24. Rumored declines in automobile-industry revenues are exaggerated. It is true that automobile manufactures’ share of the industry’s revenues fell from 65 percent two years ago to 50 percent today, but over the same period suppliers of automobile parts had their share increase from 15 percent to 20 percent and service companies (for example, distributors, dealers, and repairers) had their share increase from 20 percent to 30 percent.
Which one of the following best indicates why the statistics given above provide by themselves no evidence for the conclusion they are intended to support?
(A) The possibility is left open that the statistics for manufactures’ share of revenues come from a different source than the other statistics.
(B) No matter what changes the automobile industry’s overall revenues undergo, the total of all shares of these revenues must be 100 percent.
(C) No explanation is given for why the revenue shares of different sectors of the industry changed.
(D) Manufactures and parts companies depend for their revenue on dealers’ success in selling cars.(B)
(E) Revenues are an important factor but are not the only factor in determining profits.
答案是B,为什么?所有的renvenue 加起来是100%;以前:
auto-manufacture: 65% + automobile parts 15% + sevice companies (20%) = 100%
现在: auto-manufacture: 50% + automobile parts 20% + service (30%) = 100%
What's wrong? So I don't feel any answer here is right.
B 的意思为不管汽车行业中的各部分(如:零件部分,服务部分)收入比例如何变,全部加起来还是100%。也就是说,虽然上述两部分SHARE增加,汽车行业的其它部分相应减少,全部加起来还是100%。文中两部分的SHARE是指他们在汽车行业中的SHARE,不是占总收入的SHARE。
B 的意思为不管汽车行业中的各部分(如:零件部分,服务部分)收入比例如何变,全部加起来还是100%。也就是说,虽然上述两部分SHARE增加,汽车行业的其它部分相应减少,全部加起来还是100%。文中两部分的SHARE是指他们在汽车行业中的SHARE,不是占总收入的SHARE。
但suppliers of automobile parts,service companies占汽车工业的SHARE却增加(注意不是占整个工业的SHARE)
原文将汽车工业分成三大块:manufactures,suppliers of automobile parts,service companies。第一块SHARE减少(在汽车工业中的SHARE),后两块SHARE增大(在汽车工业中的SHARE),但全部SHARE加起来还是100%,变化前65+15+20=100,变化后50+20+30=100.。至于整个汽车工业的收入怎样变化,原文没说,所以不能得出整个汽车工业收入没有减少的结论。B就是这个意思(汽车工业的各部分收入的SHARE不管增加还是减少,全部加起来还是一个汽车工业的收入,还是100%)
I understood what you said now. You read it very careful. But can't agree on the conclusion that "B" is the right answer. B just said "不管汽车行业收入怎么变,总收入必须加起来是100%”。注意和你得翻译有出入, 原文是 "no matter what..., the total of all these shares MUST BE 100%." 我觉得不能翻译成“汽车工业的各部分收入的SHARE不管增加还是减少,全部加起来还是一个汽车工业的收入,还是100%” 所以B不能证明原文作者所提供得数据不能支持“automobile-industry's revenue didn't decline that much"。 What you think? Thanks.
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