标题: 新GRE作文指导资料分享系列十四《看北美范文总结之社会类文章要点》第一部 [打印本页]
作者: KnightBM 时间: 2011-12-30 22:19
标题: 新GRE作文指导资料分享系列十四《看北美范文总结之社会类文章要点》第一部
Greater toleranceof differing viewpoints 对个性的理解
Greater respectfor individual rights 对人权的尊重
Greatercooperation across cultural and national boundaries 文化之间的交融
Collective lifeexperience 集体生活经验
Solitaryimprisonment 关押监狱
severe mental andPhysical deficiency 精神紧张和身体缺陷
under financialduress 财政紧张
economic paralysis经济瘫痪
industries out ofbusiness (为了环境,可取吗?)
declare bankruptcy宣布破产
take demeaning job找卑微的工作
morallyaccountable(道德责任感)forour actions and choices
throughout historymonarchs and directors have…
preordained预先注定to assume positions of authority 假定的权力位置
socioeconomicinfrastructure 社会经济结构
criminalization ofdrug use
criminal justice
energy-efficienttechnologies 节能技术
electric powerplant 发电厂
the most recentquarter-century has been an increasing sensitivity in our society towardensuring public health by policing the food and drug industries and byprotecting our natural environment.(130)
we’ve becomingmore sensitive to, and respectful of, the rightsof women, various ethnic(种族) and racial groups , homosexuals(同性恋) and mentallyand physically challenged individuals.
一些社会问题rampantgang violence黑帮暴力猖獗, anAIDS epidemic流行, and anunprecedented federal budget deficit/finance deficit空前的联邦财政赤子.
An increasingconcern for individual freedom …. libertarian行动自由者
There in ample evidence of increasing international cooperation.
the former Soviet Union and the U.S. have worked collaboratively in space research and exploration since the 1970s; peace-keeping missions(维和任务) are now largely multinational (多国的)efforts ; the nations are now tacking public health problems collaboratively through jointresearch programs. (合作)
Our society issteadily evolving into a more civilized ,respectful and tolerant one
正反阐述 套话 表达支持/反对 …观点,原因
Primarily becausethis contention accords with common sense and our every experience as humanbeings. Besides ,the reverse claimthat we do not have free choice serves to undermine the notion of moralaccountability责任心 andhuman equality ,which are critical to the survival of any democratic society (136)
One might feel trapped in a job or marriage .
The “choices” thatseems part of the essence of our being are actually beyond our control.
事情应该简单 25
Indisputably不可否认的 , the many complex technological marvels 科学奇迹 that are significant of our lives are theresult of the extraordinary cumulative累积的 efforts of our engineers, entrepreneurs,and others . and such achievements always call for the courage to risk failingin a large way.
A number ofentrepreneurs and engineers today are making the effort to create far simple ,yet more elegant , technologies and applications , which will surely make ourlives far more convenient
The statementbrings immediately to mind the ever-growing and increasingly complex digitalworld.数字世界
Today’s high-techfirms seem compelled to boldly go to whatever effort is required to devise设计 increasingly complex products , for theostensible表面上的purpose of staying ahead of their competitors.
near-term profits 短期利益 prospect of making lasting contributions持久利益
There is atendency of most people complicate their personal lives.后面举例…it arguably requires more efforts andcourage to move in the opposite direction.
In contrast, whatpeople should do is to simplify their daily schedule , and to establish andadhere to a simple plan for the use of their time and money.
The world isundeniably involved in an apparently continuous trend towards globalization inalmost every aspect of society. In the beginning, societies survived with whatthey had available to them in their particular area of the world. Because theworld’s total population was small, the earliest societies were able to survivein isolation. As the number of the earth’s inhabitants居民grew, societies began to increasinglyinteract with one anther, sharing traditions, customs and goods. Earlyconsumers began to demand the goods that other societies owned. As civilizationcontinued to develop, it became apparent that to continue to advance, somecountries needed supplies that were available only in other countries. An earlyexample of this is shown by the ancient Silk Road traderoute.
The advent ofadvanced telecommunications, transportation and possibly most importantly, theInternet has led to all countries’ progress and welfare becoming increasinglyintertwined as their population’s needs and wants become more similar. It iseasy to see that, through the development of trade, technology andtransportation, each country has become aware of what the other countries possess.Whether it because a country designs interdependence because of its own needs,or because its own consumers demand that which other countries have, or simplybecause a country cannot live in isolation from the rest of the world, eachcountry’s progress and well being definitely depends on the progress and wellbeing of all the other countries in the world.
Silk Road
An ancient trade route between Chinaand the Mediterranean Sea extending some 6,440 km
(4,000 mi) and linking Chinawith the Roman Empire. Marco Polo followed theroute on his journey to Cathay.
Admittedly, theeveryday machinations of business are very much about meeting mundane世俗的 short-term goals: deadlinesfor production, sales quotas, profit margins, and so forth. Yet underpinning加固these activities is the vision of the company's chief executive首席执行官
--a vision which mightextend far beyond mere profit maximization to the ways in which the firm canmake a lasting and meaningful contribution to the community, to the broadereconomy, and to the society as a whole. Without a dream or vision--that is,without strong idealist leadership--a firm can easily be lost in the sea of commerce withoutclear direction, threatening not only the firm's bottom line but also its verysurvival.
successfulbusiness leaders must strike a balance between achievingprofit maximization and fulfilling their broader obligation to the society
一方面要赚钱 achieving profit maximization
achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm's shareholders股东 orother owners
有些商人为了实现profit maximization 不择手段
In business realm,with the introduction of market economy, more and more manufactures realizethat pursuing the maximum production at lowest lostshould serve as the primary goal. In order to fulfill the engagement, a largeamount of efforts has been introduced, such aspromoting the productivity of the factory, decreasing the wage of the workers,expanding the working hour; even some times betraytheir credits to obtain more interest.
一方面要实现自己的义务 fulfilling their broader obligation
business leadershave a duty to do no intentional harm to their customers or to the society inwhich they operate--for example, by providing safeproducts and by implementing(实施) pollution control measures.
impose onbusiness leaders an affirmative obligation to protect consumers, preservethe natural environment, promote education, and otherwise take steps to help alleviate society's problems.
make a lasting and meaningful contribution tothe community, to the broader economy, and to the society as a whole.
商人等社会成功人士要从事慈善事业 philanthropy
文川地震wen chuan earthquake ..捐款多为大公司大老板..
卡内基(Carnegie, Andrew)盖茨(Gates, Bill)洛克菲勒基金会(Rockefeller Foundation)
作者: hcq 时间: 2012-1-2 11:33
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