TWE: University shall give the same amount money to the students' sport activity or library.
Listening Only remeber I got one from the old Jijing, and it is the bird eat the clay to make the mineal in the clay connect with the toxic in the food. The other three is one for the ice age, one for the entainment program with media, and one for ... sorry I forgot.
Structure Same as the PP.
Reading I think you shall be very careful to the reading. It has a lot of tricky. I always think reading is my best part, so even I could not believe my eyes when the final score turned out.
作者: jiunshen 时间: 2003-6-10 10:12
thank you!作者: Diana 时间: 2003-6-10 10:32
谢谢niniMM的机经!辛苦了,bow~~作者: ppmovie 时间: 2003-6-10 11:33
Your listening part is so good.Admire!作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-6-10 11:55
谢谢niniMM。 是啊,听力上28人不多。 niniMM,有空能否给XDJM们传授一下听力秘诀啊。呵呵,祝申请顺利!