
标题: GWD12-20 [打印本页]

作者: tony6    时间: 2004-8-13 22:27
标题: GWD12-20


Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

  • Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established

  • The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established

  • The act of Congress approved April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established

  • Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established

  • Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing

  • E的问题是不是只在于那个also?

    作者: rt316    时间: 2004-8-14 01:55

    A-Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established

    E-Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing


    作者: tony6    时间: 2004-8-14 08:01


    作者: tony6    时间: 2004-8-14 14:42
    作者: memory    时间: 2004-8-14 17:54
    作者: tony6    时间: 2004-8-14 17:57
    以下是引用memory在2004-8-14 17:54:00的发言:


    作者: caterpillar    时间: 2004-8-20 04:21
    作者: davidzhn    时间: 2004-8-24 10:53
    晒,受官僚机构毒害太深,我把 April 1800当成了某个带编号红头文件, 结果C看起来很舒服
    作者: mikeleven    时间: 2004-11-19 21:25
    D主语the act, 谓语established,前面两个分词从句都作主语的修饰语。
    这样看D不是最好吗?意思也对,因为原句的重心在also establish不是吗??

    因为如果是D或E,the act变成没有限定修饰语,又没有前后文,会让人摸不着头绪the act到底是which act?

    主语the act of congress that blablabla...,that从句正好修饰了the act,表明了:"那个blablabla的act"又(also)做了blobloblo。
    [此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-19 21:49:04编辑过]

    作者: guolulu526    时间: 2004-11-27 14:52

    Why b is not correct? The act, which,,,, making....., also established. 一个法令法规后面跟一个V-ING 是不ETS 最喜欢的吗?前面有位NN说WHICH 在中间有歧义,请问怎讲??


    作者: guolulu526    时间: 2004-11-27 14:53
    自己UP 以下
    作者: zhouziyu    时间: 2004-11-30 20:26


    A: awkward

    作者: gentledance    时间: 2005-4-2 04:05
    小声问一下,20题中的April 24,1800前面为什么不加介词on呢?

    作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-6-22 20:30

    这题答案支持A,但是我对于B错在哪里还是不清晰, 是不是分词和从句的并列修饰不好? 还是其它什么原因? Thanks

    作者: fchn951    时间: 2005-6-23 16:32

    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    1. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established
    2. The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established making有歧义,是修饰前面的which was approved April 24, 1800,还是修饰The act of Congress,不清楚。错。
    3. The act of Congress approved April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established approved错,应该是被动语态。法案被批准。
    4. Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established 类似B的错误,making修饰不明确。making是修饰Approved April 24, 1800还是修饰the act of Congress? 不清楚。错。
    5. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing establishing用ing形式,表示伴随状态,意思改变了。意思变成了政府去新城市,这个动作建立了国会图书馆。实际上政府去新城市和建立国会图书馆是两个不同的动作和结果。

    作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-6-23 16:38

    The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established making有歧义,是修饰前面的which was approved April 24, 1800,还是修饰The act of Congress,不清楚。错。

    印象中分词在句中应该是做定语的, 这里的which结构中没有可以被限定的名词. 我觉得不是这个原因.

    作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-13 11:21
    以下是引用Avantasia在2005-6-23 16:38:00的发言:


    印象中分词在句中应该是做定语的, 这里的which结构中没有可以被限定的名词. 我觉得不是这个原因.

    版主说说B为什么错吧。我没选B,不过只是凭感觉,B到底有什么措我也不知道,可能the act of Congress,which这种形式(A of B which,A不等于one/the one)也不是ETS所喜欢的。自己瞎总结的,NN们指教!

    作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-7-13 18:05
    B里面我觉得making引导的结构有夹心修饰的嫌疑, 分不清是修饰前面的congress还是后面的washington, 而且分词和被修饰对像之间加了定语从句, 从这点上说, 没有直接用定语从句来的有效, 另外B的which was approved相比直接用approved也虑嫌烦琐.
    作者: wayne8888    时间: 2005-8-5 12:14
    A的谓语是什么啊?established 吗?但是为什么前面还要加also呢?前面没有其他谓语并列了啊?
    作者: cherrychengyue    时间: 2005-9-4 11:27



    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-4 11:28:55编辑过]

    作者: stevewu    时间: 2005-9-21 13:20


    d中的making...會有修飾歧義,不知道是修飾前面的approved...還是主語the act of Congress。如果改成 approved...and making...,就不會有這個問題。

    作者: pebbles    时间: 2005-9-26 10:38

    A "Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established"

    这个句子很好,但是为什么主语the act of Congress和谓语also established之间有个逗号呢?这样不是fragmented sentences吗? 如果没有这个逗号, A应该是最好的.


