AA的题是之前寂静里面有的,#10应该是,就是生产手机需要很多很贵但是很稀有的金属。然后在过去的10年中,这些金属的价格非常不稳定(dramatic rise and fall in the prices) 然后那个公司认为他们的预算还有市场对他们手机的需求非常可观,所以他们决定一次买很多那些稀有金属。因为他们认为这样做可以lock in saving for the company as well as guarantee a continued high profits in the furture.
AI题目挺有意思的,大意是说portrayls of violence are proved commercially successful in songs, movies, tv programs and other entertainment industry. Do you agree or disagree that they should include violence in the entertainment products.
阅读的话总体都不难,应该是因为文章不长的关系做的挺顺。。。狗主薄弱的就是语法逻辑各种的。。。自我检讨啊~。。。anyway~考了一篇关于red book 和green list,就是关于濒临灭绝的鸟类的。题目不难,文章就一页。 对不起各位。。。想了半天只记得这么一篇><