Q5 就是那句话列举了三个东西,一般应该是A, B and C...,但是那句话的C(平行列举的第三个)前面没有and,所以我看那句话的时候耽搁了好一会儿..><感觉是有语法错误把?
-- by 会员 抓抓sandra (2011/10/18 11:48:39)
aragraph 5: Five centuries later, about 7700B.C., a new village rose on the mound. At first the inhabitants still hunted gazelle intensively. Then, about 7000 B.C., within the space of a few generations, they switched abruptly to herding domesticated goats and sheep and to growing einkorn, pulses, and other cereal grasses. Abu Hureyra grew rapidly until it covered nearly 30 acres. It was a close-knit community of rectangular, one-story mud-brick houses, joined by narrow lanes and courtyards, finally abandoned about 5000 B.C.. Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'Ain Ghazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks of abrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domestic stock.
Q10: According to paragraph 5, after 7000 B.C. the settlement of Abu Hureyra differed from earlier settlements at that location in all of the following EXCEPT
o the domestication of animals
the intensive hunting of gazelle o the size of the settlement
o the design of the dwellings
About 7700 B.C ...At first ..still hunted gazelle intensively..About 7000 B.C...switched abruptly to...不是变化了吗?怎么会是答案?-- by 会员 抓抓sandra (2011/10/18 11:50:17)