
标题: Season 2——manhattan 22(most people take it for granted now) [打印本页]

作者: 毛毛carina    时间: 2011-10-9 09:34
标题: Season 2——manhattan 22(most people take it for granted now)
22. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
        A       Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
        B       Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
        C       Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
        D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
        E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

The original sentencebegins with an opening modifier that correctly modifies the nationwideadmission of students.

(A) CORRECT. This choice is correctas it repeats the original sentence.

(B) The use of the initial modifier in this choice is correct.However, the adjective “nationwide” is incorrectly applied to students, when itis meant to apply to the admission process.

(C) Here, the modifier is adjacent to the subject “colleges anduniversities,” incorrectly suggesting that colleges and universities are takenfor granted as opposed to the admission process.

(D) This sentence incorrectly uses the pronoun “them” to refer tothe “admission” which is a singular subject. The use of the pronoun “their” isalso unclear as the antecedent could be construed to be “colleges anduniversities” as opposed to the intended antecedent, "students."

(E) Using the word "and" at the end of theunderline makes the meaning of this sentence less clear by failing to drawan appropriate contrast between the current state of taking the nationwideadmission of students for granted and the fact that it is a relatively recentphenomenon.  A more appropriate word choice would be "but": "Mostpeople now take for granted..., but it is a relatively recent phenomenon."


对比五个选项发现,第一,有三个选项的句子主语为admission,另外两个分别为colleges and universitiespeople。选项CE明显改变了句子原意;第二,五个选项中nationwide修饰的对象也不一致,“通过改变修饰成分的位置来编排错误选项”是GMAC惯用伎俩。
E选项里面,出现了代词it,语法上只能指代academic merit,但逻辑意思不符合,因此也是一个错误。D选项中them指代不清,同时也导致改变句意。


2,“还有,我想知道为毛用转折?people take it for granted的是什么?”——UlysessHope

3,“前面看了大家的回复,觉得AB比的确比较简洁,主动好于被动,但worldwide的位置,请毛毛在解释下。是全国性的录取工作还是全国的学生?我查了朗文说nationwidehappening or existing in every part of the country ,那修饰学生也可以罗?thx啦~”——innerwarrior

3 leo5702(发现了代词的问题)
5 Jimmyzhang2012(句子语气改变也是个大错误,jimmy注意到了)
13 daisyの小夢想
作者: yyzixiao    时间: 2011-10-9 10:18
作者: nhelpn    时间: 2011-10-9 10:19
作者: leo5702    时间: 2011-10-9 10:35
c,的taken的逻辑主语是colleges and universities ,逻辑意思不对;而且主句主语是colleges and universities ,谓语动词应该用are,矛盾了。
d,的them无指代,只能指代nationwide students 或colleges and universities,逻辑意思错。their academic merit应该用merits吧。
作者: demorgan    时间: 2011-10-9 10:45
作者: Jimmyzhang2012    时间: 2011-10-9 10:53
选 A
       B  Though it is taken for granted:take it for granted 是一个习惯表达,用被动不好; nationwide 跑去修饰students曲解了句意
       C taken for granted 被动不好;动名词admitting 不及admission
       D  them 指代错误 应该用it指代单数
       E  and 承接错误 应该用but 表示转折
作者: ericrainw    时间: 2011-10-9 11:18
作者: UlysessHope    时间: 2011-10-9 11:29
22. Though most people take it forgranted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
        A       Though most people take it for grantednow, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based onacademic merit
        B       Though it is now taken for granted bymost people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
        C       Now taken for granted by most people,colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
        D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
        E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/9 9:34:30)

B中it is now taken for granted bymost people被动不如主动好
C中students不可做 taken 的逻辑主语,应为admission
E中that后面缺谓语,且it无指代,或是说错误指代了academic merit,全句累赘且改成了并列
作者: UlysessHope    时间: 2011-10-9 11:34
还有,我想知道为毛用转折?people take it for granted的是什么?
作者: ropingmoon    时间: 2011-10-9 12:15
22. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

A       Though most people take it for grantednow, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based onacademic merit
B       Though it is now taken for granted bymost people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
Unnecessary passive voice in the first clause.
C       Now taken for granted by most people,colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
Unnecessary passive voice in the first clause.;admitting 没有admission有效
D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it
语义混乱,wordy and illogical,最后的it 指代不明

作者: RingXiao    时间: 2011-10-9 15:59
22. Though most people take it forgranted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
       A       Though most people take it for grantednow, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based onacademic merit
       B       Though it is now taken for granted bymost people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
       C       Now taken for granted by most people,colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
       D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
       E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

