
标题: 亲们,罗技JJ69,选啥? [打印本页]

作者: 笨蛋加油    时间: 2011-11-6 20:11
标题: 亲们,罗技JJ69,选啥?
69. GWD-14-Q15 【by wangyang1195】
Fact:    Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages.
Fact:    Over 95 percent of people who have asthma also suffer from hay fever.

If the information given as facts above is true, which of the following must also be true?
A.    Hay fever is a prerequisite for the development of asthma.
B.    Asthma is a prerequisite for the development of hay fever.
C.    Those who have neither hay fever nor asthma comprise less than 5 percent of the total population.
D.    The number of people who have both of these ailments is greater than the number of people who have only one of them.
E.    The percentage of people suffering from hay fever who also have asthma is lower than 95 percent
作者: kelvinhu    时间: 2011-11-6 20:16
选 E
作者: 12604698    时间: 2011-11-6 20:53
归纳题,画个韦恩图,大圈和小圈交叉,大圈是 hay fever,小圈Asthma,是交叉范围是小圈的95%,e就是那个交叉范围占大圈的比例~
作者: 笨蛋加油    时间: 2011-11-7 08:42
作者: 笨蛋加油    时间: 2011-11-7 08:43
标题: 可是问的是原因啊。。。问原因选E???您说的是归纳吧?
归纳题,画个韦恩图,大圈和小圈交叉,大圈是 hay fever,小圈Asthma,是交叉范围是小圈的95%,e就是那个交叉范围占大圈的比例~
-- by 会员 12604698 (2011/11/6 20:53:03)

作者: 12604698    时间: 2011-11-7 14:06
哦。没看到问原因,我以为是原题呢。这5个选项里没有原因吧,因为abcd和原文的意思是相矛盾的。e只是个现象。asthma可能是hay fever的并发症,但还有小部分不是。
会不会是fever可能产生某个东西,然后这个东西是asthma的  prerequisite 。
作者: gmyy123    时间: 2011-11-7 14:29
作者: 12604698    时间: 2011-11-7 16:06
但是如果Hay feve是先决条件那不是说所有Asthma的人都要Hay fever么,也是就大圈套小圈了,剩下5%怎么解释??

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