    作者: scorp_w    时间: 2005-10-23 19:39



    作者: joanrain    时间: 2005-11-1 11:17




    作者: ariesmilla    时间: 2005-11-18 18:14
    A的主要動詞到底是什麼?estabished? ft...我老是把那個establish和that made...., also established...是一起的...答案看起來是A了,可是那個also讓人覺得很奇怪><
    作者: julia_ggw    时间: 2005-12-6 06:37


    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    我的问题是the act应当是被approve呀,当approved April 24先于主语前置的时候为什么不用被动语态?这样不就成了the act approved而不是the act was approved了吗?



    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-6 6:39:33编辑过]

    作者: urchinwang    时间: 2005-12-19 22:29


    从愿句来看,我们不可能得出那个make的动作是在1800年被approve的,最多是说1。act被在1800年被approve 2。establish这个动作被approve(其实还是有一点歧义的),但是如果如D、E那样,我们就很有理由得出make的动作是在1800年被approve的了,这根原句是完全不符的。


    open to discussion!

    作者: Tono    时间: 2006-1-2 10:30

    The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established making有歧义,是修饰前面的which was approved April 24, 1800,还是修饰The act of Congress,不清楚。错。

    请问making...如何修饰前面的which定从,实在想不通!!!!!,连逻辑主语都没有吧.我觉得只能把逻辑主语理解为the act才能讲得通啊?


    D中APPROVED...,MAKING....,THE ACT....按照OG的习惯和白勇的解释应该把修饰语分列修饰对象两侧,即APPROVED....,THE ACT....,MAKING....

    作者: 二狼神    时间: 2006-5-17 11:54
    作者: 二狼神    时间: 2006-5-17 12:37

    不同意A的意见是:虽然the act of Congress that 在修饰上没有产生对象的误解,但逻辑上产生导引:还有其他的act of Congress April 24, 1800approved了.在没有明确背景资料能提供证实的情况下,这个逻辑导引不必然为正确.这种情况下用which才能避免这种误导.

    作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-5-17 12:42

    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    1. 【Approved April 24, 1800】, 【the act of Congress】( that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C)., also established 看A的时候,第一眼觉的不顺眼,放在一边了,主要是逗号的关系没看清。also是副词不是连词,这是我一开始犹豫的原因
    2. The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established --一开始也选了B,但是发现making 不对,前面有which was approved April 24, 1800的时态标志,如果是动词的话,该用过去式形式,另外also established,证明了这一点。如果式分词做修饰语的话,我觉的前的奇怪,因为前面有了一个非限制性定语从句,后面再用分词修饰显的非常的奇怪,一般非限制性定语从句修饰完主语后跟的都是动词。如果非要做分词修饰加个and表明是修饰成分的并列不是更好吗?否则到底是动词还是修饰词呢?动词肯定不对,之前说了,分词我觉的要加and,一来表示是修饰成分的并列,二来有动作顺延的感觉,但是前面是-ed分词后面+and+-ing似乎又不好。
    3. The act of Congress approved April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established ----肯定不对,名词+ed分词修饰+逗号+非限制性定语从句修饰主语+逗号+and+句子。句子+逗号+句子,但是“名词+ed分词修饰+逗号+非限制性定语从句修饰主语”没看见谓语在哪里,一堆修饰的句子都是修饰主语
    4. Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established ---D的解释和B关于making是分词修饰的解释差不多。我觉的1.如过是分词,应该用and连接,但是前面的是-ed,后面用ing又不好。2.可能又被理解成动词的歧异,如果是这样的话,主语应该前置,且应该是用一般过去时
    5. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing---establishing就是这个错,改成过去时就对

    作者: lexie    时间: 2006-7-14 20:31
    以下是引用scorp_w在2005-10-23 19:39:00的发言:



