标题: 请教提纲:ISSUE 131--研究与学习 [打印本页] 作者: 冷月钟笛 时间: 2011-10-25 21:57 标题: 请教提纲:ISSUE 131--研究与学习 学习 老G:179 人类真正希望获取的不是知识,而是确定性。获取真正的知识需要冒险,并且要有开放的心灵,但是大多数人更喜欢确定感,而不是去了解事物复杂的,甚至是使人不安的真相。 What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open—but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.
新G:131 Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application. Reason: It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
1、日常生活中人们只想获得确定性,不究其原因 非专家,没有必要知道原因Foe example, nowadays almost everyone knowhow to use computer and surf the Internet, but there are relatively less peoplewho can clearly speak out the working principles of the CPU and much lesspeople can compile computer programme by themselves. As far as the commonpeople are concerned, knowing some basis knowledge are enough and there is noneed to go further in the road of exploiting the real knowledge, which is thetask of the specialists and scientists. 2、在工作中,人们倾向于知道事情的结果,不关心过程 教师只希望知道学生掌握了知识,不关心他们是如何掌握的,学习心理过程 统计分析时,只希望知道分析结果,不关心复杂的计算过程 3、获得真知需要taking risks and keepingmind open, 也有人努力在这么做 at that time, the helix stuture of protein had beenproved and many scientists thought that the structure of DNA had no possibilityto have the same structure with protein. With an open mind and the courage of taking risks, Watsonand Click discovered the double-helix structure of DNA, which was thought to bean impossible job by the conventional scientists. 179T "What most human beings reallywant to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requirestaking risks and keeping the mind open -- but most people prefer to bereassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything." 179.人类真正希望获取的不是知识,而是确定性。获取真正的知识需要冒险,并且要有开放的心灵,但是大多数人更喜欢确定感,而不是去了解事物复杂的,甚至是使人不安的真相。 承认大多数人都是风险规避者。在日常生活中,人们是假定未来是有一定的确定性的。比如不敢想象如果明天就是世界末日,人们会如何反应。但是现实生活中,总会有出人意料的时候。如:tsunami如:购买保险等行为,就是对未来不确定性的一种转移。 学习知识确实可以是不确定性减少,因为人们可以因此加强对未来的预测能力。从这个角度说,人们学习知识确实是希望获取确定性。比如:人们通过对solareclipse 的研究,减少了心理的恐慌。 学习知识的唯一目的决不是为了减少不确定性。它源于人类本身的一种好奇心,最终目的是开化人们的心灵。否则,世界上那么多为科学献身的人们,不可能只是为了减少不确定性吧。作者: ppguo 时间: 2011-10-26 23:49
我昨天晚上想了很久,也没有特别搞懂这个题目。作者: 竹林中人 时间: 2011-10-27 08:32
我个人理解这样的,这个题目你可以分学科分领域的去论述,而不要抽象的去说理,因为题目很抽象,那么你必须具体化,而不能以抽象对抽象,这是AW之大忌作者: ppguo 时间: 2011-10-27 22:33
good point!作者: 冷月钟笛 时间: 2011-10-28 00:31
嗯 有道理~ 我觉得这道题似乎是ETS改残了~ 太深究的确不好,不如直接分类打比较好~ 多谢题意~ 我试着列一列,如果成功了就post上来分享给大家~作者: ppguo 时间: 2011-10-28 03:44
好啊好啊,期待中~~作者: cqcn1991 时间: 2011-10-28 23:56
说一下我的思路,也没完全 1. 科学确实有计划之外的发现(对应题目的reason) 2. However, some may argue that,科学里也有直接的改进型的成就(而非计划之外的) 2.1 这些改进都是深入的,需要的也不是immediate inquiry,而是长期、枯燥的研究来改进 2.2 并不是不管实际应用。实际上去other area可能可以enlighten这些应用 3.追求immediate, pratical negate 基础研究。实际上一些科学是需要几代人的合作的,需要有基础研究作为基础,后代在这之上发现、建筑pratical appliacation 4.科学不应当过度注重功利,科学本身就是有意义的
主要问题感觉是第一点没办法展开,我想展开的是这个后面的更深的reason and how 展开不够会说develop不够,但是展开多了的话(如果可能的话),感觉又把后面的内容给压住了作者: ppguo 时间: 2011-10-29 02:26
觉得“cqcn" 的提纲很好啊。第一段的展开问题。很多重要的科学发现是偶然的。比如居里夫人发现镭,甚至牛顿发现万有引力定律。作者: 冷月钟笛 时间: 2011-10-29 23:02
1. 科学研究的意外结果——可能发现新东西(有用或没用);可能忙活一场而无功;2. 不是每一种科学研究都是以追求立即有效的应用为目的,很多理论的研究并不会带来立即的成果,但却仍然具有重大意义;