先说数学。 真心感觉太小瞧数学了,其实没有我想象中的那么简单,有很多题在短时间内根本没法做出来。 先说说我一直在纠结的几个题。 1. 说一个平面(plane)里有三个点,好像说是not all of them are on the same line,问跟他们距离相等的点能组成一个什么样的set。 选项有,circle, triangle, line, one point, no point. 我当时脑子都懵了,对这种需要想象力的题真是没有把握。mark了准备回来做,最后没来得及做。 貌似是只有一个点的,线段垂直平分线交点神马的。。。哎,要是有时间肯定能做出来的。(感觉初中讲过这种题,哎,学都白上了)
ISSUE: The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. Argument: When Stanley Park first opened, it was the largest, most heavily used public park in town. It is still the largest park, but it is no longer heavily used. Video cameras mounted in the park's parking lots last month revealed the park's drop in popularity: the recordings showed an average of only 50 cars per day. In contrast, tiny Carlton Park in the heart of the business district is visited by more than 150 people on a typical weekday. An obvious difference is that Carlton Park, unlike Stanley Park, provides ample seating. Thus, if Stanley Park is ever to be as popular with our citizens as Carlton Park, the town will obviously need to provide more benches, thereby converting some of the unused open areas into spaces suitable for socializing.