
标题: Chicago Booth MBA面试 [11/29/2011] [打印本页]

作者: cheesyheart    时间: 2011-11-30 05:50
标题: Chicago Booth MBA面试 [11/29/2011]
在他公司大厅先等了足足15分钟,校友2000年毕业的,senior director of corporate development in a high-tech firm, a really good-looking guy and very well dressed(I think he could have easily made it to be a pro model)

1) talk about himself a bit
2) walk through resume, why did you come to US, why MBA, why Booth?
3) how did the acquisition of your previous company work? (he does M&A stuff)
4) questions or concerns for him?
5) what kind of leaders do you like better?
6) what kind of work environment do you like better? collaborative, competitive, independent?
7) short-term career goal? long-term?
8) what European country do you like the most? 我说Italy, Tuscany countryside,他说他两个月前刚去过一次,blablabla

我以为他是搞general management(最后发现是corporate finance),问了个很傻的问题,他好像对IBD很感兴趣。

面的感觉不好,一共35分钟吧,一开始ice-breaking就做的不好,中途他有好几次都cut me off,感觉明显在赶时间,最不可思议的是他中途居然花了好几分钟在看别的candidate的简历while I was talking,昏死,I'm that boring, sigh ....
作者: Streeter2012    时间: 2011-11-30 09:43
呃...LZ在Talking的时候...还瞄到他在看别的简历?!呃...不过也不用太在意...Finance Guy一贯没什么耐性...未必说明LZ表现不好...何况Chicago的面试比重也不高...Good Luck
作者: gilgemash    时间: 2011-11-30 09:54
作者: jhu5152    时间: 2011-11-30 11:57
Good luck. BTW, LZ在哪个城市面的?

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