
标题: OG 39现在分词的使用?以前没问过,期待高手 [打印本页]

作者: tweib    时间: 2004-8-7 19:04
标题: OG 39现在分词的使用?以前没问过,期待高手

39.   For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

(A) a method to protect

(B) as a method protecting

(C) protecting

(D) as a protection ofC

(E) to protect


现在分词单独放在句末,在OG中一般都是做伴随状语,根据OG解释Choice C is best because the participle protecting begins a phrase that explains what the shields did.我怎么感觉protecting象是做定语了,即explains what the shields did,

不然伴随状语能够explains what the shields did???

作者: tweib    时间: 2004-8-7 21:57

up up

作者: LES    时间: 2004-8-7 22:42



作者: tweib    时间: 2004-8-7 23:41



2、现在分词前有“,”也可以做定语,但在ETS题里,只有....n., including...结构


试着用前人一句话,来自我安慰:正确选项中的protecting在这里是修饰整个句子animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment,即指明用途。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-8 0:00:54编辑过]

作者: tweib    时间: 2004-8-8 00:47

试着用前人一句话,来自我安慰:正确选项中的protecting在这里是修饰整个句子animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment,即指明用途。

想来想去,还是觉得上面的话不对头!整句话内容不能导致,protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears !


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-8 0:51:47编辑过]

作者: LES    时间: 2004-8-8 01:02
以下是引用tweib在2004-8-8 0:47:00的发言:

试着用前人一句话,来自我安慰:正确选项中的protecting在这里是修饰整个句子animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment,即指明用途。

想来想去,还是觉得上面的话不对头!整句话内容不能导致,protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears !




protecting 作状语修饰主句的主语,表原因,参考上面偶引用的语法说明。

including 是介词化的现在分词(语法上称作participle preposition),也是作状语修饰前面最近的名词。


作者: tweib    时间: 2004-8-8 01:56
以下是引用LES在2004-8-8 1:02:00的发言:

including 是介词化的现在分词(语法上称作participle preposition),也是作状语修饰前面最近的名词。




(If) Given more time and money, we could have completed the task. (条件状语)

(Although) gaining much money, he still felt unhappy. (让步状语)


(As)protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spearsanimal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment。这就很明显了!


再举一例,Many scientists urged government to adopt a number of policies to reverse a decline in the endangered birds ,including establishing new habitat for the birds----  


总之,多亏了les MM

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-8 2:02:48编辑过]

作者: gmat700+    时间: 2004-8-8 02:04
以下是引用tweib在2004-8-8 1:56:00的发言:




(If) Given more time and money, we could have completed the task. (条件状语)

(Although) gaining much money, he still felt unhappy. (让步状语)


(As)protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spearsanimal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment。这就很明显了!


再举一例,Many scientists urged government to adopt a number of policies to reverse a decline in the endangered birds ,including establishing new habitat for the birds----  


总之,多亏了les MM

我同意LES的说法,一般出现including时,including 是作为介词而不是分词,但其引导的部分一般来说都是做状语的,这点没有异议。

作者: tweib    时间: 2004-8-8 02:10



作者: gmat700+    时间: 2004-8-8 02:26
以下是引用tweib在2004-8-8 2:10:00的发言:





作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-9-11 21:30
跟上一个问题,比如是这样一个句子:goverment dicided to adopt the former polices,including ......。这个句子中的including是状语还是定语呢?
作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-9-12 00:55
跟上一个问题,比如是这样一个句子:goverment dicided to adopt the former polices,including ......。这个句子中的including是状语还是定语呢?
作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-9-12 02:38


GIGI-6-41 (GWD) answer:E

The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.

  • Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending

  • Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended

  • Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended

  • Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended

  • Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending

  • 系表结构的句子, 分词结构做状语, 这个看得清楚

    作者: ellen1223    时间: 2004-11-2 00:46
    以下是引用horsefish在2004-9-12 2:38:00的发言:


    GIGI-6-41 (GWD) answer:E

    The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.

    1. Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending

    2. Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended

    3. Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended

    4. Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended

    5. Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending

    系表结构的句子, 分词结构做状语, 这个看得清楚


    作者: timeaway    时间: 2004-11-2 00:48


    作者: calla    时间: 2005-3-30 13:17
    以下是引用timeaway在2004-11-2 0:48:00的发言:



    作者: titatita    时间: 2006-1-6 08:25

    Choice C is best because the participle protecting begins a phrase that explains what the shields did.


    感觉不是状语,是定语.以前brave mba gg解释的很清楚了.


    Q og39,49,229 -ing at the end of the sentence ,after a comma

    49. The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting the distant planet
    which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting
    doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit
    which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known in orbit around
    doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting
    which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known that orbit

    .... the technique degrades major works of art, likening it to putting lipstick on a Greek status.

    Answer 39、the participle protecting begins a phrase that explains what the shields did,动作的发起者就是shields,句子主语。

    T39 感觉是定语,修饰句子主语
    T49 感觉是结果状语

    49、这里modify the preceding clause,现在分词在句尾,可以做定语、伴随状语、目的状语(结果状语)。我认为这里做结果状语。比较灵活,要根据句子意思来判断。


    animal-hide shields with wooden frames protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears were essential items of military equipment


    只是说现分在句尾优先做状语,但是不是不能做定语,OG39不是表示伴随的含义。而OG229我认为是状语,感觉应该是修饰整个句子,因为说的是“把....比做”,是将的technique degrades major works of art的这个过程。


    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-6 8:25:53编辑过]

    作者: yiga    时间: 2006-1-6 12:25
    以下是引用ellen1223在2004-11-2 0:46:00的发言:



    作者: yiga    时间: 2006-1-6 12:31
    以下是引用horsefish在2004-9-12 2:38:00的发言:


    GIGI-6-41 (GWD) answer:E

    The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.

    1. Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending

    2. Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended

    3. Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended

    4. Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended

    5. Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending

    系表结构的句子, 分词结构做状语, 这个看得清楚


    作者: wycg    时间: 2006-1-6 13:06
    作者: crazyyeah    时间: 2008-10-25 18:49
    作者: deuxteer    时间: 2009-7-15 14:55


    参见OG10th 191

    191. Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees and account requirements in writing, provide free cashing of government checks, and to create basic savings accounts to carry minimal fees and require minimal initial deposits.

    (A) provide free cashing of government checks, and to create basic savings accounts to carry

    (B) provide free cashing of government checks, and creating basic savings accounts carrying

    (C) to provide free cashing of government checks, and creating basic savings accounts that carry

    (D) to provide free cashing of government checks,
                creating basic savings accounts to carry

    (E) to provide free cashing of government checks,
                and to create basic savings accounts that carry

    Choice E, the best answer, is the only choice that maintains parallelism with the infinitive phrases to disclose..., [to] provide..., and to create.... (平行)In A and B, the second element lacks the infinitive marker to. Choice C loses parallelism by shifting to a participial phrase, creating....Choice D loses parallelism by dropping the conjunction and;
    (不平行)a modification problem results because the participial phrase creating... attaches to the noun checks, thus distorting the meaning of the last element of the parallel construction.

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