
标题: 北京三战-690-680--终于700+ 放些狗 [打印本页]

作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 17:06
标题: 北京三战-690-680--终于700+ 放些狗
补充一道新题。 三角形的S=A+B+C/2 (A,B,C 为三条边)    AREA=S*(S-A)*(S-B)(S-C)开根号,  三角形的三边分别为300 300 360, 求三角行得AREA,   算法是 S=480   AREA=根号下 480*180*180*120         然后分解公因式就好了

还有一个求MEDIAN的, 问能否算出卖出的7所房子的价格的MEDIAN是多少
2) 有3个是大于400000卖的   我选A


阅读:考到了恐龙冷血的那个 , 还有政府出台解决歧视政策的,  公司的政策 FAST TRACK 那个, 还有一个是三个石头的。
补充下歧视的题目吧: 主旨题,  RESEACH主要说了什么内容, 高亮最后一句话, 我选的是说明了这个政策的结果. 注意(还有选项说的是EXPLAIN 那个研究的结果,我觉得不靠谱,大家仔细看看)

逻辑 考到了PLASTIC滑雪板那个,把GWD的原题选项改成了,THE PLASTIC skate board is cheaper than the wood  skate board, so that more children can afford the wood ones.

还有一个是说现在国际间的贸易越来越流行, however, the international trade can carry out when the government 明确的或者暗示的肯定了这种产品的贸易, 这使国际贸易遇到了一些阻碍, 然后最近出台了一个什么规定,使得这个阻碍的力度变小了
问SUPPORT  我选的是 ACCORDING TO THE 新的规定, 以前那些被暗示的或者规定的内容一般不会改变,政府不会突然不允许某产品进行贸易
还有...记不起来了, 突然想起一个 说1400AD有一个M的种族会使用MASS 什么什么的反正跟铜的使有关吧,然后很多M种族的铜给了B种族,然后问下面哪个加强了B从M学来了使用铜的技术(不确定,反正是某个金属的东西)。

语法考到了:一个法案的名字....,the name of which, unfortunatley,  . 看哪个语意比较明确, 还有ING, CREDIT WITH +DOING的结构,

在回来坐地铁的时候看到了一句广告“ 学习是一种信仰” 与大家共勉,祝大家都取得700+
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 17:10
补充一下: 我认为GMAT很大程度上考的是心态, 这次是我最ENJOY的一次考场过程,完全不紧张,前几次第一次不会使用数学寂静,数学悲催的赶死得了49, 第二次头一天换了题库,数学依旧49,又没有很倒霉,当时以为再怎么招也得+10分,可是事与愿违, 这个十分是负数来着。 考场上一定记住,冷静, 别急。
作者: ljwsophie12    时间: 2011-11-15 17:19
作者: deyingfan    时间: 2011-11-15 17:20
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 17:25
语文JJ变体不太多,逻辑碰上的概率不大,阅读好好看, 数学JJ大概就是里面的了,要不就是些很简单的
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 17:29
阅读一定要自己好好整理,实在没辙可以看别人的, 可以把题目和 内容分开来整理, 后面看看题目推测哪段比较重要
作者: telfair303    时间: 2011-11-15 17:29
问一下啊 plastic滑雪板那个题 改变的选项是正确的那个还是不正确的?
作者: m1nt    时间: 2011-11-15 17:31
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 17:33
正确选项, 看GWD原题, 就是改了点,我记得原来的答案是POPULAR
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 17:34
语法还行吧,没有前两次我考的那么难, 不过我感觉有些还是挺纠结了,估计错得大部分都是语法了
作者: telfair303    时间: 2011-11-15 17:49
正确选项, 看GWD原题, 就是改了点,我记得原来的答案是POPULAR
-- by 会员 wuhaoshady (2011/11/15 17:33:00)

In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars. Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow. The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.

Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?

A. A few children still use traditional wooden sleds.
B. Very few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding.
C. Plastic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can.
D. Most sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, another sled.
E. Because the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several children being injured.

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-15 18:51
LZ 歧视那篇是GWD的原文原题吗~
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 21:33
作者: flystone    时间: 2011-11-15 21:37
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 21:37
答案改成了 Plastic sleds are cheaper than the wood sleds so that many children use the wood sleds
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 21:40
这个我选的就是THE NAME OF WHICH, UNFORTUNATELY, ...然后...啥的,具体考场上看看吧,语序有变化,实在记不起来了,不好意思
作者: 小意达de花儿    时间: 2011-11-15 21:41
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 21:46
阅读的答案是: 那个研究说了为什么政府的政策没有取得效果。 主旨题忘记了...
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 21:50
-- by 会员 小意达de花儿 (2011/11/15 21:41:03)

我也没怎么特别的去复习,看了看语法PREP的正确句子,不懂的去研究研究,然后做了5套GWD,做了三遍数学寂静,自己整理了阅读和逻辑寂静,其实感觉比第二次提高的是心态放得比较好了.别太紧张,你想你都690了 证明你的实力也完全有700+了,你缺的就是心态或者一点点的小运气。
作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-15 22:47
-- by 会员 wuhaoshady (2011/11/15 21:33:46)

