The portion of a sphere cut off by a plane. If the height, the radius of the sphere, and the radius of the base are equal: h = r (= r1), the figure is called a hemisphere.
Radius of sphere: r Radius of base: r1 Height: h Surface area: S Volume: V r = (h2+r12)/(2h) S = 2 Pi rh V = (Pi/6)(3r12+h2)h作者: SC2000 时间: 2011-12-20 12:01
cooooooool......作者: 心至福临 时间: 2011-12-20 13:03
?到底是啥啊作者: celia2012 时间: 2011-12-20 14:03
顶~ 让大家看到~~作者: michaelsun8982 时间: 2011-12-20 18:27
其他人给个解答啊!!!作者: sqsdwdza 时间: 2011-12-20 21:14
我算的是3/4 你的这个英文过程看不太懂 再有用搜狗 直接打PAI可以打出π