//凯旋门(法国):triumphal arch;故宫:SummerPalace;英国伦敦议会大厦顶的大钟:Big Ben Great wall Pyramid 提纲小结: 尊重历史: 1、历史遗迹即使不再有使用价值,但他们还具有其历史意义,是国家历史的见证。破坏历史遗迹代表忘记国家历史。 represents a bygoneera, municipal structure, significant historical figure, location of animportant historical event 历史建筑本身有审美价值 the aesthetic and architectural value of the building itself ,但是要懂得鉴别 it is difficult to quantifyaesthetic value and weigh it against utilitarian considerations 有些建筑as aresult of古人精湛的手工艺unparalleledcraftsmanship ,现在的技术反而很难做到了. Evenretrofitting the building to accommodate current needs mightundermine its aesthetic as well as historic value 2、历史遗迹和现代建设并不冲突。为了一时建设需要损害历史遗迹是短视的行为,这样反而会损害经济发展。 提倡现代: 3、过去的建筑并不全都有保留价值。尤其是一些建筑年久失修,又没有特色,就可以拆除。if the building's history is anunremarkable one, then the historic value of the building might pale in comparison to the value of a newstructure that meets a compelling practical need. consider the community's currentand anticipated utilitarian needs 比如急需土地建医院,公园,有些老房子可以拆掉 take precedence over=overweight
个人和集体 (48个人和集体在历史中的角色?) //bruno、einstein、darwin、newton //贝多芬的音乐。十日谈。 //种族歧视。重要战役的胜利。For example, the abolition war of America, although without Lincoln , this war would happen in the endbecause of the great conflicts between north and south. However, Lincoln accelerated thisprocess greatly -- his efforts on requiring congress to pass liberate billsmakes the corruption of slavery much fast, and eventually it result in theindependence of the south. In fact, in some studies, some researchers believedthat without Lincoln,the process of abolishing slavery in American will delay for more than twentyyears. So it makes great sense to put our focus on Lincoln rather than otherpeople -- say, a deforest worker in Seattlefor example. Great history individuals -- currently known as famous few --indeed made the history quite different. In such cases in which few importantindividuals take extremely important roles, it is blameless to focus theresearch on few famous.提纲小结: 1、在科学研究领域,很多成就都是由个人实现的。 2、在艺术创作中,由很多成就是个人取得的,也有很多是基于前人的总结和升华。 3、在社会领域,很多历史成就虽然是由个人主导的,但是最后的完成是靠大部分人。 4、团体和个人的重要性都不能忽视。
历史观点 A universal viewof history and the perception of present situation mutually sustain oneanother. As when see the totality of the past, so we experience the present.The deeper understanding we acquire in the past, the more sagacious decisionswe make in the present.( history)
德国对二战的教训: In world war two,the chauvinism in Germanyled to great disaster not only to the Germans but also to the people of whole Europe. Fortunately, the government of Germany leantfrom the history that chauvinism would be harmful, and thus takes effectiveactions to restrict the resurgence of Naziism in all of the aspects of society. 以色列复国。 In thereestablishment of Israel,the Bible played a crucial role.
历史短语词汇 watershedsociopolitical event 历史转折点 great humanachievements of the past
历史句子 个人与历史 48 History informs usthat it is almost always a key individual who provides the necessary impetus(推动力)
Generally speaking,then, undue(过分的) attention to the efforts and contributionof various groups tends to obscure the case-and-effect relationship with whichthe study of history is chiefly concerned.
I would be hardpressed to identify any watershed转折点sociopolitical event attributable to a leaderless group. History informs usthat groups rally(集合)only when incited(鼓动) and inspired by key individuals.
研究历史的意义 103 120
Helps us understand how recent, current, andprospective changes that affect the lives of citizens are emerging发生ormay emerge and what causes are involved Lift spirits. history has helpedus learn the appropriateness of addressing certain social issues, particularly moral ones, ona societal level
In sum, the speaker fails to recognize that in allour activities and decisions--from our grandest to our most rote--history caninspire, inform, guide, and nurture. In the final analysis, to study history isto gain the capacity才能to be more human--and I would behard-pressed to imagine a worthier end.
Study history providesinspiration , innumerable lessons for living , and useful value-clarificationand perspective –all of which help us decide how to live our lives.
Provide motivationto face their own personal fears in life. Help us getthrough the everyday business of living, whatever that business might be, by emboldening鼓励usand lifting our spirits.
Help us understandand appreciate the mores .风俗习惯, values ,and the ideals of past cultures. A heightened awareness of culturalevolution, in turn , helps us formulate规划informed and reflective深思熟虑的values and ideals of ourselves. base on these values andideals , students can determine their authentic真正的life path as well as how they should allot分配theirtime and interact with others on a day-to-day basis日常公事. Appreciatinghistory can sever to elevate改善oureveryday chores日常工作to richer , moreinteresting and more enjoyable experiences. Avoid repeatingmistakes
Attempts to legislate morality invariablyfail, as illustrated by Prohibition禁酒令inthe 1930s
历史是事实,是不会变的(127) Nor can we alterfacts by virtue of our inclinations or passions when it comes to history.Admittedly, no person can truly know any particular past that the person didnot experience firsthand. In this sense history is a construct, created for usby reporters, archivists, and historians. Historical facts are therefore susceptibleto interpretation, characterization, and of course errors in commission andomission. This is not to say, however, that historical facts can be altered byour inventing versions that suit our inclinations or wishes. In short, anhistorical event is not rendered any less factual by either our ignorance orcharacterization of it.