
标题: Season 1——manhattan 15(travel inspire Christie)(已结贴) [打印本页]

作者: 毛毛carina    时间: 2011-9-17 00:03
标题: Season 1——manhattan 15(travel inspire Christie)(已结贴)
15. With her archaeologist husband,travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie; travelers to Egypt can still stay at the Old Cataract Hotel, the model for the hotel in one of Christie's most famous books.
A. With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie
B. Agatha Christie used her travels with herarchaeologist husband to inspire several mystery novels
C. Because her husband was an archaeologist, Agatha Christie was able to use their travels as inspiration for several of hermystery novels
D. Together with her archaeologist husband, Agatha Christie was inspired to incorporate their travel into several of hermystery novels
E. Agatha Christie's travels with herarchaeologist husband served as inspiration for several of her mystery novels

This sentence has a modifier error. At the beginning of the sentence, “with her archaeologist husband” acts as an adverbial modifier of the main verb “inspired.” How did travels inspire her novels? The travels did so with her husband, a nonsensical meaning. Also, when such a modifier contains the pronoun “her,” the logical antecedent, Agatha Christie, must follow the comma instead of “travels.”
(A) This choice is incorrect as it repeats the original sentence.
(B) This choice illogically states that the travels somehow inspired the novels themselves, but the novels are inanimate objects; travel cannot inspire inanimate objects. Rather, Christie was inspired by her travels.
(C) This choice introduces a false cause-effect statement. According to this choice, Christie “was able to use their travels as inspiration” because her husband was an archaeologist, which is not the most logical statement. It might be logical that she would travel because of her husband’s profession, or that she would be able to use their travels as inspiration because she was an imaginative writer. But the link between his work as an archaeologist and her ability to use something as inspiration is unclear.
(D) This choice seems to indicate that Christie and her husband were inspired to write the novels together. This cannot be the case because this choice also clearly states that they are "her mystery novels," not both of theirs.
(E) CORRECT. This choice corrects the original modifier error by placing “with her archaeologist husband” immediately after “travels.” Doing so turns the prepositional phrase into a noun modifier of the correct noun. Using “Agatha Christie’ travels” as the subject of the independent clause before the semicolon, the meaning is clear: her travels served as inspiration for her novels.



如本题中的with, because, together with.
1)比如逻辑上应该是旅游,而不是她的丈夫给她灵感。因此A选项,旅游和丈夫一起(with: 协同、一起)给她灵感是不对的,同理C选项,因为(because:表达直接因果关系)丈夫才有灵感也不对。
2)而被启发的是Christie,而不能她的小说(小说没有生命,不能被启发),也不是他的丈夫。因此B选项“启发小说”,错误。D选项“丈夫也被启发”(together with: 同样地、也、一同地),错误。


inspire (from LDOCE):
(1) to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something
(2) to give someone the idea for something, especially a story, painting, poem etc
(3) to make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way

Agatha Christie用旅途启发”小说”,启发的是谁的小说呢?句子没有说明白。表意不清,同样是错误的。而相比E选项,表意非常清晰,用了her mystery novels,表明是Christie的小说。

1."travel有husband?"—— 2011finish
with做伴随修饰traves,很明显错误,travels 怎么能有老公? 而且从逻辑角度分析,travel是个客观事件不能主观的影响一部小说,只能是人主观的被一件事件影响”——bbfcsak
这里一定要注意,her不是指代travels,her只能指代Agatha Christie。所以不是travels的老公,而是Agatha Christie的老公。。。只是travels协同老公给它灵感,这个表达Nonsensical.

2. “主动优于被动”,“动词优于名词”——bbfcsak
"served as inspiration for 不如直接说 to inspire 简洁"——纳丁Cat
关于动词优于名词:动词和名词所表现出来的区别是很subtle的,一个动态,一个静态,bbfcsak仔细体会一下,其实这里用静态更好,因为是描述功能。(类似的to do和for doing,前者表示动态,后者表示静态,哪个更好,也是取决于逻辑含义的)。

3. “served as 直接跟在herarchaeologist husband 后面,有修饰husband的嫌疑。 ”——纳丁Cat
其实serve是动词,它只能refer to the subject "Agatha Christie's travels". 粗心了吧~

功能词、限定词在GMAT里非常重要,不仅仅SC,在CR,RC中也有同等重要的地位。例如本题中,注意用her和用the来修饰novels的区别,注意用with和together with和because表明的不同逻辑含义,可以很容易判断出错误逻辑。


作者: helio5    时间: 2011-9-17 10:18
作者: alex168    时间: 2011-9-17 10:21
作者: 2011finish    时间: 2011-9-17 11:10
A travel有husband?
B 鼓励了several mystery novels?
C because没这个逻辑,这里
D was inspired被动,被谁?结合?书提前写好了?
作者: sandychen168    时间: 2011-9-17 17:20

