明白了 刚才堵了作者: sdcar2010 时间: 2012-1-3 08:41
This question can be solved in the following way (I used cents instead of dollars):
Start with 100 1 cents. Then replace the cents with nickel, dime and quarter.
5 cents = 1 nickel; and the total count of coins will be reduced by 4. 10 cents = 1 dime; and the total count of coins will be reduced by 9. 25 cents = a quarter; and the total count of coins will to reduced by 24.
50 and 100 cents won't be included here because both would reduce the total count below 52.
So the ONLY ways to get an ODD number of total coins is to have 1, 3, 5 dimes, and reduce the count by 9, 27, 45. Then coupled with reduction of the count by 4, 8, 12, 16 ...(nickels) or by 24 (quarter), you can figure out the ALLOWED counts of coins.作者: shaoheng1120 时间: 2012-1-3 10:55
仙人指路,望洋兴叹。作者: 泾渭不凡 时间: 2012-1-3 12:11
88V1应该是一共要100元的硬币。有1,5,10,25,50,100面值的。问以上那个数字可以是硬币的数量。。有81.。79,,95.。。 79的可以:3个5,1个10,75个1