
标题: [推荐]PHD是否值得?且看毕业后能赚多少 [打印本页]

作者: rongdongc    时间: 2004-7-12 14:30
标题: [推荐]PHD是否值得?且看毕业后能赚多少


上次那一份sample report的数据有些旧了,还是来看看今年4月份新鲜出炉的美国商学院教授薪酬调研最新结果吧。

福建:Professor's Paycheck


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-12 14:31:24编辑过]

作者: RenZhen    时间: 2004-7-12 19:42
Thanks for the attachment. After reviewing the data, I understood better that the payments are really much smaller than those in the industries in the US. It is a bit discouraging when you notice that you are to make the same amount of money as before after working hard 5 years in a modest lifestyle. To compensate the monetary loss, you must be truely interested in and commited to the research you are to do. Anyway, money is good. So is a Ph D.
作者: rongdongc    时间: 2004-7-13 12:18

Hi, Renzhen. Nice to know that an admitted phd in Top 10 is still hanging around on this forum.

One thing to remember when reviewing the data is that the report only indicates the average 9 month salary of over 200 AACSB credited business schools and some of them are really podunk colleges. For a Top 10 phd candidate like yourself, it will be safe to say that freshly minted assistant prof's in strategy can expect a 12-month salary (3-month summer support, research funding, travel expenses, etc) into the $115-120 range at Top 15-20 schools. After 3 or 5 years down the road and when you manage to pass the tenure reveiw, salary increase will be around 30% and doors are open to addtional income from consulting, executive education, publishing and postions on company's BOD.  In general, if you're a b-school prof, expect to live well, but not like a rock star (unless you are a rock star).

Can you give me a resonable comparison between the income of a biz prof and a middle manager in industry? No intention to be probing, but I'm curious about how you convince yourself to pursuit academia after being so succesful in industry? How do you convince your family, especially your spouse to give up what he or she has in China and relocate to the States ( I suppose your spouse must have been doing well in his or her career life)? Do you have any exit plan or Plan B if you find the academic life is not what you want when you are actually in the program?

As a "non-tradtional" applicant that you, I really like to exchange ideas with you on these soft issues. Would appretiate it if you can drop me a line at rongdongc(A)

作者: RenZhen    时间: 2004-7-13 17:14

Hi Rongdong,

Thank you for your nice words. It is a hard decision for me - "to be or not to be". After thinking very hard and discussing with my family memebers and close friends, I decide "to be". I think that is a personal choice - depending on what you truely want. One week ago, I was offered by my boss more salary and higher grade. It is a token for my hard work and good performance. However, I will not really have those as I decide "to be".

I think my life would be boring if I followed my current track - working hard and getting promoted to higher and higher level with more and more sallary. The ceiling would be a Vice President in a global company in some Asian countries, or a CEO in a medium or small company most likely in China at my 45's or 50's if I was doing well and with good luck. Of course, I could still have vacations somewhere every year, drive nice car... However, the life perspective as such does not inspire me. Actually, it makes me feel dull althought this is the best scenario I can have. Needless to say that things can go worse as well. When it is known, it is not so interesting. To exploit the unknow, to challenge myself, and to experience life are what truely interest me, make me feel I live, creat self-confidence, and pursue the glory of being a man.

A researcher's career can creat the things I could not otherwise have if I stay in the industry. That opens a door to a new field, to the unknown. That is the reason why I chose "to be". On the other hand, as a business professional, I certainly can come back industry easily if I want one day. In order to have the option, I have to work harder. Life is hard but fun. How do you think?

作者: valarie    时间: 2004-7-16 23:09

Hi Rongdong and Renzhen,

It's nice to see some decent posts like yours. I didn't know much about B-School's Ph.D programs but I would like to know more as I'm planing (purely on personal interests) to apply for them. My target wouldn't be top10 as I know myself and how much to make after graduation is not the primary concern for me right now. But I still wouldn't like to get in a decent program in which I can be really interested and learn something. Rongdong, I wonder if you are curently a Ph.D applicant or candidate. And Renzhen, how can I see your application process? Any experience to share with? Many thanks in advance.

