如果若干年后能够跻身大部分主流排名前20,那就真正达到世界一流水平了。作者: dbonly 时间: 2011-10-14 23:31
Economist asks students about why they decided to take an MBA.
Our ranking weights data according to what students say is important.
The four categories covered are: opening new career opportunities (35%); personal development/educational experience (35%); increasing salary (20%); and the potential to network (10%).
The figures we collate are a mixture of (1) hard data and (2) the subjective marks given by the school’s students, such as a rating of their school’s facilities.作者: dbonly 时间: 2011-10-14 23:33
econ的太主观 FT的salary increase的PPP效应太明显 News的基本上还是美国人心理排名作者: dbonly 时间: 2011-10-14 23:35
“。。。no purely Asian school makes our top 20. Hong Kong University, at 36th, is the highest-placed.。。。”