标题: ~~~Marketing PhD选校求定位~~~ [打印本页]
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-18 02:14
标题: ~~~Marketing PhD选校求定位~~~
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-18 02:20
另外我还有个问题,operation management VS marketing, 这2个专业哪个就业前景更好一些?
作者: alipay 时间: 2011-10-18 10:09
都发两篇paper了,搂住应该是top candidate了吧
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-18 10:45
可是我没有工作经验呐!申请PhD的时候工作经验到底有多重要,特别是Top 20 school?
作者: zjq407 时间: 2011-10-18 12:05
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
作者: zjq407 时间: 2011-10-18 12:06
quant marketing这几年的job market挺不错,肯定比OM好多了。
另外我还有个问题,operation management VS marketing, 这2个专业哪个就业前景更好一些?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:20:22)
作者: virginvista 时间: 2011-10-18 15:23
作者: alipay 时间: 2011-10-18 20:41
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-18 22:10
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
多谢zgq给我动力!其实这两天因为学校这事很沮丧,满心想申西北和芝大,查了查好像那些被录取的一般都有很牛的背景,还相当不错的工作经验,芝大PhD GMAT的平均分就762,我就很忧郁是不是730申请这样的top school太低了~~~
另外牛牛我还是想问一问,申请PhD 工作经验比重到底占多大?
作者: jackraywen 时间: 2011-10-19 04:34
作者: martinwang83 时间: 2011-10-19 11:48
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: zjq407 时间: 2011-10-19 12:32
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
多谢zgq给我动力!其实这两天因为学校这事很沮丧,满心想申西北和芝大,查了查好像那些被录取的一般都有很牛的背景,还相当不错的工作经验,芝大PhD GMAT的平均分就762,我就很忧郁是不是730申请这样的top school太低了~~~
另外牛牛我还是想问一问,申请PhD 工作经验比重到底占多大?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 22:10:11)
作者: benxu 时间: 2011-10-19 13:18
It is ok to encourage prospective students. But any one who takes this comment seriously is fooling himself.
JBR is a decent journal, but not even close to be considered as a strong publication in marketing. Northwestern is a highly selective school. His background may have a shot in this school, but a free ticket? No way. Chicago Booth is definitely out of his reach.
Please be more realistic. A feasible application strategy would be consider more OK schools like UIC. Try to apply a few decent schools such as UIUC, and one or two top schools.
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
作者: benxu 时间: 2011-10-19 13:24
Read Chitagunta's papers at first. Do they read similar to your working projects?
Please be aware that Chicago is on par with MIT and Stanford. Sorry that I am about to say this, but there is no chance for him.
-- by 会员 jackraywen (2011/10/19 4:34:52)
作者: virginvista 时间: 2011-10-19 16:52
作者: zjq407 时间: 2011-10-19 17:15
1.对于大部分的modeling申请者,有一篇B level的publication已经足够stand out ,难道申请的时候就要发一篇QME才算突出?
2.Northwestern对于modeling申请者的要求明显比CB的低,何况他们家这三年来每年都招5-6个。LZ的背景至少不比前两年进去这个项目的中国人差(I bet),他们家第一轮发出10个左右的interview很正常的,拿到interview肯定是很有希望的(这样说也许更加合理一点?)
3.申UIC完全就是坑爹了。UIUC的CB不错,特别是现在Wyer在那边的心理系,但是我不认为这是一个decent program for modeling.
我倒是认为既然申请的时候都有两篇B journal,说明LZ至少还是有不错的研究潜力的。去个像UIC这种基本没有faculty能发A journal的学校实在是没有意义。个人之见,仅供参考。
It is ok to encourage prospective students. But any one who takes this comment seriously is fooling himself.
JBR is a decent journal, but not even close to be considered as a strong publication in marketing. Northwestern is a highly selective school. His background may have a shot in this school, but a free ticket? No way. Chicago Booth is definitely out of his reach.
Please be more realistic. A feasible application strategy would be consider more OK schools like UIC. Try to apply a few decent schools such as UIUC, and one or two top schools.
