
标题: 11.9 腾飞晚场 [打印本页]

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:18
标题: 11.9 腾飞晚场

The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.

“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

The most experienced candidate must be the best candidate for a leadership position.

数学:LZ数学51分,这个月数学JJ太给力了,百分85JJ,基本是= =忘了。。


A、0    B、2   C、3   D、5   E、10 LZ选A



3. DS:x、y都是整数,x+y>10?
的绝对值=28   2、x=4         选择E

4. S=1+1/a+1/a^2+……+1/a^8,T=1+(1/a)(S),求T-S,我貌似选的是1/a^9

5. units of a 3-digit number is three times of its hunderds digit ,the number can be divisided by 3 ,问下列哪个是正确的。

I、十位数是0      II、十位数是奇数      III、十位数能被3整除


6. ds:有一个圆圆心座标(3,0) 半径3 问某点(q,r)在不在圆内
               1. 0<q<6
               2. -3<r<3




8.三角形ABC,AB为15 ,BC为20 ,问求的是三角形的周长(这题JJ没给条件是DS题,反正好像要用到两边之和大于第三边,之差小于第三边)


B AC是某个整数的平方


i.(n^2+2)/4 ii.(n^2+4)/4 iii.(n+2)/4我忘了式子,不过我肯定我选的是B选项

条件1:平均数是86  条件2:中位数是86    选了E
11. W平方/(w-1) >W ? (1)W>0 还一个条件忘了。。不过肯定这题选E




14. PS: 一个平行四边形一个内角是60度四边形的每条边相等问两条对角线的比好像是短比长 1/根号3

15. DS,我来补充完整题目,然后说a=x,b=y,问是不是是两个连续的奇数的乘积吗?



16.有Large M S三种box,一共120。s比l多5个,s和l一共是m的一半,求L+M 很简单,不过好像不是问这个?

17.  S 说下面这些数列中,(第二个数与第一个数的绝对值差)与(第一个数)的百分比大于(第三个数与第二个数的绝对值差)与(第二个数)的百分比的有
   1 0.5 0.9
   10 15 20
   75 50 25
必须只有 第二个啊

18. DS  r是(m+1)(m-1)除以24的余数,问r   (1)m不能被2整除 (2)m不能被3整除LZ选C


说n是integer,(0.0016)(0.04)(0.8)(10^n)也是一个integer,问least possible of n
A) -7
B) -3
C) 0
D) 3
E) 7

原来JJ多了个0,答案是E 7个

PS说S为负16的倍数, T为负8的倍数,x在S里, y在T里,问x-y的least possible value。问的是最小的可能值。。。求解答答案有A.-8(最大的) 和E.-24(最小的),我选的是E

21.最后一题记得是,我记得是我的第一题,感觉紧张算了五分钟,好像是什么1990-1993年 什么42%变成了33,每年的sales是x,问的是每一年下降的数量是多少,我记得是number of。。。 不太会,选的是百分9的x

语法JJ:好了3题左右not only,but also

,还有一个enough to和such enough that it ...,LZ想了好久,选了后面这个好像是E,还有一个突然想起,选项有because+句子,和because of difficulties;还有一题Were开头的虚拟,后面有选项will,would,be等忘了









4.就是这题,好像后面C D E都行啊,我最后无奈不懂,选了E,大家自己讨论吧

美国的farm里面有一种植物L, 有毒, 并且没有动物能够来抑止它的生长. 在欧洲也有这种植物, 有一个beetles可以吃这个植物, 但是因为这个植物的种子对这个beetles来说是有毒的, 因此, 引进这种beetles到美国解决不了问题. weaken.

: E.这种植物因为环境不同, 种子发生改变

5.我记得是这题,原题Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient Asia about sixty million years ago.Not until about ten million years later did species of whales develop specialized kidneys enabling them to drink salt water.Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lacked such kidneys sometimes swam in the Earth’s saltwater oceans, these species must have had to return frequently to freshwater rivers to drink.

Which of the following is most strongly supported by the information given?

A.Fossils of whale species dating from between sixty million and fifty million years ago will not be found on continents that were at the time separated from ancient Asia by wide expanses of ocean.

B.Among whale fossils that date from later than about fifty million years ago, none are fossils of whale species that drank only fresh water.

C.Fossils of whale species that drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossils of whale species that drank salt water.

D.The earliest whales that drank salt water differed from fresh-water-drinking whales only in their possession of specialized kidneys.

E.Between sixty million and fifty million years ago, the freshwater lakes and rivers in which whales originated were gradually invaded by salt water.



