
标题: Season 2——manhattan 23(The author Herman Melville) [打印本页]

作者: 毛毛carina    时间: 2011-10-10 09:36
标题: Season 2——manhattan 23(The author Herman Melville)
23. The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons
        B       Herman Melville the author and Wal tWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons

The original sentence is correct. Themodifiers “Herman Melville” and “Walt Whitman” are restrictive – they arenecessary to restrict the scope of the words “author” and “poet” respectively –and hence the use of comma pairs to set off the modifiers is not appropriatehere. In addition, the context of the sentence implies that the men continue tobe icons of American literature since they are beloved by generations both pastand present; hence the use of the present tense “are” is appropriate.

(A)CORRECT. The original sentence is correct aswritten.

(B) The modifiers “the author” and “thepoet” for “Herman Melville” and “Walt Whitman” respectively are non-restrictive– they are not necessary to identify the subjects and only serve to addinformation – and hence should be set off with comma pairs (e.g., “HermanMelville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, ….”

(C) The phrases “The author named HermanMelville” and “the poet named Walt Whitman” are unnecessarily wordy. Inaddition, an icon of something has implied greatness; hence, the phrase “greaticon” is redundant.

(D) The restrictive modifiers “HermanMelville” and “Walt Whitman” are improperly set off by comma pairs.

(E). The modifiers “the author” and “thepoet” are non-restrictive and properly set off with comma pairs. The tense ofthe verb “had been” is not appropriate since it is implied by the context ofthis sentence that the men continue to be icons of American literature.

本题句子结构比较简单,涉及时态错误的仅有E选项,根据为划线部分past and present就能明白,HMWW从过去到现在都是美国文化的icons
剩下A,B,D选项。其中BD选项的正确使用方法正好相反了。限定性modifier,对它所修饰的对象起某种限定的作用.比如这里,Herman Melvillethe author起限定作用,说明到底是哪个author。非限定性modifier,对它所修饰的对象起补充说明的作用.比如在B选项中,the author只是补充说明HM是个作家。两者的区别就在于是否使用逗号,如果是前者,不能使用,后者相反。因此在B选项中,应该改为“Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet,  D选项则应去掉逗号,即正确选项A

1,看了大家的回复,都是通过职称前是否有定冠词不定冠词或形容词等等判断的,看来语法笔记的知识记得很清楚O(_)O Aeo的神作对大家影响颇深。从这个角度,或是从题目点评中的角度判断都是正确的哈,就如同数学题一样,答案只有一个,可是方法可以有很多种。

2,“are great icons 中的great和后半句的greatly有重复”——clover033

O(_)O这个见解很新颖噢,的确great可以当名词表示伟人的意思,我们在写作中或者口语中,这两个词语互换不会什么问题,但是在GMAT SC里面,如果选项用great 代替icon是不ok的,除非别的选项都有明显错误哈。

beloved是动词被动语态,beloved by...”——naiwm009
这里是过去分词做状语,修饰主语。那为啥不是被动语态呢?我们可以倒推着来解释,如果是被动语态的话,就默认了逗号后省略了主语,也就是变成了逗号连接两个整句~ 所以只有可能是状语,虽然位置也不是很好,但它是对的,也不太会引起歧义,文学总不能是被一直钟爱的吧.........

3 jeforever
作者: nhelpn    时间: 2011-10-10 09:47
作者: naiwm009    时间: 2011-10-10 09:52
beloved是动词被动语态,beloved by...
作者: jeforever    时间: 2011-10-10 09:56
答案: A

B: 如OG中所提到過的"Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk" 一樣, 形容詞the author & the poet應該放在名詞的後面. 否則模糊修飾! 排除!
C: the author NAMED......the poet NAMED... wordy.
D: 使用限定性THE 後面是不用加逗號的, 此句有改變句意之嫌, 好像變成the author & the poet 是icons.
E: had been icons 時態錯誤
作者: clover033    时间: 2011-10-10 09:57
A. the author and the poet are icons, 没有特殊性。icons是Herman & Walt Whitman,而不是随便的作家和诗人;
C. 同A;并且are great icons 中的great和后半句的greatly有重复;
D. 同A;
E. 用过去完成时态不对。
作者: leo5702    时间: 2011-10-10 10:12
23. The author Herman Melville and thepoet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved bygenerations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons(correct)
        B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons(wordy)
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons()
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/10 9:36:52)

当描述某人职称时,放在句首没有冠词时,直接和人名连用,不用逗号隔开。 Eg  Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk.

当用定冠词第一次介绍某人时不用逗号隔开。  Eg  The author.


