September 24, 2011 (Saturday) in the CKGSB New York Branch
7:00am –- 8:00am Breakfast at the hotel for guests staying at the hotel (continental breakfast is included in the room rate for Xiao).
8:00am –- 9:15am Presentation 1 by Dr. Wenbo Wang from NYU “Green Lifestyle Adoption: Shopping without Plastic Bags”
9:15am –- 10:30am Presentation 2 by Dr. Ying Xiao from UIUC “Is Store Brand Really a Threat to National Brand? --The Role of Consumer Evaluation in Store Brand Introduction"
10:30am --- 10:40am Coffee Break
10:40am –11:55am  resentation 3 by Dr. Mandy Hu from NYU “Learning Within Social Networks: An Application to Customer Switching Decisions of Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)”
12:15pm – 1:30pm Lunch at Tang Pavilion (Tang Pavilion, 65 W 55th St , 212-956-6888) (reservation for 5 at 12:15. We will walk from the office.)
All students and alumni are welcome.作者: jerryjay 时间: 2011-9-22 09:11