Some of my thoughts on this (大家随便看看): I will upload my template thought process later tomorrow.
Issue - 1. Don’t just remember others template that has bunch of big and convoluted words and phrases. These will only make your contents seems more drastic in scales while reading. You are sure to score lower if you do this. 2. Try not to attack the question directly. Think about what you will say if someone asks you from a philosophical perspective. Usually GMAC will be more impressed with your ability to see beyond the question stem than answering its questions (Yes/No). 3. Take one point each time. Don’t try to give more than 1 example in each paragraph. Solidify your point with one point and one example.
argument: (我自己编的口诀)
可比性 可疑论点 信息不足 一石二鸟 (有些题的论点可以说一石二鸟是不可能的) 无因果干系 二者选一 唯一性 错误类比 时地不等 以偏概全 反论点作者: dreamphoenix 时间: 2012-1-17 21:26
多谢LZ分享,希望LZ还可以继续分享更加详细的心得体会。作者: shiningsmile 时间: 2012-1-18 22:30
能帮忙具体解释一下一石二鸟和反论点么?谢谢!作者: ruiheh 时间: 2012-1-19 11:26
一石二鸟 -- some argument would introduce one of its reasoning as by doing x it will be able to obtain both W and V. But in reality, you can't have both at the same time. I remember there are couple of these but can't remember the exact number.
反论点 -- this one is kind tricky. It is pretty much to think what if there is no fault what will be the consequences of believing it.