语法 我不知道是不是因为我这次把语法复习熟了所以感觉这次语法考点很明显 在最后没有时间的题里只是通过简单的平行迅速选出答案。 我的第一题是a discovery of…(前面划线)is a member of…很显然主语不能是a discovry所以直接排除前三项。E的主语又是复数所以果断D. 2. 还有就是JJ里able will平行那题…我没按JJ答案 我选了both can provide and will provide(我觉得是能力can和意愿will的平行,别的both前后真心乱…) 3. 还有个题是…是 a…,a什么什么and什么什么,an…三个名词的并列,其中第二个名词里小并列 4. 还有题没时间了没太读但是是个人名开头的 我选的是人名,have done多么长一段话,thus let him…(我在其中一个选项里小犹豫 就是have done的地方做了主句,letting him做伴随…我这会突然想起我是不是选错了…我选的那个时态是不是反了?应该是先做了什么事然后let him怎么样吧?!擦…我当时还得意来着 觉得这时态真完美
Life is a journey. Maybe we cannot control our destiny in the end. But we can at least try to move towards our dreams at present and in the near future. With this kind of mindset, you would not be easily distracted by lost love or failed exams. Enjoy every step of the journey, even some missed steps! Hopefully you will run into a love-of-your-life kind of guy along the way. Expect the unexpected!