17. Companies considering new cost-cutting manufacturing processes often compare the projected results of making the investment against the alternative of not making the investment with costs, selling prices, and share of market remaining constant.
Which of the following, assuming that each is a realistic possibility, constitutes the most serious disadvantage for companies of using the method above for evaluating the financial benefit of new manufacturing processes?
(A) The costs of materials required by the new process might not be known with certainty.
(B) In several years interest rates might go down, reducing the interest costs of borrowing money to pay for the investment.
(C) Some cost-cutting processes might require such expensive investments that there would be no net gain for many years, until the investment was paid for by savings in the manufacturing process.
(D) Competitors that do invest in a new process might reduce their selling prices and thus take market share away from companies that do not.(D)
(E) The period of year chosen for averaging out the cost of the investment might be somewhat longer or shorter, thus affecting the result.
evaluate的时候假定cost是constant的,而实际上uncertain, 所以这个method for evaluating 不好,有这么大一个disadvantage...我觉得我这样也讲得通啊。。。
这道weaken题是weaken这个方法:compare the projected results of making the investment against the alternative of not making the investment with costs, selling prices, and share of market remaining constant. 也就是说这个方法忽视了costs, selling price, and share of market变化带来的影响,所以这种comparison是片面而不准确的。D选项就实说明了这种情况存在时,就印证了这种方法的一个disadvantage。weaken题就要看哪个选项更好的削弱了,与A比起来,D更切中要害。
这道weaken题是weaken这个方法:compare the projected results of making the investment against the alternative of not making the investment with costs, selling prices, and share of market remaining constant. 也就是说这个方法忽视了costs, selling price, and share of market变化带来的影响,所以这种comparison是片面而不准确的。D选项就实说明了这种情况存在时,就印证了这种方法的一个disadvantage。weaken题就要看哪个选项更好的削弱了,与A比起来,D更切中要害。
这道weaken题是weaken这个方法:compare the projected results of making the investment against the alternative of not making the investment with costs, selling prices, and share of market remaining constant. 也就是说这个方法忽视了costs, selling price, and share of market变化带来的影响,所以这种comparison是片面而不准确的。D选项就实说明了这种情况存在时,就印证了这种方法的一个disadvantage。weaken题就要看哪个选项更好的削弱了,与A比起来,D更切中要害。
这道weaken题是weaken这个方法:compare the projected results of making the investment against the alternative of not making the investment with costs, selling prices, and share of market remaining constant. 也就是说这个方法忽视了costs, selling price, and share of market变化带来的影响,所以这种comparison是片面而不准确的。D选项就实说明了这种情况存在时,就印证了这种方法的一个disadvantage。weaken题就要看哪个选项更好的削弱了,与A比起来,D更切中要害。
....不明白,可能英语功底太烂了 呵呵 我的理解如下
compare with的意思应该是把投资与投资产生的不同结果和成本,售价还有市场分额比较.既然是比较,肯定是相互关系的吧.怎么会说忽视成本,售价和市场分额的影响呢?
costs(成本), selling prices(售价), and share of market remaining constant(市场份额保持不变).但是D里面指出其他的竞争公司会通过降低出售价格从而从没那么做的公司里取得市场份额,一下子改变了两个比较内容:售价和市场份额。所以削弱的最厉害。
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