如果这样的话,我倒建议你明年R1就申,多几个录取率的百分点也是好的嘛。作者: ayoepooh 时间: 2011-9-28 12:32
对的准备明年R1申,想再战G,背景实在是不行,还要付出和家人离别两年代价,确实犹豫啊犹豫作者: JonFrank 时间: 2011-9-28 12:36
Hello my friend, I would be honored to help you of course. Yes, you can apply to top schools!  erhaps top 20, or top 30. It is great that you work for a worldwide company, that will be great exposure for you for sure. And given your great TOEFL especially you will be in play for sure. So shoot for the moon! Just make sure you show that you have outgrown that IT stuff, schools wont like it that much…
Jon Frank HBS 2005作者: acestar 时间: 2011-9-28 12:38
现在的720的G已经足够被任何一所学校录取了,没必要再考。 (如果是为了争取奖学金,或是再考对你也没负担的话那另当别论)