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
-- by 会员 benxu (2011/10/19 13:18:41)
作者: jackraywen 时间: 2011-10-19 17:30
作者: brika 时间: 2011-10-19 21:30
同意ben Kellogg的戏不大 Chicago就更不用说了 那两篇在名校眼中几乎等同于nothing 甚至可能会起反作用
作者: alipay 时间: 2011-10-19 21:49
作者: zjq407 时间: 2011-10-19 22:59
networking & RL
-- by 会员 alipay (2011/10/19 21:49:41)
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-20 00:00
其他的学校就定位在类似purdue, IU这样的学校,至于UIC也确实太弱了些,那些faculty好像根本没有做modeling的
1.对于大部分的modeling申请者,有一篇B level的publication已经足够stand out ,难道申请的时候就要发一篇QME才算突出?
2.Northwestern对于modeling申请者的要求明显比CB的低,何况他们家这三年来每年都招5-6个。LZ的背景至少不比前两年进去这个项目的中国人差(I bet),他们家第一轮发出10个左右的interview很正常的,拿到interview肯定是很有希望的(这样说也许更加合理一点?)
3.申UIC完全就是坑爹了。UIUC的CB不错,特别是现在Wyer在那边的心理系,但是我不认为这是一个decent program for modeling.
我倒是认为既然申请的时候都有两篇B journal,说明LZ至少还是有不错的研究潜力的。去个像UIC这种基本没有faculty能发A journal的学校实在是没有意义。个人之见,仅供参考。
It is ok to encourage prospective students. But any one who takes this comment seriously is fooling himself.
JBR is a decent journal, but not even close to be considered as a strong publication in marketing. Northwestern is a highly selective school. His background may have a shot in this school, but a free ticket? No way. Chicago Booth is definitely out of his reach.
Please be more realistic. A feasible application strategy would be consider more OK schools like UIC. Try to apply a few decent schools such as UIUC, and one or two top schools.
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
-- by 会员 benxu (2011/10/19 13:18:41)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/19 17:15:23)
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-20 00:04
Read Chitagunta's papers at first. Do they read similar to your working projects?
Please be aware that Chicago is on par with MIT and Stanford. Sorry that I am about to say this, but there is no chance for him.
-- by 会员 jackraywen (2011/10/19 4:34:52)
-- by 会员 benxu (2011/10/19 13:24:57)
作者: jangle 时间: 2011-10-20 00:36
你发的paper是基于survey做的structural equation modeling?
还是基于panel data等客观数据所做的“真正”的modeling?
如果你把structural equation modeling当做modeling写在PS里面了
申top school可能反而引起faculty的负面评价
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
作者: martinwang83 时间: 2011-10-20 01:12
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-20 11:03
the methodology we used in our paper is game theory plus Bayesian forecasting
你发的paper是基于survey做的structural equation modeling?
还是基于panel data等客观数据所做的“真正”的modeling?
如果你把structural equation modeling当做modeling写在PS里面了
申top school可能反而引起faculty的负面评价
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 jangle (2011/10/20 0:36:36)
作者: jangle 时间: 2011-10-20 11:11
the methodology we used in our paper is game theory plus Bayesian forecasting
你发的paper是基于survey做的structural equation modeling?
还是基于panel data等客观数据所做的“真正”的modeling?
如果你把structural equation modeling当做modeling写在PS里面了
申top school可能反而引起faculty的负面评价
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 jangle (2011/10/20 0:36:36)
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/20 11:03:19)
作者: zzmypster 时间: 2011-10-20 12:07
JBR还可以了,今年申quant mkt的表示鸭梨很大^^
作者: benxu 时间: 2011-10-20 15:55
Wow. Game and Bayesian? I never knew a MBA student can publish using these methods. And you said it was a mediocre school from which you obtained the MBA degree, and you did it as a part time RA?
I have to say, this is amazing. JBR is nothing, but such achievement may count for something. I am sure some faculty would have interest to read your working sample. Just prepare not to disappoint them.
Like many others, I also believe in aiming high. But I suppose to aim realistically is the reason that you are asking the question here. Nothing turn top faculty off more than reading a lousy paper. But if you believe in the quality of your work, and more importantly, if you believe in your research potential, then give it a shot to apply the first-tier schools.
Besides, UIC is not that bad actually. I heard it is also competitive. My impression is that it's better than most of the third tier schools both in jm placement and in academic networking. However, I did not say that it would be a good fit with your research interest, which I did not know much about from your first post.
the methodology we used in our paper is game theory plus Bayesian forecasting
你发的paper是基于survey做的structural equation modeling?
