It seems a paradoxthat our efficiencies are much higher than ever before while our leisure time isincreasingly diminishing, but it is actually the reality. The greater ourmobility, the more our destinations each day; the more time-saving facilitieswe use, the more activities we try to attend each day; with more convenientaccess to information, we try to assimilate more of it each day. Nowadays weare forced to do more by the superiors, the competitors, or even by ourselves.Fortunately, we have more opportunities and choices than our predecessors, butat the same time, unfortunately, we have to confront with much more challengesand suffer from much more pressure. Therefore, people may be not able to enjoytheir leisure time much in such an increasingly competitive society,consequently resulting in some serious social problems, such as unemployment, resentment,high suicide rate, anti-social behaviors, and so forth.