top 15 的学校很有挑战。客观地分析自己,可能你会找到合适自己的路。作者: tsaiming 时间: 2011-11-10 15:17
今年出去 -> 先別考AT了 -> 690 美國就業?香港就業?內地就業?
Given the background you provided, Top 15嘗試一兩間吧, Cornell+CMU Top 15-30 可以當為主力, Austin + UNC+Emory 中國香港發展, 當然得試試 HKUST & CEIBS
以上作者: skyyanforeve 时间: 2011-11-11 12:54
本人还是想之后继续在香港就业。哎,感觉前途迷茫啊。。。。作者: cannedpineapple 时间: 2011-11-11 13:29
Top 15 would be a reach, but you know, there are no red flags in your background. So if you come up with a strong package, I don't see why not. You haven't provided the 'story' info about yourself, so no further comments possible..
A bigger issue you need to ask yourself is this: will HKUST or CEIBS get you where you want? It might. And it might do so much more cheaply. Food for thought... Those schools are probably quite safe options for you.作者: skyyanforeve 时间: 2011-11-11 14:52
谢谢斑竹的鼓励,其实我真不太清楚,一个HKUST的MBA和一个美国top 15 mba毕业在香港投行工作到底差别有多大。斑竹了解HKU的MBA吗?我自己感觉除了UST的MBA正规些,其他貌似都带有骗钱的性质。始终人一辈子只能读一个mba,希望不要后悔,哎。。。作者: cannedpineapple 时间: 2011-11-11 14:55
UST is fine- I had an ex-colleague who got a job at McKinsey after HKUST, so you can certainly go into Consulting from there