一个公司L生产一种很有名的洗发水,设计的瓶子是三角形的,金色的label。然后有一个大的 chain pharmacy 也生产了一种类似的洗发水,价格更低,设计也是三角形的瓶子,但是labelwhite-black的。然后L并没有指控这个pharmacy。问为什么(一开始设想是label不一样不构成条件,但是没这个选项,纠结了比较久)

狗主后来选了说L的洗发水和其他产品的销售要依靠chain pharmacy







其他不记得了我估计本来我V是挺好的,就是遇到动物用皮呼吸好长,没仔细看,然后全完了,那是做到23-26题,后面全乱了,最后十题没时间做,乱猜的,最后V也才25,好可惜,= =如果认真点的话就有680差一点点。。这是这篇阅读JJ的教训,大家自己注意吧。。从CD获得这么多,我也考完跑到网吧赶紧趁记得写下来,希望对大家有帮助。。还有感谢腾飞完成的工作MM,= =一个和我聊了挺久的,明飞回去家也。

作者: jasminerocks    时间: 2011-11-9 23:21
作者: poko123456    时间: 2011-11-9 23:22
楼主这个狗给的很给力    我16号考  但愿能借点光啊
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:24
作者: poko123456    时间: 2011-11-9 23:27
PS说S为负16的倍数, T为负8的倍数,x在S里, y在T里,问x-y的least possible value。问的是最小的可能值。。。求解答答案有A.-8(最大的) 和E.-24(最小的),我选的是E

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:28
作者: poko123456    时间: 2011-11-9 23:33
X可以为-16000000     Y可以为-8000000????????
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:33
-- by 会员 jasminerocks (2011/11/9 23:21:39)

作者: jasminerocks    时间: 2011-11-9 23:35
-- by 会员 jasminerocks (2011/11/9 23:21:39)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/9 23:33:59)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:36
X可以为-16000000     Y可以为-8000000????????
-- by 会员 poko123456 (2011/11/9 23:33:36)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:38
-- by 会员 jasminerocks (2011/11/9 23:21:39)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/9 23:33:59)

-- by 会员 jasminerocks (2011/11/9 23:35:32)

至少心情愉悦嘛= =
作者: jasminerocks    时间: 2011-11-9 23:40
-- by 会员 jasminerocks (2011/11/9 23:21:39)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/9 23:33:59)

-- by 会员 jasminerocks (2011/11/9 23:35:32)

至少心情愉悦嘛= =
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/9 23:38:31)

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-9 23:46

1 main idea/主旨题:
2. 一开始英国人主张什么: 主张改进蒸汽机
3. 为什么改良后的蒸汽机反而用的多了:
4. 作者提汽车与油关系的目的/ how the analogy can be made to today's automobiles and gasoline?:
5. 举例W的蒸汽机的作用:
6. 苏格兰的事情说明: 开始用煤效率会提高,用煤量减少
7. 瓦特的蒸汽机整到苏格兰去后发生了什么
8. 第二个观点人可能会同意以下哪个: (选的是最终会被新的机器代替)
9. 文章IMPLY 对多数科学家持反对意见的人,例如J ignore了什么:
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-9 23:49

1 main idea/主旨题:
2. 一开始英国人主张什么: 主张改进蒸汽机
3. 为什么改良后的蒸汽机反而用的多了:
4. 作者提汽车与油关系的目的/ how the analogy can be made to today's automobiles and gasoline?:
5. 举例W的蒸汽机的作用:
6. 苏格兰的事情说明: 开始用煤效率会提高,用煤量减少
7. 瓦特的蒸汽机整到苏格兰去后发生了什么
8. 第二个观点人可能会同意以下哪个: (选的是最终会被新的机器代替)
9. 文章IMPLY 对多数科学家持反对意见的人,例如J ignore了什么:
-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/9 23:46:31)

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-9 23:53
作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-9 23:53
what doz it mean...
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 00:05
what doz it mean...
-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/9 23:53:58)

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-10 00:12
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 00:16
-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/10 0:12:38)

