
标题: GWD-7-37 [打印本页]

作者: Qiongwang01    时间: 2004-7-27 13:42
标题: GWD-7-37

Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high.  Corn is extensive used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business.  With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise.  Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?

  1. The increase in corn prices is due more to a decline in the supply of corn than to a growth in demand for it.

  2. Generally, farmers who are squeezed out of the livestock business send their livestock to market much earlier than they otherwise would.

  3. Some people who ate meat regularly in the past are converting to diets that include little or no meat.

  4. As meat prices rise, the number of livestock producers is likely to rise again.

  5. Livestock producers who stay in the business will start using feed other than corn more extensively than they did in the past.

Why the answer is B, not D?

Magazine Publisher:  Our magazine does not have a liberal bias.  It is true that when a book review we had commissioned last year turned out to express distinctly conservative views, we did not publish it until we had also obtained a second review that took a strongly liberal position.  Clearly, however, our actions demonstrate not a bias in favor of liberal views but rather a commitment to a balanced presentation of diverse opinions.

Determining which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the cogency of the magazine publisher’s response?

  1. Whether any other magazines in which the book was reviewed carried more than one review of the book

  2. Whether the magazine publishes unsolicited book reviews as well as those that it has commissioned

  3. Whether in the event that a first review commissioned by the magazine takes a clearly liberal position the magazine would make any efforts to obtain further reviews

  4. Whether the book that was the subject of the two reviews was itself written from a clearly conservative or a clearly liberal point of view

  5. Whether most of the readers of the magazine regularly read the book reviews that the magazine publishes

Why the answer is C. I cann't understand the meaning of the passage?

作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-7-28 01:18




作者: Qiongwang01    时间: 2004-7-28 06:44

Why if the producers increase, the livestock won't increase, thus decrease the price. I think the price decrease will happen not immediately in short-term, but happen after a period of time. Is this the reason why D is wrong?

作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-7-28 07:27
You think too much. We donnot know whether the price will decrease, let alone it happen at once or after a period of time.
作者: 小鱼儿    时间: 2004-8-19 00:01
请问Q37不选C的原因是不是不能说明short-term decrease 啊?
作者: valarie    时间: 2004-9-20 09:56
以下是引用小鱼儿在2004-8-19 0:01:00的发言:
请问Q37不选C的原因是不是不能说明short-term decrease 啊?

Yeah, I think so.
作者: starfishz    时间: 2004-10-1 13:36

我也認為是如此 ,  因為c 不保證這些市場新進者的影響是暫時性

作者: plaster    时间: 2004-10-18 13:07
作者: sereny    时间: 2004-10-19 01:56



However, 观察家说肉短期内会降价,问支持


作者: billgong    时间: 2005-1-17 14:48
我觉得Qiongwang01说得没错。D可能会导致long term的猪肉价格下跌(但不保证),但绝不会导致 "immediate short-term decrease".
作者: Dennies    时间: 2005-4-14 00:33


as the prices rise此时已完全与IMMEDIATE  SHORT-TERM 违被了哦

作者: ethyl    时间: 2005-5-23 21:14

as the prices rise此时已完全与IMMEDIATE  SHORT-TERM 违被了哦




C:some people是多少,太空泛了

D:As meat prices rise,这个rise怎么解释呢?按照D的意思,肉价还是先上涨啦,文中说短期内会下降的哦


作者: seekmydream    时间: 2005-6-13 12:51

Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high.  Corn is extensive used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business.  With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise.  Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?

  1. The increase in corn prices is due more to a decline in the supply of corn than to a growth in demand for it.
  2. Generally, farmers who are squeezed out of the livestock business send their livestock to market much earlier than they otherwise would.
  3. Some people who ate meat regularly in the past are converting to diets that include little or no meat.
  4. As meat prices rise, the number of livestock producers is likely to rise again.
  5. Livestock producers who stay in the business will start using feed other than corn more extensively than they did in the past

其实这题也可以看作是解释题,供应商少了,本来预期肉价会上涨, 却有观察家认为在短期内会下跌,原因?所以该支持题的答案是对 "供应商少了-->肉价在短期内会下跌" 这一推理关系提供一解释.

A. corn price 上涨的原因 --- 无关

B. 为了避免更多的损失, 农户早早就把牲畜卖了, 不干了, 大家一哄而上, 短期内肉家就降了很多.

    --- 正好解释清楚了.

C.平常都吃肉的现在肉贵了都改吃素了, 肉价当然得降下来啦!可这不是短期的呀, 很有可能是长期都降下来了. 原文的意思是短期下来了,没说长期如此呀! ---为易混淆选项, 千万不要上当啊!!

