
标题: [讨论]再论gwd-3-32 [打印本页]

作者: ztlbox    时间: 2004-8-13 11:49
标题: [讨论]再论gwd-3-32


Newspaper editorial:

In an attempt to reduce the crime rate, the governor is getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher.  art of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses.  However, this action is clearly counter to the governor’s ultimate goal, since after being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  1. Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed.

  2. Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the general population.

  3. The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.

  4. Taking high school level courses in prison has less effect on an inmate’s subsequent behavior than taking college-level courses does.

  5. The governor’s ultimate goal actually is to gain popularity by convincing people that something effective is being done about crime.


This is an interesting question.  To effectively solve CR, one must to analyze an argument's line of reasoning(LoR).  Actually there are two arguments here, that of the governor’s and that of the passage author’s.  

LoR of the governor: deny college course --> make prison harsher --> reduce crime rate.
LoR of the author: inmates who take courses will commit fewer crimes after release  --> denying them course will lead to more crimes by them after release --> governor's action won't reduce crime rate.

Since the question ask for assumption of the author’s argument, only the author’s LoR is relevant.

Now let's look at A, which says "Not being able to ... is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime ..." (不能读书不会deter任何人)  You probably can already tell that this is not relevant to the author's LoR (although it's relevant to governor's LoR).  So, choice A is not relevant.  You don’t even needs to try deny test here.

Now let’s look at C.  C says "...inmates who chose to take courses were not already less likely ... to commit crimes after being released."  Deny C, we get "...inmates who chose to take college-level courses were already less likely... to commit crimes after being released."  In other words, denying them course will not lead to more crimes by them after release.  This directly contradicts the author’s LoR and cause the argument to fall apart.  So, C is a necessary assumption of the author.

Two side notes:

Deny test:  "To test whether a statement is necessarily assumed by an author, one can try the denial test (DT): simply deny or negate the statement and see if the argument falls apart.  If it does, the choice is a necessary assumption." -- from Kaplan.

The opposite of A is "Not being able to ... might actually deter some from a crime ..." (不能读书有可能deter一些人).  而不是 “Not being able to ... is likely to deter everyone from a crime ...” (不能读书有会deter所有人).  See the subtle differences between them?

It should be C. A simple test: A indicates that taking the courses has no impact on reducing crime rate. This is apparent opposite to the argument, in which the author is trying to say that by denying the access to such courses, the governor will not achieve his goal of reducing crime rate, indicating that taking the courses help reduce the crime rate.

C is clearly the answer in this question. The argument is trying to point out that taking the courses help reduce the crime rate. C indicates that it was not because people are already less likely to commit crime when they take the courses.


A的推理为 not being able to take course------->unlikely to deter crime 其逆否命题为

likely to deter crime---->able to take course,take course 是必要条件,符合加设定义。

原文推理:taken such courses ----〉far fewer crimes overall than other inmates

C是不正确的: The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released

请看原文Part of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses

这两个实际的范围是不一样的,C中是主动选课的犯人,文中是they formerly had to college-level, 所有的犯人,无论主被动。

already, 这只表明现在的情况,说明不了任何将来的问题,尽管现在是这样,那以后犯人都受神灵感召,无论上不上课,都打死也不犯罪了,也是很有肯能的呀,C答案又没说现在会影响将来。


作者: iamweng    时间: 2004-8-23 16:44
作者: mindfree    时间: 2004-8-24 04:56
"A的推理为 not being able to take course------->unlikely to deter crime 其逆否命题为

likely to deter crime---->able to take course,take course 是必要条件,符合加设定义。"

This is outrageous! You are not trying to understand what the reasoning is but simplying adding or subtracting "not". Let me use a simple example to counter your reasoning:

"His voting for us is unlike to change the election result" ==> "The result changes --> he did not vote for us"?! This is your "reasoning".

Also, why does "逆否命题" have anything to do in an assumption question?

My recommendation to you is to understand what the sentence means before you work on the question. If you understand what A means, you can rule it out right away.

