12月16日:先上狗:我记性特别差,没记住什么,等我之后看了其他人的回忆再来补充! AA:之前JJ里的, cafes established a feedback page on its website. and since they received only 187 complaints and 50 suggestions (they have served 300,000 coffee drinks since the feedback page opened), the author thinks that the cafes don't need to evaluate or improve their service. AI: physical activity is as important to a student's education as academics.
数学:.......怎么办,我一道都想不起来了,我去看看JJ,一会再回来给大家补充 verbal: 阅读的4篇分别是:forage strategy & fast strategy 那篇,就是讲某种seal 是特例的那篇,我记得有考古出来的原文,基本不差,大家好好看就好!! 第二篇是:poor country 和rich country 的investment的那篇,也是JJ里的。 第三篇、第四篇想不起来了