
标题: 毕业后想做咨询的同学,可以考虑一下MEM(工程管理),也许是一个更好的选择 [打印本页]

作者: 小虾米嘻嘻哈哈    时间: 2011-11-18 13:18
标题: 毕业后想做咨询的同学,可以考虑一下MEM(工程管理),也许是一个更好的选择
在这个坛子上的同学,很多都是想申请金融专业的,但是现在美国开设金融硕士的学校,本来就不多,名校更少.怎样来选择学校呢? 在这里我有一个很好的建议,就是选择工程管理MEM专业. 开设这个专业的名校相对来来说比较多, 而且竞争相对来说没有金融那么激烈.读MEM专业出来后,也有挺多同学去做金融相关的工作.所以说,一心想毕业后搞金融的同学,应该把眼光放长远一些,想一想,如果有一个名校的学位的话,一辈子都是会受益无穷的.举个例子,像DUKE大学的MEM专业,选课就很灵活,你可以把选修课都选金融相关的,或者商学院的课.这样读下来的话,也上了很多金融相关的课,而且有这样一个名校的平台,资源多,校友多,以后不管回国还是留在美国,都是一个不错的选择.
The MEM degree may be right for you if...Do I qualify for Duke's MEM Program?Applicants often ask for an assessment of their candidacy for the MEM Program. To better respond to those inquiries, we've developed a brief survey that allows students to submit information on their educational background and test scores and receive feedback from the program. Submit your preliminary information now.
How does the MEM compare to an MBA or traditional engineering MS?There are several key differences between Duke's MEM Program and other graduate programs, including MBA and traditional engineering programs.

Program Options
Duke's MEM program
MBA ProgramsTraditional Engineering MS/PhD Programs
CurriculumTech-based core courses in marketing, management, finance, and law, with a wide range of technical electives in engineering, management, or business, plus unique seminar/workshop series and an internship componentA broad range of core subjects including economics, marketing, accounting, finance, and others, with specialized courses in corporate strategy, management, human resources, international business, and organizational behaviorResearch-based curriculum focused on developing advanced technical comprehension in a specific technical discipline
Undergraduate Education
Requires an undergraduate degree in any engineering or science disciplineAttracts students from a wide variety of undergraduate disciplinesRequires an undergraduate degree in a specific engineering or science discipline
Can be completed in as little as one yearTraditional programs are two years longTwo to eight or more years, depending on the discipline and degree sought
Work Experience
Recommended for students with less than five years of work experience, and tailored for students in the earliest stages of their careersHighly-ranked programs require years of work experienceVaries, depending on the discipline and degree sought
Student Career Goals
Interest in management in a technology-based organizationInterest in executive level management.Interest in research or academic positions

作者: 愤怒的小牛    时间: 2011-11-18 23:40
Good advice!
作者: paulobbc    时间: 2011-11-22 00:21
作者: littlepigmm    时间: 2011-11-22 07:54
Duke Also has a MMS program, which is also good
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