作者: iamdog2    时间: 2004-7-18 10:18
hi, renzhen, nice to know your final decision! How is your visa application? When will you plan to land US?
作者: RenZhen    时间: 2004-7-19 04:11

Hi Wang, I have a five-year multiple entry visa to the USA and plan to be there in one month. Nice to know you, too.

Hi Valarie, You can see my post titled " A Ph D offer from one of the top 10 US B-schoos" in this BBS. Good luck to you.

作者: valarie    时间: 2004-7-20 11:22

Hi Renzhen,

Thanks for your response. Can you tell me the school's name?
Are you heading to somewhere close to NC? Please drop me a line at your convenience. lxintian1128(A)

作者: rongdongc    时间: 2004-7-21 18:40

Hi Valarie,

I am still a phd aspirant. If you're really serious about phd application, check out this forum on Business Week.

It goes for more than 4000 threads. Yes, I've read all of them (as a pre-warming for my painstaking phd research - and am thinking about putting up some summary of what I've learned there.

作者: valarie    时间: 2004-7-23 02:22
Rongdongc, thanks for the information. I'm kinda lagged behind as I'm still preparing GMAT. But yes I'm really serious about the Ph.D. application. How's your status?
作者: useCASE    时间: 2004-7-31 23:36
To RenZhen:
           From your words we can see you have a much more deeper thinking than most of us, after all you have so much experiences. What you wrote on why you want to move into academic field from industry, is very like a Statement of Purpose.
           I can see you have a strategic perspective that most of us do not have or, very little/unclear.
作者: RenZhen    时间: 2004-8-3 17:47
Thanks for your comments. As I am a bit old, it is natural that I have been thinking more than do most of the people. I indicated in my early post that I was not very bright person but worked hard. One thing I forgot mentioning is that strategy plays an essential role in my career development and even in my life. How can you run faster than normally? Only working hard is not enough. You should able to conduct strategic thinking to make analysis on the basis of information available, and define and implement your strategy. That is also the reason why I did not continue on finance, which was the major of my MBA.
作者: perpetual    时间: 2004-8-6 09:49
you are doing great.
作者: lemon_tea    时间: 2004-8-6 13:05

To RenZhen,

     I am still not quite sure about what strategy study is. Is it kind of like operation science? For example, in terms of math, does it involve using mathematical programming to find optimal (say minimum cost) solutions?


作者: RenZhen    时间: 2004-8-6 16:16

Hi Lemon_tea,

There are two approaches on strategy research: 1) from perspective of organizational behavior, and 2) of quantitative methods, namely, statisitcs and mathmetical models. For example, what strategy is better for a developing country - to welcome foreign investment or to have self-strength? You can easily give some examples for both cases like Singapore and Thailand for the first and Sri Lanka for the second. It does not make sense if you conclude one is preferable to the other on the basis of examples you listed. In fact, you should use statistical methods to indicate that your conclusion is more than 95% chance true. In other words, less than 5%  chance so because of by chance. It would be perfect if you can build a mathematical model to illustrate what you find out. This type of researches are the most appreciated in the academic world as mathmetics is the most logic language. Or you can go another direction from the organizational behavior perspective. For instance, the research topic can be whether the company performs well if the CEO is paid more than the industry average? Actually you still cannot avoid statistical methods but pay more attention to the sociology, psychology, and politics. Hope my reply answers your question.

作者: lemon_tea    时间: 2004-8-6 19:18

Thanks for your reply! I understand the subject much better now through your explanation! You are awesome!

作者: miaxis    时间: 2004-8-22 13:39

RenZhen, I like your choice in life.

我也准备攻读Strategy,在国内文科,数学统计学得一般,后来在CUHK( 香港中文大学)读了个M.PHIL in Marketing,回国来在各行业都干了干,做到上市公司的CFO,也开过自己的咨询公司,但实在讨厌国内的商业环境,准备弃商读PHD, 因为PHD一直是我的梦想,以前是一直没有钱。

在国内本科时根本就没学过Metholodgy,也不喜欢marketing的各种模型,离商业实践实在太远;加上我在国内Corporate Finance, 我觉得可能还是Strategy容易生存,也符合我的兴趣。你能推荐一些学校吗?好像top 25里专门设Strategy的比较少,你能推荐一些学校吗?

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