    呵呵 很经典哦 同感
    作者: lancome130    时间: 2006-7-26 17:30


    1. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established

    2. The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established (which was 是多余的)
    3. The act of Congress approved
      April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established

    4. Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established(不知道是哪个act of congress 发出established)
    5. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing


    作者: findjuhl    时间: 2006-9-25 23:34

    答案是E,also establishing 分词做伴随的状语


    请注意句意,原文这整个一句话到底是在强调the act 建立了图书馆,还是建立了一系列法规规定,做为整体的结果,建立了图书馆。建立这个动作只能由人发出,而不能是这项运动。所以also establishing做伴随的状语,逻辑主语并非句子的主语而是人。

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-12 16:05:04编辑过]

    作者: MaccMichAA    时间: 2006-10-20 20:34


    作者: MaccMichAA    时间: 2006-10-20 20:40
    以下是引用findjuhl在2006-9-25 23:34:00的发言:

    答案是E,also establishing 分词做伴随的状语


    请注意句意,原文这整个一句话到底是在强调the act 建立了图书馆,还是建立了一系列法规规定,做为整体的结果,建立了图书馆。建立这个动作只能由人发出,而不能是这项运动。所以also establishing做伴随的状语,逻辑主语并非句子的主语而是人。

    establishing觉得有表示动作持续进行的嫌疑 句子重心意义也变化

    作者: kennypl    时间: 2006-10-21 20:19

     A.the act of Congress that made



    作者: lucyzl517    时间: 2006-10-27 02:26
    以下是引用findjuhl在2006-9-25 23:34:00的发言:

    答案是E,also establishing 分词做伴随的状语


    请注意句意,原文这整个一句话到底是在强调the act 建立了图书馆,还是建立了一系列法规规定,做为整体的结果,建立了图书馆。建立这个动作只能由人发出,而不能是这项运动。所以also establishing做伴随的状语,逻辑主语并非句子的主语而是人。

     晕! 这位GG既然都看出来原文是强调建立图书馆的怎么还选E
    作者: yaoshuming    时间: 2006-12-13 17:43
    以下是引用pebbles在2005-9-26 10:38:00的发言:

    A "Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established"

    这个句子很好,但是为什么主语the act of Congress和谓语also established之间有个逗号呢?这样不是fragmented sentences吗? 如果没有这个逗号, A应该是最好的.


    作者: xiangqinzh    时间: 2006-12-16 21:09


    "An Act to make further provision for the removal and accommodation of the Government of the United States," approved April 24, 1800 National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Senate



    E Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new

    federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing  the Library of Congress.

    是法令在April 24, 1800通过,国会的这个法令做出了把美国的政府搬到Washington的规定,


    1. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    而A 中 Congress that made provision 定语从句通常是就近修饰国会,当然这个逻辑也能说的过去,当然that也可以跳跃修饰act,

    但最大的问题是 the act of Congress 中心词是act 建立图书观,显然不合逻辑

    而E中also establishing  the Library of Congress.是表示伴随结果,跟OG259上那道bringing 一样,这里 establishing  不需要逻辑主语

    下面是很好的验证,图书管是"  " 的结果

    April 24, 1800: The Library of Congress is established by the
       "Act to Make Provision for the Removal and Accommodation of the Government of the U.S."
    While originally only members of Congress and other government officials are allowed to use the facilities, it later opens its doors to the public.

    April 24, 1800: The Library of Congress is established by the
       "Act to Make Provision for the Removal and Accommodation of the Government of the U.S."
    While originally only members of Congress and other government officials are allowed to use the facilities, it later opens its doors to the public.

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-16 21:21:23编辑过]

    作者: ptr07    时间: 2006-12-24 06:51
    The only problem with A is the , "also" can not connect sentence

    作者: zxzhyzcy    时间: 2007-6-16 18:01



    作者: idleguy77    时间: 2007-6-16 21:30



    作者: lolita0320    时间: 2007-8-20 18:04
    请问A的主干是什么?我怎么分析的是A不是一个完整的句子呢?approved....., the act that...., and also...
    作者: yukee820    时间: 2007-8-28 15:09
    以下是引用lolita0320在2007-8-20 18:04:00的发言:
    请问A的主干是什么?我怎么分析的是A不是一个完整的句子呢?approved....., the act that...., and also...


