标题: Rochester Simon MBA Skype面經 [2011-12-20] [打印本页] 作者: aliceberry 时间: 2011-12-20 23:11 标题: Rochester Simon MBA Skype面經 [2011-12-20] 剛剛面完 來發個面經 submit 11/14 invitation 11/19 之前約了12/9 校友面試 但是校友客戶公司的網路不能上skype 害我醞釀好的情緒白費了 重新訂時間 約了12/20 變成admin面試
admin: tonya harvey
一開始就說這是 Bilnd interview 她只有我的resume only
- tell me a little about yourself - 因為我大學是在日本念的 問我覺得有沒有遇到什麼困難 上課都聽得懂嗎 - why focused on Marketing? - a typical day in my current position - my leadership style - an example of dealing team conflict in my current company or industry (她強調current 害我不能說之前的公司) (針對我的答案 admin中間還穿插了promote自己學校的話 說我teamwork剛好就是simon FACt 的style) - my quantity ability in academic or in my career experiences - Why MBA - Give me a name of a company you want to join after MBA - Why Simon - Strengths and what attributes can I contribute to Simon? - Have I ever been to the US? - Any other international experiences? All are sightseeing or business trips also? - What do you think might be your weakness in your application? - My hobbies (resume上的) - Any concerns about studying MBA in the US? - Any questions?