
标题: 1.14机经 [打印本页]

作者: CDer1    时间: 2012-1-14 16:35
标题: 1.14机经
阅读:vocabulary questions
     critical=very important
     to be sure= certainly
1. Who is the person that you like to enjoy spending time with?

2. Should the students study in the quiet environment?

3.The forth-year students are required to write a thesis.
Male student: It is a good ideal. In the past, they only write the short essays. So it is a great chance to improve their academic skills. In the second place, 中间有一段谈到图书馆的没听清,只记得there are lots of resources in the library, 和lost. In the third place, they can have experienced tutors, whom they can have nice contact with, and talk with.

4. Passage: the introduction of bidirectionality
 The professor talked about the concept of bidirectionality. He gave one example of  
 a six-month old boy he named Max. When Max smile to his parents, his parents will smile back. When he barbles(拼错了),his parents will talk to him more. This interaction has great influence in his future. For example ,the child will be encouraged to seek more physical contact, and communication.

5. The male students was going organize a poetry event. In the past, only six people signed up for it. However, this time, there are 20 people sign for it. The time is limited and does not allow all the students read the poems in one hour. The female students gave him two suggestions. The first is that he only allows the first ten people who signed up for the event to read the poems, and tell the rest people they still have opportunities in the future. The second suggestion is that they change the place from the cafeteria(maybe) to a lecture hall. Then they will have longer time. But in the evening, it is hard to find one lecture, and there is no drinking staff(maybe).

6. How do insects use pheromones to communicate?
 There are two ways and the professor makes two examples. The first is that the
 insects use pheromones to locate. Take the bees for example, some bees go far
 away from their hive to find food. The bees stay at hive release the pheromone into
 the air to let the bees working outside to find the way to go home. Another function  
 of the pheromone is some insects use them to tell other insects they want to mate.
 Take the moth for example, the female moths by releasing the pheromones into the
 air tells males they want to mate. So the male moths find them to mate by following
 the pheromone.

Integrated writing: iron fertilization: By putting the iron into the ocean to increase the phytoplankton, so the absorption of carbon dioxide will be increased. The writer opposes it and has three opinions. The professor supports the iron fertilization and refutes the writer.

First writer says that after using iron fertilization, the according to the experiments, absorption of is carbon dioxide does not increase. However the professor says that the majority of experiments just were performed in one month. The phytoplankton can live for three month, and the obvious increase of absorption will occur in the second and third months.

Second, the writer says that....... However, the professor says that the iron fertilization is in some area. They can call a halt to it. If no nutrients are in the ocean, the phytoplankton will die out.

In the third place, the writer says...... However, the professor says although it is risky to fertilize the ocean with iron, there will be a bigger risk, if they do not do in this way. In conclusion, it is the best way.

Independent writing: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
All the teachers should be required to take courses every five years in order to update their knowledge.
作者: luqueency    时间: 2012-1-14 17:15
作者: gukezhuan    时间: 2012-1-14 17:28
第二篇是讲inure printer, 讲它们印刷的流程,需要考虑的因素等,还讲到了它们与画家的关系,画家有时会得益于它们。

1.    一个学生找学校的写作中心帮忙修改作文,那个老师讲了流程说不帮忙改内容和细节,这个要找教授,说需要预约,然后学生开始预约,那个老师一看表,只能约到周五下午啥的,其他都满了。那个学生说,他周五上午就要交作文了,然后老师建议他到其他学校去,好像也有改作中心,还告诉怎么去。最后那个学生看到预约表中,有个是他室友,提出可以换神马的。
2.    lecture,讲一个画家的画画风格,他开始是用oil paint, 然后转到water paint啥的,讲了他是怎么转变的,没听太懂。
3.    lecture,讲有一种树能够活很长的原因,一个是神马soil的原因,还有就是这个树会dormant很长时间,不知是不是,蒙的。
4.    讲一个女的找教授要求自习他教的课程,她说他上学期选了相关的课了,很多内容都知道了。教授说,这个课(关于莎士比亚的)有很多方面,可能每个老师侧重点不样。意思就是不太同意她自习,然后说要她交来了上学期的论文作业。
5.    lecture 讲turtle能够在supercool生存的原因,一是神马身体组织可以预防什么的形成,二是神马不记得了,后面讲到了这些特点在医学方面的应用。
6.    不记得了
7.    听力加试是经典加试,女的丢卡,glicel cell 大脑的, 浪漫主义。
作者: gukezhuan    时间: 2012-1-14 17:29
作者: kevintu    时间: 2012-2-16 21:08

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