
标题: 香港科技大学(HKUST) MBA Online Chat - Oct 26 19:30 [打印本页]

作者: steven    时间: 2011-10-16 22:44
标题: 香港科技大学(HKUST) MBA Online Chat - Oct 26 19:30


Want to study somewhere closer to home and develop your future career in Asia?

ChaseDream cordially invites you to the online chat with the Executive Director for MBA & MSc programs, Chris Tsang, and current full-time student from the HKUST MBA program in Hong Kong, ranked world #6 and Asia #1 by Financial Times 2011.

The speakers will address popular concerns candidates have regarding the program, admissions and MBA experience during the chat, and answer your questions in the Q&A session.

HKUST MBA Online Chat

Date: October 26, 2011 (Wed)
Time: 7:30PM – 8:30PM (Beijing time)
Language: English and Chinese
Place: ChaseDream Online Chat Room


Chris Tsang
Executive Director for MBA and MSc Programs
HKUST Business School

Aurora Li
Year-two HKUST MBA student
Class of 2012
Currently exchanged to New York University


7:30PM – 7:50PM Interview with Executive Director for MBA and MSc Programs
7:50PM – 8:00PM Interview with current HKUST MBA student
8:00PM – 8:30PM Q & A Session

We highly recommend you to post your questions here prior to the event so that the speakers can get more time to prepare for your questions.

Cannot join the talk? Feel free to post your questions here and the host will take these questions to the speakers. You may refer to the chat transcript afterwards.

Related information:

HKUST MBA Program Official Website

Download brochure

How to attend an online chat

作者: nightelf2020    时间: 2011-10-22 06:17
MBA and MSc Programs这俩专业, 在就业方面有什么比较明显的区别?
作者: paul_zhu    时间: 2011-10-24 11:13
作者: zgdfrog    时间: 2011-10-24 11:41
1. GMAT 600 是一个可以用来申请的分数吗?还是建议重考?谢谢
2. HKUST 在评估candidate 的时候最看重哪一点?
作者: crocdile    时间: 2011-10-24 13:15
I want to ask something about the Msc in Economics program:
1. What characters do you value the most about the Msc Econ applicants?
2. How about the placement of most recent Econ students and what are the chances of they staying in HK after graduate? Or did most of them continue to pursue higher degree?
3. Are the most contents of your program courses focus on theorectical field in preparation for the Phd or on practical experience in preparation for jobs?

Thank you
作者: clover033    时间: 2011-10-24 23:03
1. Please share some data or information about the post-MBA employment of HKUST full-time MBA program;
2. What matters most, the pre-MBA work experience, GMAT or undergraduate GPA. What kind of applicants will be considered as the most competitive ones ?
3. Please share some information about scholarship for candidates from main-land China.
4. Please share some about the clubs and exchanging program of HKUST.

Thank you very much !
作者: 冰冰1021    时间: 2011-10-26 12:22
作者: tiantian1023    时间: 2011-10-26 15:48
1. 对于大陆学生,可不可以选择在香港上PT MBA? 有什么相关要求么?
2. 大陆学生是跟适合申请深圳的PT 还是香港的,哪在申请上会更有优势?
作者: TimLi    时间: 2011-10-26 17:03
2、工作经历对申请贵校很重要是吧?如果现在在国内企业的企业直接申请贵校,还是先跳到Big4做咨询,再申请,哪个好一点?会不会看重在big 4的经历?(大学刚毕业已经做过big 4的audit)
作者: TimLi    时间: 2011-10-26 17:29
作者: 娃娃鱼演唱会    时间: 2011-10-26 22:25
相比之前听过的美国学校online talk而言
作者: hkustmba2012    时间: 2011-10-27 15:36
感谢各位昨晚参与香港科大Online Chat!
由于时间关系,加上各位发问勇跃,未能在online chat时段内一一解答所有问题, 如有任何不妥善之处,请多多见谅。现就最后几条问题,回覆如下:

Question by ABC: I have a GMAT score, but TOEFL score will be available in Dec. May I appy the FIRST ROUND in Nov.?
Ans: Yes, given that you can provide the TOEFL score one month upon the completion of your application, you may apply for the first round in mid November, application deadline is Nov 15, 2011.

Question by Timilth: WHEN is SHANGHAI info session??
Ans: We will have an info session and a sample class in Shanghai on Nov 27, you are very welcome to join us. Please regsiter from the link below

Question by zgdfrog: last question, can we call the admission office in HKUST for any queries?
Ans: Yes, enquiries can be made through email at or phone at (852) 2358 7539.

另外,本校学生亦已于chasedream论坛上开帖解答申请者问题, 各位稍后如有问题亦可到下列网址跟本校学生讨论:


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