
标题: 放狗 感恩 [打印本页]

作者: xinsuideyu    时间: 2011-11-24 00:02
标题: 放狗 感恩
今天都三站 唉 其实得到的分数依旧不够理想 不够700+ 但是完成了我4 到5 到6 的飞跃。 这次最深的体会是机经太强大了 我之前没体会到过它的强大 这次很彻底的体验到了 阅读 逻辑 语法  都碰到了 真心很感谢各位狗主各位前辈的整理!
AI的题目很怪 貌似没有见到过 说什么明显的标志是人们更尊重于他的不同
AA的题目是 我好像也没见过 不过没看过作文机经 大概是说一个商店的盈利下滑由于引进了吸引妇人的什么食品之类的,要改变策略 撤销这个柜台 解雇员工 然后建个咖啡厅 因为咖啡厅吸引消费者之类

输血  真可惜 没用好机经 就做过一遍 然后碰到了 还不会做
大概说下我碰到的吧 坚果混合那个题144  方格数交点 还有一个题补充下机经
给了两个公式一个是 等差数列n相和 N(N+1)/2 那个 和前 1平方+2平方+。。N平方 =N(N+1)(2n+1)/6 然后 两个想减  不可能得到的数是哪个?其他的基本机经都有了

月度机经给力 girl联盟 月球理论 管理学家和社会学家 古人岩洞画画 貌似都是低分裤
裸机 碰到了2到寂静吧 这个的原题
Whales originated in the freshwater  lakes and rivers of ancient Asia about sixty million years ago.Not until about ten million years later did species of whales develop specialized kidneys enabling them to drink salt water.Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lacked such kidneys sometimes swam in the Earth’s saltwater oceans, these species must have had to return frequently to freshwater rivers to drink.

Which of the following is most strongly supported by the information given?

A.Fossils of whale species dating from between sixty million and fifty million years ago will not be found on continents that were at the time separated from ancient Asia by wide expanses of ocean.

B.Among whale fossils that date from later than about fifty million years ago, none are fossils of whale species that drank only fresh water.

C.Fossils of whale species that drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossils of whale species that drank salt water.

D.The earliest whales that drank salt water differed from fresh-water-drinking whales only in their possession of specialized kidneys.

E.Between sixty million and fifty million years ago, the freshwater lakes and rivers in which whales originated were gradually invaded by salt water.


还有一个题机经上貌似没有吧 让高血压患者锻炼 然后他们减少体重并且血压下降 所以得出结论是  体重减轻所以血压下降了 这个结论的错误在于什么
还有一个题一个博物馆有一种什么金币 然后被认定没有价值 但是博物馆缺钱 有人提议卖了金币 但是馆长依旧留着那些金币 问原因

发一个我总结的罗技机经 可以供参考下~~

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