作者: ztlbox    时间: 2004-8-25 00:05




A 不能读书---〉不能阻止任何人犯罪 DENY TEST 不能读书---〉可以阻止一些人犯罪。 这与author的论点正好是相反地吧。

C. It should be C. A simple test: A indicates that taking the courses has no impact on reducing crime rate. This is apparent opposite to the argument, in which the author is trying to say that by denying the access to such courses, the governor will not achieve his goal of reducing crime rate, indicating that taking the courses help reduce the crime rate

C says "...inmates who chose to take courses were not already less likely ... to commit crimes after being released."  Deny C, we get "...inmates who chose to take college-level courses were already less likely... to commit crimes after being released."  In other words, denying them course will not lead to more crimes by them after release.  This directly contradicts the author’s LoR and cause the argument to fall apart.  So, C is a necessary assumption of the author.


xiang wo kai pao

作者: daxing    时间: 2004-9-26 03:15
支持选A。C的意思是: 读书的人比不读的犯罪不少可能性(也就是读书的人等于或大于不读的人在犯罪可能上)。而本题所需的假设是:读书使犯罪可能减少。
作者: 携隐    时间: 2004-9-26 17:50



作者: 携隐    时间: 2004-9-26 17:53

box,我觉得你对“假设应该是必要条件”理解错了。这句话的意思是,答案整个都是必要条件,而不是你把一个答案分成前提结论,然后把答案里的那段结论拿来当必要条件啊。原文的结论又不是deter crime,原文的focus是读书可以减少犯罪,focus是读书。

作者: rhod    时间: 2004-10-1 14:44

I agree with Mindfree that we have to understand the meaning of the logic question.

Do not mechanically use some logic principles. Mindfree already gave us a good counter-example.

作者: sunshining    时间: 2004-10-13 12:13

携隐mm的解释很精辟啊,我也觉得奇怪干吗在讨论A, C是og里面ETS最喜欢出的题了  ,就是否定比较的基础 ‘本身’已经怎么怎么样了

作者: zhanghuiyong    时间: 2005-11-7 03:43


1、原文的Part of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses.

2、原文的since after being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates

3、A选项的unlikely to deter anyone from a crime。。。

4、C选项的The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to。。。

分析A为什么不对:A的假设重点在deter这个词上,实际上原文反对意见根本不关心念书是否deter犯罪上,而是关心念书是否能让人出狱后减少犯罪上。并且真正deter犯罪的,是getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher,侧重点不在是否让罪犯念书上。A选项的anyone,也有错误选项的特征。

C选项为什么对:原文反对意见的since从句部分,表明了反对意见的言下之意是说governor的措施会使inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates不可能实现,也就是说,反对者认为deny罪犯读书,会影响减少犯罪的正面效果,这就是题干所说的假设。再看这个假设为什么对应到C选项:原文的Part of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses清楚表明罪犯原来是可以念书的,或者说罪犯已经念过一段时间的书了,deny翻译成“中断”可能更准确。千万不要忽视C选项的already,它实际上和原文的formerly had 相对应,结合原文,C选项可以翻译为:可以念书的罪犯,(在deny或中断念书之前)还没有达到能够出狱后比其它罪犯少犯罪(的程度)。也就是说,如果现在deny这些罪犯念书,他们不会比其它罪犯出狱后少犯罪,就不能达到governor减少犯罪的目的,这正是原文反对者所持观点。

用Not Weaken验证C选项:如果罪犯在被终止念书前(念的书)已经可以达到出狱后比其它罪犯少犯罪(的程度),也就是说,如果deny罪犯读书,不影响罪犯(已经)读过的书的正面效果,则反对者Since从句部分内容就不能成立,其结论也就不成立。也就是说,这种情况下,是否deny罪犯读书,已经无关罪犯被deny前所读书的正面效果了,不影响措施的有效性了。


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-7 10:43:57编辑过]

作者: daisyfeng    时间: 2011-1-10 20:03
如果C正确 那就是说读书的人跟不读的相比要么犯罪率一样要么更高, 这不是否定了结论吗
作者: 情未浓    时间: 2011-12-13 23:55
A 不能读书---〉不能阻止任何人犯罪 DENY TEST 不能读书---〉可以阻止一些人犯罪。 这与author的论点正好是相反地吧。
C. It should be C. A simple test: A indicates that taking the courses has no impact on reducing crime rate. This is apparent opposite to the argument, in which the author is trying to say that by denying the access to such courses, the governor will not achieve his goal of reducing crime rate, indicating that taking the courses help reduce the crime rate
C says "...inmates who chose to take courses were not already less likely ... to commit crimes after being released."  Deny C, we get "...inmates who chose to take college-level courses were already less likely... to commit crimes after being released."  In other words, denying them course will not lead to more crimes by them after release.  This directly contradicts the author’s LoR and cause the argument to fall apart.  So, C is a necessary assumption of the author.
xiang wo kai pao
-- by 会员 ztlbox (2004/8/25 0:05:00)