B 改变了原来的逻辑意思,nationwide 用来修饰student
C colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit 也完全改变了逻辑意思. 而且非常的arkward.
D  主语变成了the admission of nationwide students
E 完全不知所云~
作者: innerwarrior    时间: 2011-10-9 18:14
22. Though most people take it forgranted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
       A       Though most people take it for grantednow, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based onacademic merit
       B       Though it is now taken for granted bymost people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
       C       Now taken for granted by most people,colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
       D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
       E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

2个考点,一个是take it/sb/sth for granted的用法,take的主语必须是人,另一个考点是nationwide的修饰位置
A,the natinonwide 不应该修饰admission,而该是学生
C,admitting students based on their academic merit变成修饰colleges and universities ,意思变成了colleges and universities  is a relatively recent phenomenon,逻辑不通
E,前半句没问题,后半句and it感觉好奇怪,明明是转折,为啥这里是并列呢?果断排除

前面看了大家的回复,觉得A和B比的确比较简洁,主动好于被动,但worldwide的位置,请毛毛在解释下。是全国性的录取工作还是全国的学生?我查了朗文说nationwide是happening or existing in every part of the country ,那修饰学生也可以罗?thx啦~

作者: vilawe    时间: 2011-10-9 21:07
22. Though most people take it forgranted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
        A       Though most people take it for grantednow, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit nationwide修饰admission,全国性的录取
        B       Though it is now taken for granted bymost people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit nationwide修饰错误,且被动语态尽量避免
        C       Now taken for granted by most people,colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit awkward,不如the nationwide admission of 简洁清爽
        D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit 缺主语,nationwide修饰错误
        E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it 改变了句意,没有表现出转折关系,看完这个句子后毫无惊讶感
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-10-10 14:49
A 语意、逻辑关系清晰。
B 和A不同的是从句用了被动,还有nationwide变成了修饰students。被动没有主动好,而且nationwide按理应该修饰admission,意思是全国性的录取。
C 修饰有问题,take sth for granted,那么这里是colleges and universities被看成理所当然还是这个行为方式被看成理所当然,修饰不清。还有后面的their指代不清。还有,colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit,这里涉及动名词的用法,在manhattan里提到"A noun preceding a gerund must be in the possessive case if the noun is the doer of the action described by the gerund." 所以这里正确用法应该是 colleges' and universities' admitting students based on their academic merits.
如果不是改成这样,原句的意思就成了colleges and universities is a relatively recent phenomenon.
D them指代不清,因为their指代学生,那么them按理也是指代学生,但是逻辑意思冲突了。
E 没有了对比转折的逻辑关系。
作者: mdyuki1016    时间: 2011-10-10 23:16
22. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
       A       Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
       B       Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
       C       Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
       D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
       E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

B选项第一句用的倒装,没A选项精炼,同时第二句中使用“the admission of nationwide students”,这意思莫非是说全国内的学生都需要基于学术成绩上大学,而国外的学生不需要靠学术成绩上大学?

作者: innerwarrior    时间: 2011-10-11 15:19
作者: 毛毛carina    时间: 2011-10-11 15:44
-- by 会员 innerwarrior (2011/10/11 15:19:13)

作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-12-6 22:15
22. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
       A       Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
       B       Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit?nationwide 位置改变,改变句意;第一句被动语态木有主动语态好。
       C       Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit—>去掉national改变句意。
       D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit—>them无指代,but转折语气改变句意。
       E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it—>nationally 修饰改变句意。It无法指代全句话。
作者: 南瓜0729    时间: 2011-12-20 14:07
22. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
       A       Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit        B       Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit  不简洁
       C       Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit  主谓不一致 句意改变
       D     Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit run-on句型
       E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it       it没有指代对象

作者: maxiv    时间: 2011-12-27 16:35
22. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

       A       Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit

       B       Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
it is作用不明;to同上

       C       Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit

       D      Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit

       E       Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it
作者: zhitaochen    时间: 2013-6-16 02:24
        A       Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
作者: guipxian    时间: 2014-8-24 11:57
这里我认为根据提干的意思,是一个让步的关系,因此排除CDE,而在AB中显然A已经足够简洁,清晰,所以我想如果native speaker会直接选A而不考虑为何不选B。如果我们要考虑不选B的原因的话,其实B会产生歧义,it究竟指代admission本身还是指代"现在的admission都采用这种录取方式"?从语法上来讲用it指代的只是admission,所以并没有表达清楚文章想要表达的意思。
作者: AMBER513    时间: 2019-9-6 19:58
我觉得我在逻辑上很难想清楚是nationwide admission还是nationwide students

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