还是基于panel data等客观数据所做的“真正”的modeling?
如果你把structural equation modeling当做modeling写在PS里面了
申top school可能反而引起faculty的负面评价
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 jangle (2011/10/20 0:36:36)
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/20 11:03:19)
作者: benxu 时间: 2011-10-20 15:57
If Jangle said do it, then you may want to do it.
the methodology we used in our paper is game theory plus Bayesian forecasting
你发的paper是基于survey做的structural equation modeling?
还是基于panel data等客观数据所做的“真正”的modeling?
如果你把structural equation modeling当做modeling写在PS里面了
申top school可能反而引起faculty的负面评价
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 jangle (2011/10/20 0:36:36)
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/20 11:03:19)
-- by 会员 jangle (2011/10/20 11:11:35)
作者: benxu 时间: 2011-10-20 16:19
You have a good point. But you did not argue right.
1. It's true that most applicants do not have publications. So even a C journal stands out.
2. "What paper" factors more weight than "which journal," especially for the top schools, if you know what I mean.
3. JBR may impress second/third tier schools. That's about it. But a high-quality working paper may impress MIT.
4. Most of Northwestern interviews go to same applicants who receive offers from Wharton, Berkeley, and Columbia, etc. Read their admission statistics, and then tell me is it that easy to get into Northwestern.
I am not saying it is impossible for a non-top graduate to be accepted by Kellogg.
5. Chicago is a blue blood school, if you know what I mean.
6. Rochester is in Mid-US? LOL. I agree it feels like it does.
1.对于大部分的modeling申请者,有一篇B level的publication已经足够stand out ,难道申请的时候就要发一篇QME才算突出?
2.Northwestern对于modeling申请者的要求明显比CB的低,何况他们家这三年来每年都招5-6个。LZ的背景至少不比前两年进去这个项目的中国人差(I bet),他们家第一轮发出10个左右的interview很正常的,拿到interview肯定是很有希望的(这样说也许更加合理一点?)
3.申UIC完全就是坑爹了。UIUC的CB不错,特别是现在Wyer在那边的心理系,但是我不认为这是一个decent program for modeling.
我倒是认为既然申请的时候都有两篇B journal,说明LZ至少还是有不错的研究潜力的。去个像UIC这种基本没有faculty能发A journal的学校实在是没有意义。个人之见,仅供参考。
It is ok to encourage prospective students. But any one who takes this comment seriously is fooling himself.
JBR is a decent journal, but not even close to be considered as a strong publication in marketing. Northwestern is a highly selective school. His background may have a shot in this school, but a free ticket? No way. Chicago Booth is definitely out of his reach.
Please be more realistic. A feasible application strategy would be consider more OK schools like UIC. Try to apply a few decent schools such as UIUC, and one or two top schools.
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730
本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点
MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91
还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services
这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗?
-- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
-- by 会员 benxu (2011/10/19 13:18:41)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/19 17:15:23)
作者: kndx5 时间: 2011-10-21 23:49
first, lz does not have any chance in chicago.
second, lz can try kellogg, as kellogg is at most top 10 in modeling and not comparable with chicago, although chance is still slim. what is good for lz, kellogg interveiws even more than 10 modeling students every year and most of them will have better offers, what is bad for lz, yuxin chen went there, and I guess he will at least get involved in recruiting chinese students, this makes lz, who did not graduate from top school, less likely to be considered.
third, in terms of the publication, school like chicago does not care publications in journals lz were talking about.
作者: zzmypster 时间: 2011-10-22 12:11
作者: dian58dian 时间: 2011-10-22 12:46
挺不错的,top10-20的多申请几家吧,感觉比大多数申请MKT的人条件都要好---当然,chicago, kellogg之流的竞争本身就更加激烈。在我眼里,唯一不确定的是你推荐信的分量,因为如你所说的学校很小的话,不清楚那里Faculty Research的ranking 如何,有没有隐藏牛人;当然, 我是指和其他top candidate相比较,MBA期间能发两篇文章毕竟是非常独树一帜的,别管是几类的杂志,能拿出时间尝试并且做出结果的本身就是种态度和信号。不努力尝试怎么知道自己行不行呢。加油,等LZ的好消息!----don't let others tell you what you can't do!