作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-3-8 17:26

premise 1: Action: deny coll course
Premise 2: crime:  coll-course taker < non coll-course taker            CORRELATION!!!
               possible assumption: coll-course -----> reduced crime
Conclusion: Action counter goal (to reduce crime)

首先,premise 2是个correlation,我用<表示这是个data。遇到correlation推导出causal relation的,都要高度重视。correlation vs. causal relationship这种很典型,反驳的3个思路:just a coincidence? exist a 3rd factor that simultaneously leads to the two? simply reversed?
但作者推出的conclusion明显基于premise 1+premise 2. 他把premise 2理解成了causal relationship,所以暗含的assumption就是: correlation=causal relation
Assumption, strengthen, weaken这类题,正确答案往往都是针对核心的assumption,因此从这个角度去prephrase.
那么选项C,恰恰指出了这一点,说的是从correlation推出causal relation这一步的时候,causal relation不能reverse.

No other way (apart from coll course) can inhibit crime

如果A原话你觉得绕,就抽象成逻辑模型,本来assumption的因果关系是 X---->Y
X=take col course
Y=deter crime
A说的是:  No X ----> No Y
那么A显然错误。根据充分必要条件的知识,"X--->Y" 和 "No X ---> No Y" 显然不等价(一个命题和他的否命题不等价)。一个命题和他的逆否命题才是等价的,也就是说:
"X---->Y"     ~(等价于)    "No Y---->No X"
作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-3-8 17:27

具体说,C的本质就是REVERSED causal relationship 不成立
本来作者的causal relationship:
take col course ------> inhibit crime

那是否可以reverse呢?就说罪犯本来就不想犯罪了,于是才上课(chosen to take):
(already) inhibit crime -------> take col course
C选项说,这是不成立的。所以说C就是assumption,帮助由correlation建立causal relation

deter=inhibit=prevent from acting
或者当作个逻辑问题,就是一把叉,可以在草稿纸上写个crime画把叉,that's it!
作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-3-8 17:34

原文的因果关系体现在 assumption: take col course -------> deter crime
作者基于这样的assumption(就是认为take course有利于降低犯罪率),才能得出作者的结论。

既然我们的因果关系的assumption是表述成 X---->Y
而A说的是这个assumption的否命题,也就是 no X----->no Y

C说的是,因果关系不可逆,这能帮助我们由correlation建立causal relation,所以是个assumption

A的推理为 not being able to take course------->unlikely to deter crime 其逆否命题为
likely to deter crime---->able to take course,take course 是必要条件,符合加设定义。
原文推理:taken such courses ----〉far fewer crimes overall than other inmates

C是不正确的: The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released

请看原文Part of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses

这两个实际的范围是不一样的,C中是主动选课的犯人,文中是they formerly had to college-level, 所有的犯人,无论主被动。

already, 这只表明现在的情况,说明不了任何将来的问题,尽管现在是这样,那以后犯人都受神灵感召,无论上不上课,都打死也不犯罪了,也是很有肯能的呀,C答案又没说现在会影响将来。


-- by 会员 ztlbox (2004/8/13 11:49:00)

作者: Charline_chang    时间: 2019-6-25 09:45
babybearmm 发表于 2012-3-8 17:26
说下我的思路吧,欢迎讨论。这题我的逻辑简图:premise 1: Action: deny coll coursePremise 2: crime: &nb ...

作者: Charline_chang    时间: 2019-6-25 10:04

因:参加 college-level courses 可以减少犯罪;
A选项 不参加课程,不犯罪,直接是对因 的一个否命题,错的。
A 选项像是在问:
如果非A → 非B,那么A→B 成立否?显然不行,所以A错。
作者: liuyongxue    时间: 2019-6-26 11:36

结合到这个题目上,A选项说的是:inmate不能上这个再教育课程的话,也不会阻止他们出去以后犯(如果参加了这个课程)会犯的罪;(这里还出现了虚拟语气,might otherwise have committed,大家可以想一下,otherwise是哪种情况?是参加再教育课程还是不能参加再教育课程)那么这个课程对于阻止犯罪就没什么关系了,所以构不成前提条件



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