
标题: BE后面跟动词不定式时是否要省略不定式中的"TO" [打印本页]

作者: Siegfred    时间: 2011-11-11 12:52
标题: BE后面跟动词不定式时是否要省略不定式中的"TO"
在看白勇的GMAT语法全解时发现的问题. 查了下章振邦教授的<新编英语语法教程>也没有找到相关的说明. 白勇这本书上两种情况都有例句.

省略TO的: It is an oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and drive them to market when the time is ripe.

不省略TO的: The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit.


作者: Siegfred    时间: 2011-11-11 13:49
作者: jamesyl327    时间: 2011-11-11 13:59
省略TO的: It is an oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and drive them to market when the time is ripe.

不省略TO的: The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit.


第一个语法是: all one has to do is do 前面有do 后面省略to 记得还是初中学的,LZ记住吧!
第二个语法是:    the only way is to do sth  这个很好解释啊  way to do sth
作者: Siegfred    时间: 2011-11-11 14:05

第一个语法是: all one has to do is do 前面有do 后面省略to 记得还是初中学的,LZ记住吧!
第二个语法是:    the only way is to do sth  这个很好解释啊  way to do sth
-- by 会员 jamesyl327 (2011/11/11 13:59:11)


第一题你这么一说我好像也有这个印象, 感觉上已经是好久远的事情了...

也就是说BE后面跟不定式多数情况还是要有"TO"这个不定式符号的, 对吧?
作者: jamesyl327    时间: 2011-11-11 14:08
对的,除非是那个句型,否则一般都是to do


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