作者: zjq407 时间: 2011-10-23 20:35
-- by 会员 zzmypster (2011/10/22 12:11:48)
作者: benxu 时间: 2011-10-24 01:39
Nice words, but irrelevant.
1. LZ does not come here seeking confidence; he is seeking advices.
2. No one denies his impressive publication record, given his education level. But admission is a function of competition ranking, not merely a judgement of excellence.
Applying Chicago would be a waste of $65. Top 10-20 is also a high risk (although he does have a slim shot). But I would be happy to be proven wrong next year.
挺不错的,top10-20的多申请几家吧,感觉比大多数申请MKT的人条件都要好---当然,chicago, kellogg之流的竞争本身就更加激烈。在我眼里,唯一不确定的是你推荐信的分量,因为如你所说的学校很小的话,不清楚那里Faculty Research的ranking 如何,有没有隐藏牛人;当然, 我是指和其他top candidate相比较,MBA期间能发两篇文章毕竟是非常独树一帜的,别管是几类的杂志,能拿出时间尝试并且做出结果的本身就是种态度和信号。不努力尝试怎么知道自己行不行呢。加油,等LZ的好消息!----don't let others tell you what you can't do!
-- by 会员 dian58dian (2011/10/22 12:46:55)
作者: Allen_LeeIS 时间: 2011-10-24 02:21
作者: dian58dian 时间: 2011-10-24 02:26
I understand that you give him advice as a rational person, but people's decision making process is not complete rational in the first place, a phenomenon that has been proved in many experiments already. Is a Ph.D candidate reviewing process totally rational? We don't know, since neither of us is a committee member of those top business schools, right? It just don't make sense to me when other people take those committee's perspectives and reject the candidate on a forum. It is just ridiculous. Maybe I watched too many movies, but I believe that people deserve hopes and dreams.
My advice for this outstanding candidate is to "try"! Try as many top business schools as he can.....and please don't even mention the bloody waste of $65. Let me ask you this: if you were on a date with a girl and have no idea whether she would be your girlfriend, would you pay the dinner and get her flowers, something that could also be viewed as waste if she hook up with somebody else at the end of day. My point: if you never try your best, you would never know how great you can be. No pain, no gain.
I think that we are just taking different perspectives at this point, and it is hardly to say whose suggestion is better. If I were this guy, I would apply to all of those 10-20 schools anyway.
作者: zhipei 时间: 2011-10-26 05:57
不得不说,这几天都不敢来了,我认认真真看了每个回帖,都很中肯。就我自己也很了解自己的弱点,就是你所说的非名校出身,相关联的就是没有牛推,这也是重伤。所以也就是为啥我对申请top 10没信心~~~
另外,你觉得 UF 有多大把握?
I understand that you give him advice as a rational person, but people's decision making process is not complete rational in the first place, a phenomenon that has been proved in many experiments already. Is a Ph.D candidate reviewing process totally rational? We don't know, since neither of us is a committee member of those top business schools, right? It just don't make sense to me when other people take those committee's perspectives and reject the candidate on a forum. It is just ridiculous. Maybe I watched too many movies, but I believe that people deserve hopes and dreams.
My advice for this outstanding candidate is to "try"! Try as many top business schools as he can.....and please don't even mention the bloody waste of $65. Let me ask you this: if you were on a date with a girl and have no idea whether she would be your girlfriend, would you pay the dinner and get her flowers, something that could also be viewed as waste if she hook up with somebody else at the end of day. My point: if you never try your best, you would never know how great you can be. No pain, no gain.
I think that we are just taking different perspectives at this point, and it is hardly to say whose suggestion is better. If I were this guy, I would apply to all of those 10-20 schools anyway.
-- by 会员 dian58dian (2011/10/24 2:26:49)
作者: martinwang83 时间: 2011-10-26 09:42
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作者: grossman 时间: 2011-11-23 01:59
try cmu. good placement. kellogg is overrated
作者: propel 时间: 2011-11-24 09:18
cmu现在也没人了吧。再者,cmu好的marketing placement基本都不是marketing自己的学生。大多是IS的。
往后长江的宣传稿不用老往这里发。长江又没有phd program。添乱。
try cmu. good placement. kellogg is overrated
-- by 会员 grossman (2011/11/23 1:59:20)
作者: 妖怪安 时间: 2015-7-1 02:38
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