
标题: DUKE大学ESSAY问题,大家来讨论啊! [打印本页]

作者: 小铃铛    时间: 2011-9-25 15:22
标题: DUKE大学ESSAY问题,大家来讨论啊!
1.     Describe your vision for your career and your inspirationfor pursuing this career path.

2.     How will your background, values, and non-work activitiesenhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add value to Fuqua'sdiverse culture?

3.     Why Duke? (If you are interested in a specificconcentration, joint degree, clubs or activities, please discuss how you wouldcontribute to these in this essay.)

作者: 小铃铛    时间: 2011-9-27 20:14
作者: Charisma1981    时间: 2011-9-27 20:25
作者: 小铃铛    时间: 2011-10-9 19:05
作者: Charisma1981    时间: 2011-10-9 19:28
作者: Pythagoras    时间: 2011-10-10 18:41
-- by 会员 Charisma1981 (2011/9/27 20:25:59)

作者: Charisma1981    时间: 2011-10-10 18:58
-- by 会员 Charisma1981 (2011/9/27 20:25:59)

-- by 会员 Pythagoras (2011/10/10 18:41:07)

奇怪,为什么现在网址显示的全了?昨天我在ipod上面看,www. 和 .com 之间没有东西的。
作者: Pythagoras    时间: 2011-10-10 19:30
-- by 会员 Charisma1981 (2011/9/27 20:25:59)

-- by 会员 Pythagoras (2011/10/10 18:41:07)

奇怪,为什么现在网址显示的全了?昨天我在ipod上面看,www. 和 .com 之间没有东西的。
-- by 会员 Charisma1981 (2011/10/10 18:58:53)

你觉得这家essay review的公司靠谱么?
作者: Charisma1981    时间: 2011-10-10 19:36
自己评估过几家国外的admissions consultant,然后下定决心diy了。
作者: Pythagoras    时间: 2011-10-10 20:15
自己评估过几家国外的admissions consultant,然后下定决心diy了。
-- by 会员 Charisma1981 (2011/10/10 19:36:33)

作者: FuquaYF    时间: 2011-10-11 11:11
1.     Describe your vision for your career and your inspirationfor pursuing this career path.

没啥好说的,Career goal呗。

2.     How will your background, values, and non-work activitiesenhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add value to Fuqua'sdiverse culture?



3.     Why Duke? (If you are interested in a specificconcentration, joint degree, clubs or activities, please discuss how you wouldcontribute to these in this essay.)

Fuqua最牛逼的concentration 之一就是Health Sector Management,当然有很多joint degree。Club 对于学生的支持是不错的,学校对于Club的支持也说的过去。每个星期五,某些CLUB或者MBAA会出钱给大家买吃买喝,大家在食堂Winter Garden/Fox Center 附近一起hang out。喝酒聊天social。当然这个活动也吸引了大量非Fuqua的同学们,其中中国也人很多。

其实Fuqua还有几个有意思的课程,比如:small business consulting和mentor study program.这个都是在实际的business environment 中给学生提供机会,积累经验值的。在一开学,会有两门大课: LEO 和GIE。 LEO=leadership ethic and organization. GIE=global institution and environment. 这两门课程非常有用,对于领导层来说。也是第一年比较少的soft leadership的课程。真的希望这种课程多一点啊!当然这些基础的课程都是.....未来成为leader of consequence 的基础。

每年case competition 无数,这个每个学校都一样。

另外,Fuqua地处南方重镇Durham,远离城市喧嚣,地广人稀,物产丰富,价格低廉,适合家庭居住。并且,DUKE医疗设备绝对先进,每年有好多美国其它城市人员,不远万里来到这里看病,就和我们在中国看病去北京上海一样。所以,打算生小孩子的,duke 也是不错的选择。

-- by 会员 小铃铛 (2011/9/25 15:22:52)

作者: Charisma1981    时间: 2011-10-11 11:48
干脆我也在这里转一个,来自mbamission的essay analysis:

Duke must be satisfied with what its application essays tell the admissions committee about its candidates, because Fuqua has not made any changes to its essay questions this year. Pay special attention to essay two, which represents your most significant opportunity to reveal yourself as distinct, interesting and “valuable.” Candidates may want to read our interview with Fuqua Associate Dean for Admissions Liz Riley Hargrove for even more insight.

1. Describe your vision for your career and your inspiration for pursuing this career path.

In many ways, Fuqua’s essay questions one and three constitute the components of a classic Personal Statement. And, because Personal Statements are similar from one application to the next, we have produced the mbaMission Personal Statement Guide, which helps applicants write this style of essay for any school. We offer this guide to candidates free of charge, via our online store. Please feel free to download your copy today.

All of that written, you will notice that Fuqua does not explicitly ask about your short- and long-term career goals but instead asks about your “vision for your career.” Short- and long-term goals can be somewhat confining, but Fuqua instead offers you some flexibility and allows you to provide a broader and more reasoned compendium of your objectives and the path you hope to take to reach them. In some ways, this question is more challenging than a traditional “goal statement,” because you will need to be less practical and more profound in discussing your future.

2. How will your background, values, and non-work activities enhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add value to Fuqua’s diverse culture?

This essay is broad and sweeping in nature, so it allows you to strategically showcase a mix of your greatest community and personal strengths. You should attempt to select a diversity of experiences and present them in such a way that you will be able to relate them back to your ability to contribute in a variety of areas—for example, in the classroom, study teams and the community at large. A successful essay will not only detail your personality/experiences, but also clearly illustrate how you will “enhance” Fuqua—meaning that it will demonstrate your intimate understanding of and connection to the Fuqua culture/experience.

3. Why Duke? (If you are interested in a specific concentration, joint degree, clubs or activities, please discuss how you would contribute to these in this essay.)

Please consult our analysis of essay one as it encompasses a response to essays one and three. For a thorough exploration of Duke’s academic program/merits, defining characteristics, crucial statistics, social life, academic environment and more, please check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guide to Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.
作者: xiaowangwang    时间: 2011-10-30 10:32

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