
标题: og260 [打印本页]

作者: paopao    时间: 2004-7-12 06:38
标题: og260

260. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment so that it was the lowest in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.

(A) so that it was the lowest in two years

(B) so that it was the lowest two-year rate

(C) to what would be the lowest in two years

(D) to a two-year low levelE

(E) to the lowest level in two years

E, the best choice, employs idiomatic construction and uses the precise decrease... to the lowest level. (固定用法)Choices A and B are faulty in construction. The adverbial so that can modify verbs (e.g., decreased) but not nouns (e.g., the decrease). (so adj. That,v. so that 不是n. so that.)The meaning of lowest two-year rate in B is unclear; in any event the phrase distorts the intended meaning of lowest in two years. (错误用法)In A and B, the referent of it is unclear, as the pronoun could refer to either unemployment or decrease. (代词指代不清)Choice C improperly uses would be to describe a situation that is presented as a current and known fact. (????)Also, there is no noun for lowest to modify; clearly “the lowest decrease” is not intended. (???)In D, the phrase two-year low level is unidiomatic, as well as unclear in its intended meaning. (代词无指代对象)

1.Choice C improperly uses would be to describe a situation that is presented as a current and known fact. (????)

would be 在GNAT中有两种表达 1 虚拟  2 不确定的事  

那划线的是什么意思呢 would be 还有另外的表达意思吗

2Also, there is no noun for lowest to modify; clearly “the lowest decrease” is not intended. (???)

这不是指代the decrease in umemployment  为何讲修饰不清晰呢


作者: rt316    时间: 2004-7-12 06:55

Choice C improperly uses would be to describe a situation that is presented as a current and known fact.

这句话是OG指出C的错误:C错误地用would be去表达一个事实(换言之,事实不能用would be表达,和你自己的分析完全一致);

2Also, there is no noun for lowest to modify; clearly “the lowest decrease” is not intended. (???)这不是指代the decrease in umemployment  为何讲修饰不清晰呢

lowest decrease这种表达不复合匹配原则。

作者: paopao    时间: 2004-7-12 07:09
以下是引用stoneren在2004-7-12 6:55:00的发言:

2Also, there is no noun for lowest to modify; clearly “the lowest decrease” is not intended. (???)这不是指代the decrease in umemployment  为何讲修饰不清晰呢

lowest decrease这种表达不复合匹配原则。

这个能再讲讲吗 没明白

第一个问题已经理解了 谢谢

作者: xealot    时间: 2004-7-12 11:49

(C) to what would be the lowest in two years

what指代什么呢?如果指decrease,那么decrease ... be lowest,显然不合逻辑。

作者: paopao    时间: 2004-7-12 12:35

decrease to the lowest 降到最低 可行

the lowest decrease 最低的降 不合理

这样理解 对吗


作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-7-12 17:20
对同一道题目,我不是十分理解为什么OG说“a two year low ”是不合适的呢?是认为 two year 可能导致理解为一个期间,从而无法合理地修饰low level 么?
作者: paopao    时间: 2004-7-12 23:00
以下是引用cranberry在2004-7-12 17:20:00的发言:
对同一道题目,我不是十分理解为什么OG说“a two year low ”是不合适的呢?是认为 two year 可能导致理解为一个期间,从而无法合理地修饰low level 么?



作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-7-14 18:24
作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-7-15 17:26
作者: rt316    时间: 2004-7-15 23:39

哈哈,偶认为cranberry兄过于钻牛角尖了,OG原话:the phrase two-year low level is unidiomatic,其实OG只是认为这种用法不符合习惯,比如我们说:She is a beautiful girl. 这复合习惯,但是如果改为:She is a girl beautiful. 我们觉得好像也行,但美国人认为这种表达明显不复合习惯。

作者: paopao    时间: 2004-7-15 23:47
以下是引用cranberry在2004-7-12 17:20:00的发言:
对同一道题目,我不是十分理解为什么OG说“a two year low ”是不合适的呢?是认为 two year 可能导致理解为一个期间,从而无法合理地修饰low level 么?

cranberry 我采用的办法是是逐字翻译  一个两年的低 要表达的是什么 所以我认为不对 混乱的很

谢谢cranberry 在逻辑区给XDJM的帮助 非常感谢你

这是我的一点认识 请多指正

作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-7-17 11:59
后面还有level,我原本的理解是两年的低点。后来觉得,two year作为修饰语,表示的是期间长度,那么这个修饰应该是表示,长达两年的低点,与原题不合了。
作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-8-13 03:52
以下是引用cranberry在2004-7-17 11:59:00的发言:
后面还有level,我原本的理解是两年的低点。后来觉得,two year作为修饰语,表示的是期间长度,那么这个修饰应该是表示,长达两年的低点,与原题不合了。

我在D,E之间摇摆. 觉得如果D中去掉level就应该正确吧?

作者: luckyoldmi    时间: 2004-8-13 05:22
I think it may be better if use as two-year-low level
作者: hpp920    时间: 2004-8-20 23:12

我猜测一下: ETS说: the phrase two-year low level is unidiomatic, as well as unclear in its intended meaning

是不是two-year low level 的本身意思不明确:如长达两年的低水平?或者两年内的低水平, 但低到什么程度并没有说清?

作者: summersmile    时间: 2004-10-23 10:23

是不是two-year low level 的本身意思不明确:如长达两年的低水平?

作者: best555tw    时间: 2005-1-18 21:34
是不是two-year low level 的本身意思不明确:如长达两年的低水平?
作者: joe11    时间: 2005-1-19 04:04

D. the July decrease to a two-year low level

two-year adj.        low adj.

two-year low level:  

1) the level has been low for two years : two-year level + low level  ... Unidomatic

2) away from the intended meaning: the lowest level in two years ......Unclear

作者: tuzq    时间: 2005-2-17 12:12

260. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment so that it was the lowest in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.