Eg  A jazz pianist and composer, Thelonious Monk

若是形容词,用逗号隔开,表示形作状的成分。  Eg  Creative and original, Thelonious Monk

作者: jj449    时间: 2011-10-10 10:13
作者: innerwarrior    时间: 2011-10-10 10:30
23. The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved bygenerations past and present.
       A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons
       B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
       C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons
       D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
       E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons

E,同B,且had been用法错误。

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-10-10 14:57
23. The author Herman Melville and thepoet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved bygenerations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons(correct)
        B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons(wordy)
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons()
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/10 9:36:52)

当描述某人职称时,放在句首没有冠词时,直接和人名连用,不用逗号隔开。 Eg  Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk.

当用定冠词第一次介绍某人时不用逗号隔开。  Eg  The author.


Eg  A jazz pianist and composer, Thelonious Monk

若是形容词,用逗号隔开,表示形作状的成分。  Eg  Creative and original, Thelonious Monk

-- by 会员 leo5702 (2011/10/10 10:12:04)

当用定冠词第一次介绍某人时不用逗号隔开。  Eg  The author.”补充一个第二次介绍的情况:
if you have already introduced two or more people, but you are using"THE (description) to single out one of them, then you DO use a comma.

Amongher friends were an author and a painter; the author, Ernest Hemingway, went onto become an icon of American literature.
--> we've already introduced "theauthor"; this time we use a comma to single him out.

作者: bonfin    时间: 2011-10-10 17:46
23. The author Herman Melville and thepoet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved bygenerations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons(correct)
        B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons(wordy)
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons()
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/10 9:36:52)

当描述某人职称时,放在句首没有冠词时,直接和人名连用,不用逗号隔开。 Eg  Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk.

当用定冠词第一次介绍某人时不用逗号隔开。  Eg  The author.


Eg  A jazz pianist and composer, Thelonious Monk

若是形容词,用逗号隔开,表示形作状的成分。  Eg  Creative and original, Thelonious Monk

-- by 会员 leo5702 (2011/10/10 10:12:04)

当用定冠词第一次介绍某人时不用逗号隔开。  Eg  The author.”补充一个第二次介绍的情况:
if you have already introduced two or more people, but you are using"THE (description) to single out one of them, then you DO use a comma.

Amongher friends were an author and a painter; the author, Ernest Hemingway, went onto become an icon of American literature.
--> we've already introduced "theauthor"; this time we use a comma to single him out.

-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/10/10 14:57:52)


作者: ropingmoon    时间: 2011-10-10 19:40
The author Herman Melville and thepoet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
       A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons
       B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
the author后置没有前置修饰清晰,是不是一个人的身份应该前置在人名前面?求指导。。。
       C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons
unnecessary passive voice
       D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
       E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
unnecessary past perfect tense

作者: UlysessHope    时间: 2011-10-10 21:19
23. The author Herman Melville and thepoet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved bygenerations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons
        B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/10 9:36:52)

而且 C中great与greatly重复
作者: Jimmyzhang2012    时间: 2011-10-10 23:56
选A 考点是关于同位语用法中的the和逗号
       B     不符合习惯表达的顺序
       C      named 累赘,great重复
       D      定冠词the+职位+人名 不加逗号;不定冠词才加
       E       过去完成时错误
作者: 听枫    时间: 2011-10-11 19:04
23. The author Herman Melville and thepoet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poetWalt Whitman are icons
        B       Herman Melville the author and WaltWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and thepoet named Walt Whitman are great icons
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/10 9:36:52)

作者: geniealice    时间: 2011-10-12 11:47

作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-12-6 23:19
The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
       A       The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons—>R
       B       Herman Melville the author and Wal tWhitman the poet are icons—>头衔最好应该在前修饰。
       C       The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons—>named 冗余,great和后面的great重复.
       D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons?and 前后不平行.
       E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons?had been 时态错
作者: 南瓜0729    时间: 2011-12-20 13:58
23. The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
       A       The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons
       B       Herman Melville the author and Wal tWhitman the poet are icons
       C       The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons
       D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
       E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons 时态错选A
作者: maxiv    时间: 2011-12-27 17:00
23. The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.

       A       The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons

       B       Herman Melville the author and Wal tWhitman the poet are icons
Herman Melville the author 这叫什么修饰方式啊,给个逗号不行吗

       C       The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons

       D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons

       E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons

[tr]  [td=710]双逗号隔开的同位语,失去了对被修饰对象的restricted功能[/td][/tr]
作者: maxiv    时间: 2011-12-29 19:37
23. The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
       A       The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons
       B       Herman Melville the author and Wal tWhitman the poet are icons
       C       The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons
       D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
       E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons


作者: zhitaochen    时间: 2013-6-16 02:10

23. The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
        A       The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons
        B       Herman Melville the author and Wal tWhitman the poet are icons
        C       The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons
        D      The author, Herman Melville, and the poet,Walt Whitman, are icons
        E       Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons

作者: guipxian    时间: 2014-8-25 16:04
作者: AMBER513    时间: 2019-9-6 20:01

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