1. While many people utilize homeopathic remedies to treat health problems, other people do not ____ such alternative treatments, ____ conventional medical treatments instead. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A distrust D relying on B reject E eschewing C countenance F envisioning
2. A number of scientists have published articles ____ global warming, stating ____ that there is no solid scientific evidence to support the theory that the Earth is warming because of increases in greenhouse gases. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A proving D categorically B deploring E paradoxically C debunking F hesitantly
3. Conceptually, it is hard to reconcile a defense attorney's ____ to ensure that false testimony is not knowingly put forward with the attorney's mandate to mount the most ____ defense conceivable for the client. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A inability D cautious B promises E powerful C duty F diversified
4. Surprisingly, given the dearth of rain that fell on the corn crop, the yield of the harvest was ____; consequently, the corn reserves of the country have not been ____. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A inadequate D replenished B encouraging E salvaged C compromised F depleted
5. When a person suddenly loses consciousness, a bystander is not expected to ____ the problem but to attempt to _____ its effects by starting vital functions if they are absent. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A minimize D counter B determine E detect C diagnose F precipitate
6. The remark was only slightly ______, inviting a chuckle, perhaps, but certainly not a ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A audible D guffaw B coherent E rebuke C humorous F reaction
7. Although they were not direct____, the new arts of the Classical period were clearly created in the spirit of older Roman models and thus____ many features of the older style. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A copies D maintained B translations E introduced C masterpieces F accentuated
8. It is (i)____ that so many portrait paintings hang in art museums, since the subject matter seems to dictate a status closer to pictures in the family photograph album than to hig h art. But perhaps it is the artistic skill with which the portraits are painted that (ii)____ their presence in art museums. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A surprising D challenges B understandable E justifies C irrelevant F changes
9. In stark contrast to his later (i)____, Simpson was largely (ii)____ politics during his college years, despite the fact that the campus he attended was rife with political activity. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A activism D devoted to B apathy E indifferent to C affability F shaped by
10. Like Bela Bartok, Ruth Crawford not only brought a composers acumen to the notation of folk music, she also had a marked (i)_____ the task. This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details of a perform ance in a written text, and this (ii)____ makes her work a landmark in ethnomusicology. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A reverence for D fastidiousness B detachment from E didacticism C curiosity about F iconoclasm作者: hxh5242 时间: 2011-12-10 12:42
CDCD CE BF CD CD AD AE AE AD作者: 竹林中人 时间: 2011-12-10 22:16
1.当很多人使用顺势疗法来治疗健康问题时,其他的人并不赞成( countenance )这样的治疗方法,而是更信赖(relying on)传统的药物治疗。 2.一些科学家发表了一些论文,揭穿(debunk)全球变暖的面具,直接了当地(categorically ) 地指出没有很确定的证据证明全球变暖跟为使气体排放的增加有关。 3.理论上讲,很难从辩护律师职能角度去约束他们故意使用假证词来做有力的辩护。 4.惊奇的是,假如玉米庄稼的降水减少,收成却还是很鼓舞(encouraging)人。因此,国家粮食库存并没有减少(depleted)。 5.当一个人突然失去知觉时,旁观者没必要去做出诊断(diagnose),但要尝试着通过开启功能来减小(counter)影响,如果这些功能失去的话。 6.那条评论只是一点风趣,招来一点咯咯的笑声,但肯定不是大笑。 7.虽然它们不是直接的复制品,但古典时期的新作品都是在古罗马风格的精神上创作的,因而保持了旧风格的特征。 8.很惊奇的是艺术剧院里挂着很多的肖像画,这些跟家里面挂的在艺术水平上差不多,或许只是绘画的技巧使得他们可以挂在艺术剧院里。 9.与他现在在政治上的积极形成巨大对比的是,他在学校的时候对政治很冷漠,尽管那所学校的政治活动是很成熟的。 10.不解释。。。作者: 普渡哥 时间: 2011-12-11 07:43
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