作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 22:49
-- by 会员 wuhaoshady (2011/11/15 21:33:46)

-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/15 22:47:01)

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-15 22:50
作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-15 22:58
-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/15 22:50:27)

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-15 23:02
In the 1930’s and 1940’s,
African American industrial
workers in the southern United
LineStates, who constituted 80 per-
(5)cent of the unskilled factory labor
force there, strongly supported
unionization. While the American
Federation of Labor (AFL) either
excluded African Americans or
(10) maintained racially segregated
unions, the Congress of Industrial
Organizations (CIO) organized
integrated unions nationwide on the
basis of a stated policy of equal
(15)rights for all, and African American
unionists provided the CIO’s backbone.
Yet it can be argued that
through contracts negotiated and
enforced by White union mem-
(20)bers, unions—CIO unions not
excluded—were often instrumental
in maintaining the occupational
segregation and other forms of
racial discrimination that kept
(25)African Americans socially and
economically oppressed during
this period. However, recognizing
employers’ power over workers
as a central factor in African
(30)Americans’ economic marginal
ization, African American workers
saw the need to join with White
workers in seeking change despite
White unionists’ toleration of or
(35)support for racial discrimination.
The persistent efforts of African
American unionists eventually paid
off: many became highly effective
organizers, gaining the respect of
(40)even racist White unionists by winning
victories for White as well as
African American workers. African
American unionists thus succeeded
in strengthening the unions while
(45)using them as instruments of
African Americans’ economic

1930-1940,African American workers strongly support unionization. While AFL… CIO on the basis equal rights to all. Yet it can be argued that… However, AA saw the needs to join with… Efforts of AA eventually paid off:…. AA thus succeeded in …..


The passage is primarily concerned with
A. demonstrating that unions failed to address the concerns of African American workers during a particular period
B. arguing that African American workers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimately beneficial to the看逻辑简图
C. contrasting the treatment of African American workers by two different labor organizations during a particular period
D. giving reasons for the success of African American unionists in winning victories for both African American and White workers during a particular period以偏概全
E. questioning one explanation for the attitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particular period
According to the passage, which of the following was true of many racist White unionists during the period discussed in the passage?
A. Their attitudes toward African American union organizers changed once they recognized that the activities of these organizers were serving workers’ interests.
gaining the respect ofeven racist White unionists by winningvictories for White as well asAfrican American workers.
B. They were a powerful element in the southern labor movement because they constituted the majority of the unskilled factory labor force in the southern United States.
C. They persisted in opposing the CIO’s adoption of a stated policy of equal rights for all.无关
D. Their primary goal was to strengthen the negotiating power of the unions through increasing White union membership. 无法推出
E. Their advocacy of racial discrimination hampered unions in their efforts to gain more power for workers.无法推出

The author of the passage suggests which of the following about African American workers who participated in union activities in the 1930’s and 1940’s
A. They believed that the elimination of discrimination within unions was a necessary first step toward the achievement of economic advancement for African Americans.
B. They belonged exclusively to CIO unions because they were excluded from AFL unions.无从谈起
C. They believed that the economic advancement of African American workers depended on organized efforts to empower all workers.
AfricanAmerican unionists thus succeededin strengthening the unions whileusing them as instruments ofAfrican Americans’ economicempowerment.
D. Some of them advocated the organization of separate African American unions because of discriminatory practices in the AFL and the CIO.
E. Many of them did not believe that White unionists in CIO unions would tolerate or support racial discrimination against African American workers.

作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-16 07:41
不是这篇文章的呢  这个JJ里面有了
1.    年的一个supreme court的法案为了减少教育中的种族隔离,制定了一个policy,让Local gov and school decide their own detailed law to eliminate segregation in school. 但是,大牛的study发现保留一部分aggregated School更加有利。但这个政策没有得到很好的实施,主要是因为两个原因:
作者: Deako    时间: 2011-11-16 07:45
楼主 我昨天一战也是680吖 怎么办 我纠结要不要重考啊
作者: athue    时间: 2011-11-16 11:16

作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-16 12:49

-- by 会员 athue (2011/11/16 11:16:37)

作者: telfair303    时间: 2011-11-16 22:53
阅读的答案是: 那个研究说了为什么政府的政策没有取得效果。 主旨题忘记了...
-- by 会员 wuhaoshady (2011/11/15 21:46:20)

作者: wuhaoshady    时间: 2011-11-17 12:57
阅读的答案是: 那个研究说了为什么政府的政策没有取得效果。 主旨题忘记了...
-- by 会员 wuhaoshady (2011/11/15 21:46:20)

-- by 会员 telfair303 (2011/11/16 22:53:36)

不是主旨题的答案,是问infer那个research主要目的或者内容 这道题的答案

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