casuality in the premise
2. Causality in the Conclusion versus Causality in the Premises
Casual statements can be found in the premises or conclusion of an argument. If the causal statement is the conclusion, then the reasoning is flawed. If the causal statement is the premise, then the argument may be flawed, but not because of the causal statement.
This is an argument with a causal conclusion:
Premise: In North America, people drink a lot of milk
Premise: There is a high frequency of cancer in North America
Conclusion: Therefore, drinking milk causes cancer
If a causal claim is made in the premises, however, then no causal reasoning error exists in the argument. (Of course, the argument may be flawed in other ways.) As mentioned previously, the makers of the GMAT tend to allow premises to go unchallenged and it is considered acceptable for an author to begin his argument by stating a causal relationship and then continuing from there:
Premise: Drinking milk causes cancer
Premise: The residents of North America drink a lot of milk
Conclusion: Therefore, in North America there is a high frequency of cancer among the residents
4.Situations that can lead to errors of casuality
One event occurs before another
Two (or more) events occur at the same time
There are many other possibilities for the argument: the two events could be caused by a third event
The events could be reversed
There may be situations where the two events don't occur together
5.The central assumptions of casual conclutions
When a gmat speaker concludes that one occurance caused another,that speaker also assumes that the stated cause is the only possible cause of the effect and that consequently the stated cause will always produce the effect.
6.How to attack a causal conclusion
Find an alternate cause for the stated effect
Because the author believes that there is only one cause, identifying another cause weakens the conclusion.
Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur
This type of answer often appears in the form of counterexample. Because the author believes that the cause always produces the effect, any scenario where the cause occurs and the effect does not weakens the conclusion.
Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur
This type of answer often appears in the form of counterexample. Because the author believes that the effect is always produced by the same cause, any scenario where the effect occurs and the cause does not weakens the argument.
Show that the stated relationship is reversed
Because the author believes that the cause and effect relationship is correctly stated, showing that the relationship is backwards undermines the conclusion.
Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement.
补充: Conditional Reasoning
(Conditional Reasoning在LSAT Logical Reasoning中提及,但没有在GMAT Critical Reasoning中被提及)
Conditional Reasoning Review
A sufficient condition can be defined as an event or circumstance whose occurrence indicates that a necessary condition must also occur.
A necessary condition can be defined as an event or circumstance whose occurrence is required in order for a sufficient condition to occur.
To introduce a sufficient condition: To introduce a necessary condition:
If Then
When Only
Whenever Only if
Every Must
All Required
Any Unless
People who Except
In order to Until
Weakening Conditional Reasoning
As proven by the discussion of the previous problem, there is a simple rule for weakening a conditional conclusion:
To weaken a conditional conclusion, attack the necessary condition by showing that the necessary condition does not need to occur in order for the sufficient condition to occur.
This can be achieved by presenting a counterexample or by presenting information that shows that the sufficient condition can occur without the necessary condition.
This leads to another Classic Combination:
When you have conditional reasoning in the stimulus and a Weaken question, immediately look for an answer that attacks the necessary condition.
就是要为充分条件找到成立的另一理由,即使没有必要条件,充分条件也可以成立。但是不要倒置了。很多迷惑项是weaken充分条件。题目要weaken的是B?A,如果我们weaken了A?B ,那完全不起作用。
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-30 19:44
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-30 20:27
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-30 20:35
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/30 20:27:18)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-31 00:19
作者: miss绿光 时间: 2012-1-31 00:27
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/31 0:19:48)
作者: Suri在奋斗 时间: 2012-1-31 00:31
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/31 0:19:48)
-- by 会员 miss绿光 (2012/1/31 0:27:03)
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