
标题: prep08 2 cr 求助 [打印本页]

作者: wangyang1195    时间: 2011-10-27 23:23
标题: prep08 2 cr 求助
Which of the following most logically completes the reasoning?

When species are extensively hunted, individuals that reach reproductive maturity early make up a larger proportion of the population, because they have a better chance of reproducing.When species face diminished food resources, on the other hand, individuals tend to take longer to reach reproductive maturity.These considerations may help settle whether the primary cause of the gradual disappearance of North America's mastodons, prehistoric animals related to elephants, was diminished food resources or human hunting, since __________.

A. from the location of certain hunting weapons in juxtaposition with mastodon remains, it is possible to determine whether those weapons were used to hunt mastodons

B. the average age at which mastodons reached reproductive maturity can be established from mastodon tusks, of which there are many fossils dating from different periods

C. from the remains of mastodons already discovered, it can be accurately estimated when mastodons became extinct

D. from tusks and other bones, it is possible to determine whether male and female mastodons reached reproductive maturity at about the same age

E. it is possible to determine whether the earliest human dwellings constructed from mastodon tusks and bones come from an earlier period than the earliest hunting weapons unambiguously associated with mastodon remains

我对这道题目的理解是 :如果人类持续猎杀,那么它的繁殖期就会提前来保证种群数量,如果是缺乏食物,数量一定会减少。那b选项去了解mastodons tusk的年纪有什么用? 谢谢啦~

作者: cdwayne    时间: 2011-10-27 23:46
看到題目可以先預期一定和productive maturity相關,剩(B)(D)。
原文表示A和C有關,B和C有關,結論句或許可以判斷死因是否為A和B,因為(B) C可以算出來。

SINCE (B) the average age at which mastodons reached reproductive maturity can be established from mastodon tusks, of which there are many fossils dating from different periods,
these considerations may help settle whether the primary cause of the gradual disappearance of North America's mastodons, prehistoric animals related to elephants, was diminished food resources or human hunting,
作者: shaniushanmu    时间: 2014-3-10 13:16
A、从 hunt weapon 的位置可以确定这些weapons是否被用;与题干逻辑无关
B、mastodons 达到reproductive maturity 的average age 可以通过mastodons 不同时期的tusk化石得知;言外之意是“mastodons化石的reproductive maturity是早是晚是可以被判断出来,进而得知其消失属于何种原因 ”,有关。
C、从mastodons 的遗迹可以准确估计其是何时灭绝的;无关;
D、通过 tusks and other bones可以判断male and female mastodons 达到reproductive maturity 的年龄是否相同;仍旧不能判断是否繁殖早熟,无关。
E、用mastodon tusks and bones 建成的早期human dwellings早于与mastodon remains有关的早期hunting weapons ;与题干逻辑无关。

作者: DY567    时间: 2016-2-12 06:56
注意文中这几个词:tend to take longer,食物充足性成熟早,食物短缺性成熟晚。那么只要断定年龄就能建立与性成熟早晚和食物是否短缺的联系了。B正确!也似乎只有B与文章内容相关。有时候文中一些不起眼的词却是解题的关键。
作者: 晓嘉听话    时间: 2016-8-12 19:18
DY567 发表于 2016-2-12 06:56
注意文中这几个词:tend to take longer,食物充足性成熟早,食物短缺性成熟晚。那么只要断定年龄就能建立 ...

我想请问一下,这里面有一句because they have a better chance of reproducing.. 我看的时候觉得很莫名,为啥被过度捕猎,反而有更好的繁殖机率了呢。。。。。

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