D.肉价涨了, 利益所驱, 大家又改回原专业,结果肉价又跌了. 资本主义危机的规律, 没准几年又一来回. --- 又一易混淆选项, 好不容易过了C关,可不要又上D当啊, 这是immediate short-term的么?

E. 玉米不是贵么, 我喂其它粮食行不?当然可以. 所以肉价也不高了.E又没说让农户接着改喂贵玉米,让肉价又赶紧往回涨, 造成immediate short-term decrease 的局面. --- 这回看清楚ets的阴谋了吧!连来仨trap, 看你往不往里钻, 嘿嘿, 我不信逮不着你们!!!!

作者: Dinaxie    时间: 2005-8-2 23:37

注意题目自始至终都没谈到meat price rise,只是说meat prices will surely rise。

D选项的条件就错:As (if) meat prices rise ,应该排除的。

作者: michellechang    时间: 2005-8-20 01:07

E. 玉米不是贵么, 我喂其它粮食行不?当然可以. 所以肉价也不高了.E又没说让农户接着改喂贵玉米,让肉价又赶紧往回涨, 造成immediate short-term decrease 的局面. --- 这回看清楚ets的阴谋了吧!连来仨trap, 看你往不往里钻, 嘿嘿, 我不信逮不着你们!!!!


作者: rosebudxiaojie    时间: 2005-9-7 20:46


作者: dreamerps    时间: 2005-10-6 16:01

With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise.  Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.


作者: zuzululu    时间: 2005-10-21 22:20

lawyer 解释得好.顶

作者: amber0919    时间: 2006-5-12 17:52
作者: handsong    时间: 2006-6-9 23:59


作者: litperi    时间: 2006-7-11 20:43

唉我就中了E的招 其实我也觉得E不是immediate,只是我完全没有理解B的意思 所以搞错了

作者: roric    时间: 2006-9-9 20:02
以下是引用小鱼儿在2004-8-19 0:01:00的发言:
请问Q37不选C的原因是不是不能说明short-term decrease 啊?


作者: ana9    时间: 2006-11-30 12:58
I think the key word is "short-term"

作者: fighteding    时间: 2006-12-25 18:06
作者: superchao    时间: 2007-1-19 20:06


作者: 罗马青年    时间: 2007-5-31 02:42
作者: нандин    时间: 2007-8-19 18:40

这道题刚开始觉得好简单号简单 第二次看的时候 忽然觉得E 好像有道理。后来看到大家对E的解释,惊出一身冷汗,真的是圈套啊!~

作者: tangzimo    时间: 2007-10-20 17:09



作者: nemojia    时间: 2007-10-27 11:49
作者: shirley8707    时间: 2008-5-10 01:00
lawyer 解释得好.og11上有说过的,注意时短期的效果。
作者: monprince    时间: 2008-5-10 16:49


作者: sfan201    时间: 2008-8-15 12:10

请问Q37不选C的原因是不是不能说明short-term decrease 啊?



作者: Netherlander    时间: 2008-9-26 20:26
以下是引用lawyer_1在2004-7-28 1:18:00的发言:




谢谢 本题于这句话没关系

作者: nerakuhs    时间: 2009-1-14 23:26
以下是引用lawyer_1在2004-7-28 1:18:00的发言:




[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-14 23:26:12编辑过]

作者: 苹果古    时间: 2009-7-15 21:25

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看 "为啥lawyer思路总是这么清晰 "


作者: kongkong57    时间: 2009-7-17 10:00
作者: jomn111    时间: 2009-7-21 20:15


这道题,看完题目: 做这个生意的人要减少了,但却推测短期内价格增加,答案不是需求减少就是物品数量短期内的迅速提高,由于是短期内,A,D,E直接排除

B说的恰好是短期内物品数量的增加 C说的是部分人对于需求的减少,也没说短期或者长期,而且说不定这部分不吃肉了,那部分原来不吃肉的开始吃肉了


其实我觉得D错的非常明显啊,抛开短期不说,现有一种论调认为肉价格会飙升,然而,专家认为短期内会(先)下降, D直接支持了那种论调(As meat prices rise),怎么会对呢

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/21 20:16:12编辑过]

作者: dreamlu    时间: 2009-7-27 13:47
作者: 苹果夹心派    时间: 2009-7-31 18:32

作者: 小月公主    时间: 2009-8-4 21:30
is likely to 不代表有没有rise
作者: 蔬菜小丸子    时间: 2009-9-6 17:01
D还是个可能...就算是必然 也不如B  引起immediate short-term
作者: winnemashi    时间: 2009-12-29 15:31

[font=Times New Roman" size=3>Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?
<FONT face="Times New Roman">


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