现在信心严重不足,10月11就考了。作者: aaabbcca 时间: 2011-9-27 16:59
CRkey to success is Accurateunderstandingin1.4minutesis作者: aaabbcca 时间: 2011-9-27 17:00
CR key to success is Accurate understanding in 1.4 minutesis作者: 用户名已注册 时间: 2011-9-27 17:50
CR key to success is Accurate understanding in 1.4 minutesis
-- by 会员 aaabbcca (2011/9/27 17:00:22)
I know that, but I'm not capable of doing that.作者: susliks 时间: 2011-9-27 18:24
我也是。。。语法好。。。大概百分之八十。。。逻辑只有一半准确率作者: 用户名已注册 时间: 2011-9-27 20:02