作者: 用户名已注册    时间: 2011-11-10 00:25
This study examines the effects of popular music in advertising to determine both the theoretical (the effect of popular music on the processing of advertising messages) and practical (the design of more effective advertisements using popular music) implications. An experiment is reported that tested the effects of three integrations of popular music in advertising: original lyrics, altered lyrics, and instrumentals (plus a control treatment with no music) on attention and memory. The results indicated that song vocals, either original or altered, are more effective stimuli of advertising effects than instrumentals or no popular music.But Kahneman (1973) said that attention describes some internal mechanisms that determine the significance not the relevance of stimuli. This suggests that popular music with high or low personal significance will lead to greater or lesser attention to the integrated advertising messages; popular music vocals will be more attention-getting than other treatments; and original popular vocals with high personal significance will be the most effective at getting the attention of the individual.Popular music with original vocals was a more effective stimulus of attention and memory when high in personal significance and popular music with altered vocals was a more effective stimulus of attention and memory when low in personal significanceThe individuals in this experiment processed songs and artists they considered high in personal significance differently from those that were low in significance.... When the artist was significant, the original vocal led to greater brand attention but when the artist was not significant, the altered vocal led to greater brand attention.... It suggests that the level of significance of the music and/or the artist can affect involvement possibly resulting in different processing of the advertising messages.and/or the artist can affect involvement possibly resulting in different processing of the advertising messages. While high personal significance can be a possible explanation for the attentiongaining value of original vocals, low personal significance cannot adequately explain the attention-gaining value of altered vocals. Three possible explanations include thenoveltyof hearing a popular song with altered lyrics (especially the first time); irritationcaused by the changed lyrics; and/or the lack of fit of the song or the artist with the brand. All of these could have been attention-gaining stimuli causing greater attention to the brand and the song. It is clear, however, that lyrics (either original or altered) are important and that even though an interaction was observed for just one song and artist ("The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World) based on the lyrics, the results are of practical importance to advertisers for two primary reasons. First, the use of no music or an instrumental version of a popular song should be avoided. Second, if the advertiser is able to use a popular song that is personally significant to the target market of the brand, then the original vocal version should be used, but if not, an altered vocal version should be considered.Either way, personalsignificance plays a role in the effectiveness of popular music in advertising on attention and memory, brand memory were observed for one of the brands (Sony) for both the song ("Without Me") and the artist (Eminem), with some apparent significant effects for genders. It is interesting to note that for the Kodak brand, males were observed to have greater memory for the brand than females when the song and the artist ("The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World) were highly significant but that females had greater memory for the brand when the song and the artist were low in personal significance. This could suggest that males are more sensitive to the level of personalsignificancethey have for advertising messages integrated in popular music than females, but this would need future research.V6

楼主,广告音乐那个 请问这个是原文嘛?
作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-10 00:49
-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/10 0:12:38)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 0:16:00)

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-10 00:50
"考到了主旨题,纠结了一下,一个是介绍了一个发明,一个是反对了一个reasoning line,lz也不确定要选哪个。"  

                      ________by  jasmine

作者: MsKatie    时间: 2011-11-10 01:28
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 13:42
我刚飞回来,忘了点,不过真有点像啊= =因为忘了,所以不敢确定是不是原文,不过基本上是
This study examines the effects of popular music in advertising to determine both the theoretical (the effect of popular music on the processing of advertising messages) and practical (the design of more effective advertisements using popular music) implications. An experiment is reported that tested the effects of three integrations of popular music in advertising: original lyrics, altered lyrics, and instrumentals (plus a control treatment with no music) on attention and memory. The results indicated that song vocals, either original or altered, are more effective stimuli of advertising effects than instrumentals or no popular music.But Kahneman (1973) said that attention describes some internal mechanisms that determine the significance not the relevance of stimuli. This suggests that popular music with high or low personal significance will lead to greater or lesser attention to the integrated advertising messages; popular music vocals will be more attention-getting than other treatments; and original popular vocals with high personal significance will be the most effective at getting the attention of the individual.Popular music with original vocals was a more effective stimulus of attention and memory when high in personal significance and popular music with altered vocals was a more effective stimulus of attention and memory when low in personal significanceThe individuals in this experiment processed songs and artists they considered high in personal significance differently from those that were low in significance.... When the artist was significant, the original vocal led to greater brand attention but when the artist was not significant, the altered vocal led to greater brand attention.... It suggests that the level of significance of the music and/or the artist can affect involvement possibly resulting in different processing of the advertising messages.and/or the artist can affect involvement possibly resulting in different processing of the advertising messages. While high personal significance can be a possible explanation for the attentiongaining value of original vocals, low personal significance cannot adequately explain the attention-gaining value of altered vocals. Three possible explanations include thenoveltyof hearing a popular song with altered lyrics (especially the first time); irritationcaused by the changed lyrics; and/or the lack of fit of the song or the artist with the brand. All of these could have been attention-gaining stimuli causing greater attention to the brand and the song. It is clear, however, that lyrics (either original or altered) are important and that even though an interaction was observed for just one song and artist ("The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World) based on the lyrics, the results are of practical importance to advertisers for two primary reasons. First, the use of no music or an instrumental version of a popular song should be avoided. Second, if the advertiser is able to use a popular song that is personally significant to the target market of the brand, then the original vocal version should be used, but if not, an altered vocal version should be considered.Either way, personalsignificance plays a role in the effectiveness of popular music in advertising on attention and memory, brand memory were observed for one of the brands (Sony) for both the song ("Without Me") and the artist (Eminem), with some apparent significant effects for genders. It is interesting to note that for the Kodak brand, males were observed to have greater memory for the brand than females when the song and the artist ("The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World) were highly significant but that females had greater memory for the brand when the song and the artist were low in personal significance. This could suggest that males are more sensitive to the level of personalsignificancethey have for advertising messages integrated in popular music than females, but this would need future research.V6

