有规定一页吗?天啊,我都没看到。。。作者: FightMBA 时间: 2011-9-30 02:47
我想,上面写了You're welcome to write more,并且对于推荐人学校的态度肯定是宽容的我老板对我说的解释是 They ask for so much because they want to make sure that the recommender is serious about your application and has passion for you. 所以学校要的是一种态度和内容吧,还有3天就截止了,筒子们就别太纠结字数页数啦。。。作者: JonFrank 时间: 2011-10-1 11:56
Hello my friend. You should tell your LOR writers NOT To exceed 2 pages. Any longer than two pages (actually, shoot for 1 or 1.5) will make the adcom very sleepy! J So do yourself a favor, and stick to less than two pages. 250 words is about half a page—so you can do the math from here. 2 pages max for a LOR—750 words, give or take…
Jon Frank HBS 2005作者: FightMBA 时间: 2011-10-3 01:34