(A)  so that it was the lowest in two years

(B)  so that it was the lowest two-year rate

(C)  to what would be the lowest in two years

(D)  to a two-year low level

(E)   to the lowest level in two years

但是感觉E里面 in two years是不是改成 in the two years会好一些。in two years会不会被理解成2年之后的意思。

作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-22 19:56
up up ~~
作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-25 18:22
以下是引用tuzq在2005-2-17 12:12:00的发言:

260. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment so that it was the lowest in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.

(A)  so that it was the lowest in two years

(B)  so that it was the lowest two-year rate

(C)  to what would be the lowest in two years

(D)  to a two-year low level

(E)   to the lowest level in two years

但是感觉E里面 in two years是不是改成 in the two years会好一些。in two years会不会被理解成2年之后的意思。

這個問題考倒我了. In two years 什麼時候會有未來的意思呢?? 很弱的題 誰來幫個忙?

Also, 總結一下前面說法 我還是不懂 D

two-year-low level 真的可以嗎? two-year-low 去掉level 就對嗎?

對這兩個說法有沒有NN能指點呢? 謝謝

在國外這是很常用的說法, 甚至連我上班的地方(銀行)都這麼用..two-year peak in stock mkt..ect...只是我想是不是寫出來的時候哪兒出錯了才導致D unidiomatic 呢?

作者: z520m    时间: 2005-8-25 20:17

我觉得这里 two-year low level不正确,因为这里原意表示最低点,是有比较的,但是D的表达让人以为有为期two year的low level,不是在讲一个时间点,所以不对,似乎没有碰到这样的表达。

作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-30 12:35
谢谢 z520m, 我想就是最高级何句意的分别吧!
作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-11-7 21:52

in two year有表示紧接下来的两年里的意思。

I will take GMAT in next month.


作者: mmfoolish    时间: 2005-11-22 23:30
以下是引用paopao在2004-7-12 6:38:00的发言:

260. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment so that it was the lowest in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.

(A) so that it was the lowest in two years

(B) so that it was the lowest two-year rate

(C) to what would be the lowest in two years

(D) to a two-year low levelE

(E) to the lowest level in two years

E, the best choice, employs idiomatic construction and uses the precise decrease... to the lowest level. (固定用法)Choices A and B are faulty in construction. The adverbial so that can modify verbs (e.g., decreased) but not nouns (e.g., the decrease). (so adj. That,v. so that 不是n. so that.)The meaning of lowest two-year rate in B is unclear; in any event the phrase distorts the intended meaning of lowest in two years. (错误用法)In A and B, the referent of it is unclear, as the pronoun could refer to either unemployment or decrease. (代词指代不清)Choice C improperly uses would be to describe a situation that is presented as a current and known fact. (????)Also, there is no noun for lowest to modify; clearly “the lowest decrease” is not intended. (???)In D, the phrase two-year low level is unidiomatic, as well as unclear in its intended meaning. (代词无指代对象)

1.Choice C improperly uses would be to describe a situation that is presented as a current and known fact. (????)

would be 在GNAT中有两种表达 1 虚拟  2 不确定的事  

那划线的是什么意思呢 would be 还有另外的表达意思吗


那个would be的用法还没有搞定,究竟是什么意思呢?请N人指教!谢谢!

作者: milanforever    时间: 2005-12-7 15:32


would be 是虚拟语气, 表示情况可能与现在事实相反。用了would be 之后,意思就成了:七月的失业率下降到了可能是两年来最低的(注意:“两年来最低的“很可能不是个事实,只是阿猫阿狗的信口开河)。

这里,题目要求精确的表达出一个当前的事实, 用“the lowest level in two years"是最清晰,最地道的。

作者: dormousedzc    时间: 2007-11-26 00:27
to the lowest level是如何修饰decresase的呢,请NN作答.
作者: lpdeng    时间: 2008-9-1 02:51
以下是引用weichenli在2005-8-25 18:22:00的发言:

這個問題考倒我了. In two years 什麼時候會有未來的意思呢?? 很弱的題 誰來幫個忙?

Also, 總結一下前面說法 我還是不懂 D

two-year-low level 真的可以嗎? two-year-low 去掉level 就對嗎?

對這兩個說法有沒有NN能指點呢? 謝謝

在國外這是很常用的說法, 甚至連我上班的地方(銀行)都這麼用..two-year peak in stock mkt..ect...只是我想是不是寫出來的時候哪兒出錯了才導致D unidiomatic 呢?

同问 two-year low level。

我也觉得经常听到新闻里说: 一段时间 + low/high等, 表示这段时间内的最低点或最高点。


作者: zyitbest    时间: 2009-3-20 15:13
同意joe11的关于a two-year low level的解释

作者: lzj1209    时间: 2009-9-14 10:10
up up
对于in two years的解释还是很模糊
当时认为in two years就是表达的是未来可能发生的事,所以才选的C

作者: tietie123    时间: 2010-4-18 22:14
up up~~~~~~~~

作者: saturnor    时间: 2010-8-12 00:18
作者: wtylys    时间: 2011-7-30 21:31
D. the July decrease to a two-year low level
two-year adj.        low adj.
two-year low level:  
1) the level has been low for two years : two-year level + low level  ... Unidomatic
2) away from the intended meaning: the lowest level in two years ......Unclear
-- by 会员 joe11 (2005/1/19 4:04:00)

作者: liwuruiyun    时间: 2015-8-28 19:22

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