    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    established 和哪个动词并列啊?



    作者: JUJUCHENG    时间: 2007-9-8 10:03


    A中,主语是the act(法案),谓语是established。


    that引出的定语从句修饰the act;


    作者: woyuhong    时间: 2007-10-7 20:41
    作者: suffisait    时间: 2007-12-1 16:14

    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    1. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established
    2. The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established


    1. The act of Congress approved April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established

    歧义:act approved...,and established... 好象2个谓语动词。 至于WHICH我觉得不是歧义的根本,至少不是很重要

    1. Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established

    我觉得这个倒不是很明显的修饰歧义,而是因为这个结构本身就不是很好,我发现EST总对特定的句子有特定的表达。 比如这个done,doing, S+V+O. 就没有done,S,doing,V+O. 好。

    1. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing



    作者: mmandli    时间: 2008-3-2 02:20

    我发现EST总对特定的句子有特定的表达。 比如这个done,doing, S+V+O. 就没有done,S,doing,V+O. 好


    作者: MarilynR    时间: 2008-6-8 01:30
    以下是引用woyuhong在2007-10-7 20:41:00的发言:




    作者: ricky_w    时间: 2008-7-19 15:53
    作者: bmwedward    时间: 2008-8-14 13:15
    以下是引用pebbles在2005-9-26 10:38:00的发言:

    A "Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established"

    这个句子很好,但是为什么主语the act of Congress和谓语also established之间有个逗号呢?这样不是fragmented sentences吗? 如果没有这个逗号, A应该是最好的.


    大大請注意,  這逗點是修飾the new federal city的同位語, Washington, D.D., 所以A沒有問題

    作者: bmwedward    时间: 2008-8-14 13:21
    以下是引用yukee820在2007-8-28 15:09:00的发言:


    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.

    established 和哪个动词并列啊?



    不是牛人是路人, 小弟看法

      Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.


    The act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., was approved April 24, 1800 and also established the Library of Congress.

    所以才會有also的出現, 至於D.C., 後面這各逗點只是同位語!!

    Open to discussion

    作者: sfan201    时间: 2008-8-23 15:58


    而且E选项在the act of Congress后少了个that,定从that做主语不能省略,在此省了会让人误解是过去分词做后置定语,这样逻辑就不对了。

    作者: fiona8718    时间: 2008-10-2 19:45


    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.


    A.    Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established(是句子的谓语,而E 改为establishing, 把好好的主句变成了伴随,是把好好的女主人变成小保姆,改变了原文的意思)

    B.    The act of Congress, which was approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established

    C.    The act of Congress approved April 24, 1800, which made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., and established

    D.    Approved April 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., the act of Congress also established

    E.     Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also establishing

    作者: phyroc    时间: 2008-10-7 23:41



    在OG中好像没看到过有a do b, also doing c这种结构,有吗?没有吗?有吗?反正后天上考场了,指望不上这个问题的最终答案了...

    作者: lugb    时间: 2008-10-7 23:54
    作者: mcwEnquxiN    时间: 2008-11-19 20:50


    (Approved April 24, 1800, )the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the


    government of the United States to (the new federal city/, Washington, D.C.,同位语)

    (also adv.也) established
                the Library of Congress.

                      谓语               宾语

                      谓语               宾语

    作者: 吴羽若    时间: 2008-12-8 22:00
    以下是引用bmwedward在2008-8-14 13:15:00的发言:

    大大請注意,  這逗點是修飾the new federal city的同位語, Washington, D.D., 所以A沒有問題


    作者: laura466    时间: 2009-7-20 11:22
    作者: happyggggg    时间: 2009-10-8 06:00

    答案是E,also establishing 分词做伴随的状语


    请注意句意,原文这整个一句话到底是在强调the act 建立了图书馆,还是建立了一系列法规规定,做为整体的结果,建立了图书馆。建立这个动作只能由人发出,而不能是这项运动。所以also establishing做伴随的状语,逻辑主语并非句子的主语而是人。


    作者: jillchenyy    时间: 2009-10-13 14:24


    作者: jillchenyy    时间: 2009-10-17 11:45


    作者: tsqqq_ny    时间: 2010-1-8 06:53
    各位nn, 我有一事不明:

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