
标题: 第一次做GMAT 四道错了的数学题 求解 谢谢 [打印本页]

作者: woshishizhan    时间: 2011-12-13 11:47
标题: 第一次做GMAT 四道错了的数学题 求解 谢谢
1.     For every positive even integer n, the function h(n) is defined tobe the product of all the even integers from 2 to n, inclusive. If p is thesmallest prime factor of h(100)+1, then p is
(a) BTW 2 to 10
(b) BTW 10 to 20
(c)  BTW 20 to 30
(d) BTW 30 to 40
(e) Greater than 40
2.     If r and s are integers and rs+r is odd, which of the followingmust be even?
(a) r
(b) s
(c)  r+s
(d) rs-r
(e) r^2+s
3.     An investment of d dollars at k simple annual interest rate yields$600 interest over a 2-year period. In terms of d, what dollar amount investedat the same interest rate will yield $2400 interest over a 3-year period?
(a) 2d/3
(b) 3d/4
(c)  4d/3
(d) 3d/2
(e) 8d/3
4.     A basket contains 5 apples, of which 1 is spoiled and the rest aregood. If Henry is to select 2 apples from the basket simultaneously and atrandom, what is the probability that the 2 apples selected will include the spoiledapple?
(a) 1/5
(b) 3/10
(c)  2/5
(d) 1/2
(e) 3/5
作者: socialelite    时间: 2011-12-13 12:58
1. ? 2. b; 3.  e   4. c  请教了
作者: woshishizhan    时间: 2011-12-13 14:47
作者: waliwali    时间: 2011-12-13 15:17
2.     If r and s are integers and rs+r is odd, which of the followingmust be even?


3.     An investment of d dollars at k simple annual interest rate yields$600 interest over a 2-year period. In terms of d, what dollar amount investedat the same interest rate will yield $2400 interest over a 3-year period?

由题干,2kd=600 所以这个利率k=300/d。
由问题,3kd'=2400 将上式k带入得出d'=8d/3

4.     A basket contains 5 apples, of which 1 is spoiled and the rest aregood. If Henry is to select 2 apples from the basket simultaneously and atrandom, what is the probability that the 2 apples selected will include the spoiledapple?

作者: waliwali    时间: 2011-12-13 15:22
1.     For every positive even integer n, the function h(n) is defined tobe the product of all the even integers from 2 to n, inclusive. If p is thesmallest prime factor of h(100)+1, then p is


做不下去了... 不过我会选E或者A... E可能性大一点
作者: waliwali    时间: 2011-12-13 15:47
1.     For every positive even integer n, the function h(n) is defined tobe the product of all the even integers from 2 to n, inclusive. If p is thesmallest prime factor of h(100)+1, then p is


做不下去了... 不过我会选E或者A... E可能性大一点
-- by 会员 waliwali (2011/12/13 15:22:51)

作者: xiaolulubai    时间: 2011-12-13 17:32
第一题是E 因为H100=2*……98*100.  设想有一个小于40的数37,那么他一定是h100的一个质因数,因为37翻倍等于74一定在H100里面,刚好能约掉。  所以既然是H100的质因数就一定不是h100+1的质因数,因为相邻的两个数不可能有一样的质因数,还因为后者是奇数前者的因数里包含了所有小于50的数的倍数。   所以其实最小质因数应该是大于50的,所以E是对的。

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