
标题: 请问补充250题67题 [打印本页]

作者: smilingsea    时间: 2004-8-11 23:18
标题: 请问补充250题67题

67.   According to some economists, Japan is in danger of plunging into a depression that, with double-digit unemployment, could severely strain a society that regards lifetime employment as a virtual right of citizenship.

(A) that, with double-digit unemployment, could severely strain

(B) that, because of double-digit unemployment, could be a severe strain for

(C) with double-digit unemployment, and it could severely strain

(D) with double-digit unemployment and could be a severe strainA

(E) with double-digit unemployment and could severely strain

Key is A. But why  C is not true by using it to refer to "depression"?

作者: luckyoldmi    时间: 2004-8-11 23:42
in my understanding "it" in C does not have a stated antecedent, however the original meaning clearly wants to express that it is the depression that...
作者: smilingsea    时间: 2004-8-12 21:31



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