购买阿拉斯加 Purchase of Alaska March 30, 1867 In 1867, Seward, Secretary of U.S., agreedto purchase Alaska from Russia for $7 million. At the time,the public thought Seward was crazy to spend so much on a piece of land thatwas mostly unexplored. Ultimately, buying Alaska proved to be a very good move. The discoveryof gold and petroleum in Alaskaended people’s debate. 马丁路德金和种族歧视 Martin Luther King's contributions to ourhistory place him in this inimitable position. In his short life, Martin LutherKing was instrumental in helping us realize and rectify those unspeakable flawswhich were tarnishing the name of America . In those days American Blacks were confinedto positions of second class citizenship by restrictive laws and customs. Tobreak these laws would mean subjugation and humiliation by the police and thelegal system. Beatings, imprisonment and sometimes death were waiting for thosewho defied the System. Hope in America was waning on the part ofmany Black Americans, but Martin Luther King, Jr. provided a candle along witha light. Today Black Americans have federallegislation which provides access and legal protection in the areas of publicaccommodations, housing, voting rights, schools, and transportation.
On December 10, 1964, Dr. King received theNobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway . 水门事件 Consider also less egregious examples, suchas President Nixon's withholding of information about his active role in theWatergate cover-up. His behavior demonstrated a concern for self- interestabove the broader interests of the democratic system that granted his politicalauthority in the first place.
克林顿性丑闻 The sexual scandal of President Clinton andMonica Lewinsky is not only a shame of them, but also in defiance of thesocietal moral standards based on love, honor, honesty, and duty. Clinton 's reckless and immoral behavior and its public dissemination had reinforcedthe publication of sexual acts over the internet, radio, and television, and wouldinextricably aggravate the wrongdoings of the adolescence. 法西斯制度 In an autocratic society, people are notonly encouraged but actually coerced into suppressing individual personality;and indeed these people are afraid to think and behave differently—not for fearof being excluded but rather for fear of punishment and persecution by thestate. The modern Communist and Fascist regimes are fitting examples. Every society has its own bundle of values,customs, and mores which most of its members share.
政治词汇短语 an understanding of national values and a commitmentto national loyalty. Lincoln, the 16thpresident of the Unite State , led the Unionduring the Civil war and emancipated slaves in the south. 政治家的才能 Firmness, far-sightedness, wise leadership,warmth, generosity, strong conviction, charismaticoratory and propaganda
政治好句 histories that tell the national story, emphasizingdistinctive features of the national experience, are meant to drive home anunderstanding of national values and a commitment to national loyalty.作者: 普渡哥 时间: 2012-1-7 19:59