
标题: OG12-Q7小疑问 [打印本页]

作者: tikyluo    时间: 2011-11-19 09:41
标题: OG12-Q7小疑问
7.      As its sales of computerproducts have surpassed
those of measuring instruments, the company has
become increasingly willing to compete for the mass
market sales they would in the past have conceded

to rivals.
 they would in the past have conceded to rivals
 they would have conceded previously to their
 that in the past would have been conceded
 previously to rivals
 it previously would have conceded to rivals in
 the past
 it would in the past have conceded to rivals
不清楚这句子算是一个什么类型的从句,该题是不是省略了which?因为划线部分好像是解释the mass markets。谢谢大家帮我解答!


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