作者: bbfcsak    时间: 2011-9-18 03:51
a,with做伴随修饰traves,很明显错误,travels 怎么能有老公? 而且从逻辑角度分析,travel是个客观事件不能主观的影响一部小说,只能是人主观的被一件事件影响。

然后b,Agatha Christie used her travels with her archaeologist husband to inspire several mystery novels。
somebody used something to do something,结构正确,由于小说已经写完了,事情是发生在过去,所以时态也正确,所以次答案为最优选项。

作者: nhelpn    时间: 2011-9-18 09:21
作者: hnhrc1    时间: 2011-9-18 09:37
作者: chlegend    时间: 2011-9-18 09:42

A的by似乎是和inspire搭配,我的第一理解是travel通过Agatha Christie来inspire novel

B改变原句意思,Agatha Christie不是有意识地利用travel来inspire XXXX


D改变了travel和novel之间的关系,作者想表达travel inspired novel,而D选项的意思是把“旅行写进小说里”。
作者: 若雪    时间: 2011-9-18 13:10
15. With her archaeologist husband,travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie; travelers toEgypt can still stay at the Old Cataract Hotel, the model for the hotel in oneof Christie's most famous books.
        A       With her archaeologist husband, travelsinspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie
        B       Agatha Christie used her travels with herarchaeologist husband to inspire several mystery novels
        C       Because her husband was an archaeologist,Agatha Christie was able to use their travels as inspiration for several of hermystery novels
        D      Together with her archaeologist husband,Agatha Christie was inspired to incorporate their travel into several of hermystery novels
        E       Agatha Christie's travels with herarchaeologist husband served as inspiration for several of her mystery novels
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/9/17 0:03:16)

A travels做主语with her husband, 逻辑主语不匹配
B AC激发了她的创作...逻辑意思不对
C 看到because囧了下,句子无因果关系,逻辑错误。their无指代
D their无指代。
E 看到AC's travels虽然不舒服了下,扫到后面有Her指代前面AC'S,并无较大的错误,就它了~
作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-9-18 21:28
Season one——manhattan 15
15. With her archaeologist husband,travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie; travelers toEgypt can still stay at the Old Cataract Hotel, the model for the hotel in oneof Christie's most famous books.
       A       With her archaeologist husband, travelsinspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie
       B       Agatha Christie used her travels with herarchaeologist husband to inspire several mystery novels
       C       Because her husband was an archaeologist,Agatha Christie was able to use their travels as inspiration for several of hermystery novels
       D      Together with her archaeologist husband,Agatha Christie was inspired to incorporate their travel into several of hermystery novels
       E       Agatha Christie's travels with herarchaeologist husband served as inspiration for several of her mystery novels


A with开头,逻辑主语应该是AC,travels错误。

B 正确

C Because her husband was an archaeologist,并不是因为他的丈夫是考古学家,AC才能够用旅行激发灵感,改变语意。

D 被动不好,显得AC被其他一些文中没有提到的东西激发了。

E  served as inspiration for 不如直接说 to inspire 简洁;served as 直接跟在herarchaeologist husband 后面,有修饰husband的嫌疑。
作者: andrewstudio    时间: 2011-9-19 19:57
作者: ropingmoon    时间: 2011-9-20 02:20
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-12-2 23:43
作者: maxiv    时间: 2011-12-14 17:42
15. With her archaeologist husband,travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie
   ; travelers to Egypt can still stay at the Old Cataract Hotel, the model for the hotel in one of Christie's most famous books.

A. With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie
   travels 和husband 平行了,错。而且with应该不可以连接两个main clause

B. Agatha Christie used her travels with her archaeologist husband to inspire several mystery novels

C. Because her husband was an archaeologist, Agatha Christie was able to use their travels as inspiration for several of hermystery novels

D. Together with her archaeologist husband, Agatha Christie was inspired to incorporate their travel into several of her mystery novels

E. Agatha Christie's travels with her archaeologist husband served as inspiration for several of her mystery novels
   主语是travel,所以后面的her没有指代对象了(找到了所有格的错误,oh yeah)

作者: 南瓜0729    时间: 2011-12-20 20:37
15. With her archaeologist husband,travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie; travelers to Egypt can still stay at the Old Cataract Hotel, the model for the hotel in one of Christie's most famous books.
A. With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie    the sentence doesn‘t make sense
B. Agatha Christie used her travels with herarchaeologist husband to inspire several mystery novels
C. Because her husband was an archaeologist, Agatha Christie was able to use their travels as inspiration for several of hermystery novels  句子之间没有因果关系
D. Together with her archaeologist husband, Agatha Christie was inspired to incorporate their travel into several of hermystery novels 无先行词
E. Agatha Christie's travels with herarchaeologist husband served as inspiration for several of her mystery novels  不简洁
作者: zhitaochen    时间: 2013-6-16 02:35
E. Agatha Christie's travels with herarchaeologist husband served as inspiration for several of her mystery novels

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