楼主,广告音乐那个 请问这个是原文嘛?
-- by 会员 用户名已注册 (2011/11/10 0:25:34)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 13:43
好像是,我选了后面reasonging line这个。。。
"考到了主旨题,纠结了一下,一个是介绍了一个发明,一个是反对了一个reasoning line,lz也不确定要选哪个。"  

                      ________by  jasmine

-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/10 0:50:14)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 13:43
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
作者: cq168088    时间: 2011-11-10 14:10
作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-10 15:15
作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-10 20:11
作者: MsKatie    时间: 2011-11-10 20:15
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 13:43:44)

我哭了...... LZ你是把女人当男人了么...... 我是最先进场的4人之一...... 你是不是晚到了- -
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 22:04
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 13:43:44)

我哭了...... LZ你是把女人当男人了么...... 我是最先进场的4人之一...... 你是不是晚到了- -
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 20:15:49)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-10 22:05
-- by 会员 四叶草clover (2011/11/10 20:11:15)

作者: MsKatie    时间: 2011-11-10 22:42
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 13:43:44)

我哭了...... LZ你是把女人当男人了么...... 我是最先进场的4人之一...... 你是不是晚到了- -
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 20:15:49)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 22:04:06)

虽然我穿牛仔裤,但我不是第一个到的吧..... 那个穿白衣服的小姑娘就是第一个登记的小姑娘应该比我先到.....
作者: 虎哥    时间: 2011-11-10 22:43

5. units of a 3-digit number is three times of its hunderds digit ,the number can be divisided by 3 ,问下列哪个是正确的。

I、十位数是0 II、十位数是奇数 III、十位数能被3整除


这题不是选都没有吗? none

作者: 四叶草clover    时间: 2011-11-10 23:04
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-11 01:12
我选的是only III
作者: 半阙    时间: 2011-11-11 09:56
作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-11 21:37
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 13:43:44)

我哭了...... LZ你是把女人当男人了么...... 我是最先进场的4人之一...... 你是不是晚到了- -
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 20:15:49)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 22:04:06)

虽然我穿牛仔裤,但我不是第一个到的吧..... 那个穿白衣服的小姑娘就是第一个登记的小姑娘应该比我先到.....
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 22:42:17)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-11 21:38
-- by 会员 半阙 (2011/11/11 9:56:13)

作者: 半阙    时间: 2011-11-12 15:23
-- by 会员 半阙 (2011/11/11 9:56:13)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/11 21:38:38)

作者: MsKatie    时间: 2011-11-12 15:52
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 13:43:44)

我哭了...... LZ你是把女人当男人了么...... 我是最先进场的4人之一...... 你是不是晚到了- -
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 20:15:49)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 22:04:06)

虽然我穿牛仔裤,但我不是第一个到的吧..... 那个穿白衣服的小姑娘就是第一个登记的小姑娘应该比我先到.....
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 22:42:17)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/11 21:37:45)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-12 21:34
-- by 会员 半阙 (2011/11/11 9:56:13)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/11 21:38:38)

-- by 会员 半阙 (2011/11/12 15:23:15)

作者: yunyichang    时间: 2011-11-12 21:34
咦~ 我帮楼主一场考嗳.......
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 1:28:28)

额,我都忘了我们考场有女的啊,晚场,都是男的- -我记得是
-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 13:43:44)

我哭了...... LZ你是把女人当男人了么...... 我是最先进场的4人之一...... 你是不是晚到了- -
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 20:15:49)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/10 22:04:06)

虽然我穿牛仔裤,但我不是第一个到的吧..... 那个穿白衣服的小姑娘就是第一个登记的小姑娘应该比我先到.....
-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/10 22:42:17)

-- by 会员 yunyichang (2011/11/11 21:37:45)

-- by 会员 MsKatie (2011/11/12 15:52:29)


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